
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
Bangladesh: Universal health-care coverage is feasible bangladesh

D+C - Development + Cooperation /24.04.2017) If the international community is serious about reducing inequality, health care cannot be left to market forces. Solidarity matters. In Bangladesh, the civil-society organisation Gonoshasthaya Kendra is proving that universal coverage is possible.…

Health, Health insurance, Extension of coverage extending coverage… monitor
Bruselas propone cuatro meses adicionales de permiso retribuido para cuidar a los hijos european union

El País (26.04.2017) El Ejecutivo comunitario aprovecha el Brexit para lanzar una directiva de conciliación y pretende establecer un mínimo común de baja por paternidad

Family benefits monitor
Disability management is paying off Asia

The Star Online (01.05.2017) Malaysia has spearheaded the handling of disability management for disabled workers in the Asean region by having a more inclusive and integrative approach.

Disability, Occupational accidents and diseases… monitor
Österreich: Familienleistungen stiegen seit 2000 um über 50 Prozent austria

Kurier (12.04.2017) Wifo-Berechnungen: Pro Kind gab Österreich 2015 um 65 Prozent mehr Geld aus als im Jahr 2000.

Family benefits… monitor
France: Coup de frein de la justice européenne à la lutte contre la fraude aux travailleurs détachés france

Le Monde (27.04.2017) Les autorités françaises ne pourront plus suspendre les certificats de détachement des travailleurs même en cas de situation frauduleuse.

Employment, Migration megatrends, migration… monitor
Commission readies new parental leave rules to replace axed maternity bill european union

EurActiv (24.04.2017) Two years after the European Commission scrapped its own proposal for new EU maternity leave rules, the EU executive is getting ready to replace it with new measures, including some focused on getting more fathers to take leave.

Family benefits… monitor
Emploi : la terrible prédiction de la Banque mondiale

Les Echos (02.05.2017) L’automatisation pourrait faire disparaître près de 70 % des emplois dans les pays en voie de développement, selon le directeur de l’institution.

Unemployment digital economy… monitor
[Publication] Innovating EU Social Protection Systems through ICTs. Findings from analysis of case studies in fourteen Member States european union (2017) This issue presents results from the analysis of selected case studies on how ICT-enabled social innovations promoting social investment can contribute to the modernisation of social protection systems in the EU

Information and communication technology, Service quality services quality… monitor
China pension fund revenue grows 25 percent in first quarter china (25.04.2017) Chinese pension funds drew 970.8 billion yuan ($141.06 billion) in revenue in the first quarter, an increase of 25.4 percent from the same period last year, state news agency Xinhua quoted the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security as saying.

Pensions, Investment monitor
Côte d’Ivoire: lancement de la phase expérimentale de la couverture maladie universelle côte d'ivoire (26.04.2017) La phase expérimentale de la Couverture maladie universelle (CMU) a été lancée, mardi, à l’Université Nangui Abrogoua (au Nord d’Abidjan) par le Premier ministre ivoirien Amadou Gon Coulibaly, a constaté APA sur place dans la capitale économique ivoirienne.

Extension of coverage extending coverage monitor
ILO: New technologies and the dynamics of job creation

ILO blog (02.05.2017) The recent wave of innovation and technological change has sparked a lively debate on the future of work. Some believe that technological innovations will destroy jobs on a massive scale, forecasting a jobless future.

Employment, Information and communication technology digital economy, published… monitor
Swiss pension funds, insurers offered 2°C climate alignment tests switzerland (03.05.2017) Swiss government authorities are offering the country’s pension funds and insurers an opportunity to test their equity and corporate bond portfolios to see if they are compatible with the 2°C maximum global warming target under the international climate change agreement…

Pensions, Investment… monitor
Suisse: La loi rend les retraites plus flexibles switzerland

Bilan (05.05.2017) La réforme Prévoyance vieillesse 2020 prévoit plusieurs dispositions nouvelles, dont l’aménagement individuel du moment du départ à la retraite et des versements partiels.… monitor
[Opinion] Emploi: pourquoi l’Allemagne fait mieux que la France france, germany

Les Echos (25.04.2017) Ce ne sont ni les bas salaires ni les inégalités qui expliquent le plein-emploi en Allemagne. La performance allemande vient de la santé de son industrie manufacturière.… monitor
Accurate occupational data vital to save lives, says UN labour agency on World Day

United Nations News Centre (28.04.2017) Even though more than 2.3 million fatalities and 300 million accidents resulting in injuries are estimated to occur in workplaces around the globe each year, the actual impact remains largely unknown, the United Nations International Labour Organization…

Occupational accidents and diseases monitor
The head of the World Bank is pushing a terrifying prediction for jobs in developing countries

Business Insider (01.05.2017) World Bank president Jim Yong Kim said about two-thirds of jobs in the developing world may be lost to automation.

Unemployment digital economy, published… monitor
France: Un embryon de protection sociale pour les travailleurs ubérisés france

Libération (07.05.2017) Un décret prévoit que les sites cotiseront pour les accidents du travail et la formation des indépendants qui travaillent pour eux. La disposition est loin de soulever l'enthousiasme des principaux concernés.

Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes, Inequalities extending coverage, digital economy… monitor
UK: Jobs hold fast in shadow of Brexit … for now

EurActiv (24.04.2017) Britain’s labour market has so far been resilient, but salaries could fall as a result of increased competition after the country exits the EU.… monitor
Asia Development Bank to promote universal health care in Asia-Pacific Asia

Japan Times (04.05.2017) In response to rapidly aging populations in Asia and the Pacific, the government and the Asian Development Bank have agreed to cooperate on strengthening efforts to boost universal health coverage in the regions based on Japan’s health system.

Extension of coverage extending coverage… monitor
Le chômage a baissé dans 23 pays européens... mais pas en France france

Le Figaro (02.05.2017) Entre mars 2016 et mars 2017, le taux de chômage s'est établi à 8 % dans l'Union européenne : c'est son taux le plus faible depuis janvier 2009.

Unemployment… monitor
Health system 'failing' obese Australians australia (06.05.2017) The Australian health system is failing people struggling with obesity, a conference of physicians will hear this week.

Health… monitor
US: 80 years into Social Security, Trump faces overburdened system (27.04.2017) More than eight decades after President Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced Social Security to the United States, the country's principal retirement and disability assistance program is again facing an uncertain future.… monitor
Sénégal: Couverture maladie universelle - La campagne nationale d’adhésion aux mutuelles de santé lancée senegal

Le Soleil (08.05.2017) Couverture maladie universelle : La campagne nationale d’adhésion aux mutuelles de santé lancée

Health, Health insurance, Extension of coverage extending coverage… monitor
UK: The gig economy: “Free-riding on the welfare state” united kingdom (10.05.2017) Due to the calling of a snap general election, the Work and Pensions Committee has curtailed its inquiry and has now published its report on the gig economy and its use of self-employment. The report is somewhat damning of companies that utilise the gig economy model.…

Employment, Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes digital economy, published monitor
Trinidad and Tobago: Health care system in crisis latin america, trinidad and tobago

Trinidad Express Newspapers (06.05.2017) Billions spent by successive administrations have not addressed fundamental problems that have plagued the country's hospitals and health centres for decades.

Health monitor