
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
México: Sólo 25% de población en vejez recibe pensión económica mexico

Jornada UNAM (28.08.2016) Con motivo del Día Nacional del Adulto Mayor, que se conmemora este 28 de agosto, Verónica Montes de Oca, del Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales (IIS), y Marissa Vivaldo Martínez, académica de la Facultad de Estudios Superiores (FES) Zaragoza de la UNAM, señalaron…

Old-age pensions poverty… monitor
UK: MPs say cuts are 'false economy' in drive to improve poor people's health

The Guardian (01.09.2016) Health select committee says government must fulfil health pledges and take on big industry interests to tackle childhood obesity and diabetes

Health poverty… monitor
Migrant women of Viet Nam claim social protection and rights vietnam (24.08.2016) An estimated 40 – 50 per cent of migrants in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, the two biggest cities in Viet Nam, are women, and they face distinct challenges. Low and unstable incomes and lack of social protection make them particularly vulnerable to abuse and exploitation.…

Migration migration… monitor
France: Economie collaborative - la protection sociale de l'auto-entrepreneur sur la table france

L'Express (08.09.2016) Alors que la loi Travail a instauré une responsabilité sociale des plateformes collaboratives, des réunions de travail vont se tenir avec le gouvernement pour en définir les détails. Le point sur les pistes envisagées

Employment, Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes extending coverage, digital economy… monitor
[Opinion] Harmonising Nigeria's Social Protection Programmes - A case for the IDP's nigeria

YNaija (30.08.2016) Recently the United Nations, through its special Rappouteur on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons (IDP’s), Professor Beyani Chaloka, called on the Government of Nigeria to put in place a comprehensive and coordinated approach in addressing the problems of…

Governance and administration… monitor
UK pensions dashboard platform to launch March 2017 united kingdom

Reuters (10.09.2016) A common platform to enable British savers to group all their pension pots in one place and potentially recover 400 million pounds ($530 million) in lost savings should be ready by March 2017, Britain's finance ministry said on Sunday

Pensions monitor
ILO: Universal social protection already a reality in many developing countries

ILO (06.09.2016) At a high level conference on universal social protection ILO Director-General Guy Ryder has told delegates that: “In 2016, a lack of social protection is completely unacceptable. This has to change, and this can change.”… monitor
Pensions and aageing populations: the problem explained

Financial Times (28.08.2016) If demographics are destiny, as academics are fond of saying, then large parts of the developed world are facing a challenging fate.

Old-age pensions, Population ageing megatrends… monitor
La Chine enregistre une réduction des accidents du travail china

People Daily (24.08.2016) La situation de la sécurité sur les lieux de travail s'est améliorée pendant les cinq dernières années, avec moins d'accidents et de morts enregistrés, selon des statistiques publiées par le Bureau national de contrôle de la sécurité du travail (BCST)

Occupational accidents and diseases monitor
Suisse: Alain Berset veut limiter les coûts de la santé switzerland

TDG (02.09.2016) Le conseiller fédéral souhaite s'attaquer à la marge de distribution des produits remboursés par l'assurance.

Health, Financing monitor
[Opinion] Suisse: Le deuxième pilier fond, renforçons les rentes de l’AVS switzerland

Le Temps (06.09.2016) Unia propose de renforcer les rentes AVS avec son initiative AVSplus soumise au peuple le 25 septembre. Tribune de sa présidente Vania Alleva

Pensions, Social policies & programmes managing reforms… monitor
France: Sécurité sociale : le montant des fraudes a doublé depuis 2011 france (15.09.2016) La fraude a coûté plus d’un milliard d’euros à la protection sociale en 2015. Les ventes de médicaments sont le principale source.

Error, evasion and fraud, Governance and administration… monitor
[Opinion] Is it time to extend maternity leave across Europe? european union

RurActiv (13.09.2016) The rights of pregnant women and new mothers in the workplace need to be protected in a way that ensures the health of the both mother and child, while not damaging the woman’s career prospects or harming business, write Lucy Strang and Miriam Broeks.

Family benefits, Parental leave megatrends… monitor
Union européenne : Vers de meilleures statistiques sociales pour une Europe sociale european union (24.08.2016) La Commission européenne a adopté aujourd'hui une proposition de règlement concernant de nouveaux moyens intégrés de collecte et d'utilisation de données provenant d'enquêtes sociales, en vue de mieux étayer le processus d'élaboration des…

Governance and administration… monitor
[Opinion] The European Welfare State Has a Future Again european union

Bloomberg View (09.09.2016) In the years since the 2008-09 financial crisis, cracks have appeared in the global hegemony of neoliberalism. The pressure to favor free markets and reject the social-welfare model (whose history I described in Part 1 of this article) has moderated somewhat.… monitor
Et si demain la Finlande adoptait le revenu de base ? finland

France Inter (04.09.2016) En Suisse, en Californie et France, le débat sur le revenu de base revient régulièrement depuis plusieurs mois. Le gouvernement finlandais passe, lui, à la vitesse supérieure.

Social assistance, Social policies & programmes megatrends monitor
[Opinion] Pensions: Fade to grey

The Economist (23.09.2016) It costs a lot more to fund a modern retirement. Employers, workers and governments are not prepared

Pensions… monitor
Congo: Protection sociale - le projet Lisungi sera bientôt étendu à l’échelle nationale congo

adiac-congo (10.09.2016) Fort des résultats probants obtenus dans sa phase expérimentale, Lisungi, système de filets sociaux, bénéficie d’un financement additionnel de la part de la Banque mondiale (BM) d’un montant de 10 millions de dollars américain, soit plus de 5 milliards FCFA

Extension of coverage extending coverage… monitor
New Canada pension plan will increase earning cap, benefit canada

Reuters (19.09.2016) The Canadian government's plan to increase workers' retirement benefits will raise the limit on eligible wages by 14 percent, officials said on Monday, as the country looks to bolster its retirement system amid worries people are not saving enough.

Pensions monitor
Guyana hosts regional consultation on social protection Americas

Antigua Observer (16.09.2016) Guyana will host a one-day regional consultation on the establishment of a regional tripartite social dialogue mechanism and a regional social protection floor.… monitor
Health care in Rwanda: An African trailblazer rwanda

The Economist (17.09.2016) How a poor country brought health insurance to 91% of the population

Health… monitor
World Bank, ILO launch global partnership for universal social protection (19.09.2016) At this year's UN General Assembly , world leaders will launch an unprecedented effort to roll out universal social protection in countries all around the world. Heads of state, the World Bank Group and International Labour Organization will convene on Wednesday 21…

Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes extending coverage monitor
Malaysia: 44% workers not covered by any scheme, says EPF malaysia

The Star Online (12.08.2016) An alarming number of Malaysian workers – well over six million who are self-employed or in the semi-formal sector – are not covered by any retirement scheme due to a lack of a comprehensive social protection system.… monitor
Does social protection also make economic sense? The case of Uganda uganda (02.09.2016) A large share of the population in Uganda is still economically vulnerable, despite a remarkable reduction in poverty in recent decades.

Extension of coverage extending coverage, poverty… monitor
South Africa: Cosatu praises ACDP’s ‘progressive’ proposal for more parental leave south africa

BDlive (23.09.3016) The more generous parental and adoption leave that the African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) has proposed in a private member’s bill, has been hailed by union federation Cosatu as "correct and progressive"

Family benefits, Parental leave megatrends… monitor