
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
Bangladesh: Thrust on taking climate-sensitive social protection schemes Asia, bangladesh

thefinancialexpress (02.10.2016) Speakers at a discussion on Sunday underscored the need for making the existing social protection programmes more climate sensitive by taking community-based adaptive social protection schemes to address poverty and cope with the aftermath of any disaster

Social assistance, Shocks & extreme events climate change… monitor
El envejecimiento en América Latina latin america

Telesur (02.10.2016) En el 2050 se espera que unos 2 mil millones de personas tengan más de 60 años. El envejecimiento en la población hace necesario la implementación de políticas dirigidas a este sector.

Old-age pensions, Population ageing megatrends… monitor
Ghana: NDC to roll-out additional social protection initiatives ghana

Ghana Web (26.09.2016) The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has affirmed that under its next government structure (2017-2021) it would roll-out additional social protection initiatives to sustain the livelihood of the vulnerable and lift others out of poverty.

Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes extending coverage… monitor
Egypt: Government plans to expand social protection networks: Prime Minister egypt

dailynewsegypt (05.10.2016) The government plans to expand the implementation of social protection networks through providing social safety programmes for the most needy groups, said Prime Minister Sherif Ismail.

Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes, Inequalities extending coverage… monitor
Kenya student: How health insurance saved my life kenya (10.10.2016) Eighteen-year-old high school student Edger Mulili says he would not be alive today if his father had not contributed $5 (£4) a month to a government health insurance scheme in Kenya.

Health, Health insurance, Extension of coverage extending coverage monitor
Canada: CCOHS launches website to bring health, work, wellness together canada

cos-mag (05.10.2016) The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) has released a new Healthy Workplaces website that brings together some of the best information, tools and resources available to help employers, workers and practitioners participate in making their workplaces…

Occupational accidents and diseases… monitor
Action sociale : la Guinée se dote enfin d’une politique nationale de protection sociale guinea

Guinéenews (30.09.2016) Mieux vaut tard que jamais. A l’instar de nombreux pays africains et du monde, la Guinée va se doter d’une politique nationale de protection sociale. En conclave durant deux jours depuis ce 28 septembre 2016, les acteurs concernés comptent définir les mesures, stratégies…… monitor
France: Auto-entrepreneurs : vers une meilleure protection sociale ? france (05.10.2016) Les auto-entrepreneurs représentent désormais près de la moitié des travailleurs indépendants. Nombre d'entre eux travaillent dans les quartiers prioritaires de la politique de la ville. Afin de favoriser le développement de ce régime et mieux l'encadrer, la…… monitor
Ghana: MOGCSP Hosts Inaugural Social Protection Dialogue ghana (04.10.2016) Mrs Nana Oye Lithur, Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection, has commended the World Bank and other development partners for supporting government in its efforts at eradicating poverty in Ghana.

Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes extending coverage monitor
UK: Women do four years more work than men in lifetime, report shows

The Guardian (22.09.2016) A young woman entering the job market today can expect to do an average of four years more work than her male peers over her working lifetime, according to a report.… monitor
France: Emploi des jeunes - la Cour des comptes pointe l'inefficacité des aides france

L'Obs (06.10.2016) Dans un rapport dévoilé ce mercredi, la Cour des comptes préconise de simplifier et repenser les aides à l'emploi pour les jeunes en intensifiant la formation tout en réduisant l'accompagnement.

Employment of young workers youth employment, poverty, megatrends… monitor
Dignity, not poverty – the cash grants helping Uganda's older generation uganda

The Guardian (10.10.2016) A programme of small cash transfers is having a big impact, empowering Uganda’s vulnerable older people

Extension of coverage, Social assistance, Conditional cash transfers extending coverage, poverty… monitor
UK: Single body to advise public on pensions and debt united kingdom

BBC News (09.10.2016) A new financial guidance service to provide advice on pensions, managing debts and other money issues is to be created by the government.

Pensions monitor
Europe’s health systems on life support european union

Politico (06.10.2016) Europe’s health care systems aren’t feeling very well. Doctors have been threatening massive strikes in Britain to protest pay and conditions. Italian regions are going bankrupt trying to fund medicines. Drugmakers are pulling diabetes drugs from Germany, blaming government…

Health… monitor
France: Professionnels libéraux : vers une protection sociale renforcée ? france

Les Echos (08.10.2016) Avec le projet de loi de financement de la Sécurité sociale pour 2017, la couverture sociale obligatoire des artisans et commerçants serait étendue aux professions libérales non réglementées.

Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes extending coverage… monitor
Panamá será sede del Foro Mundial de la Seguridad Social 2016 panama

Metro Libre (09.10.2016) Panamá acogerá el Foro Mundial de la Seguridad Social del 14 al 18 de noviembre próximo, en el que se estudiará los desafíos y el futuro del sistema por parte de más de mil expertos de 155 países, informaron hoy sus organizadores.… monitor
UK: Pensions revolution: Ministers plan shake-up to get savers investing in building projects united kingdom (08.10.2016) Radical pension reforms are being prepared by the Government to help millions of savers get better returns, The Sunday Telegraph has learnt.

Investment, Pensions… monitor
Pakistan shares its universal health coverage model with regional countries pakistan

The News (05.10.2016) Pakistan has taken a major step in the realm of universal health coverage by launching the National Health Insurance Initiative, which caters to the health needs of population living below the poverty line through provision of free health services in the public and private…

Extension of coverage extending coverage… monitor
France: Dégressivité des allocations chômage, une fausse bonne idée? france

La Tribune (06.10.2016) Une étude de l'OFCE vient contredire quelques idées sur les bienfaits qu'entraînerait l'instauration de la dégressivité des allocations chômage. Selon son auteur, l'impact serait limité sur le redressement des finances du régime et l’accélération du…

Unemployment megatrends… monitor
US: Why Men Are Scared to Take Paternity Leave United States

Bloomberg (10.10.2016) One would think that if given the paid time off to care for their newborns, men would take it. But even at the rarified companies that offer paternity or parental leave, new dads don't often take advantage of the benefit. Why not? Sure, there's the cultural…

Family benefits… monitor
France: La réforme des retraites occasionnera aussi des surcoûts france

Reuters (12.10.2016) Le recul de 60 à 62 ans de l'âge légal de la retraite occasionnera des surcoûts allant jusqu'à 2,1 milliards d'euros par an sous la forme de suppléments de pensions d'invalidité et de minima sociaux, selon la direction des études (Drees) du ministère des…

Pensions monitor
What do we really know about income inequality?

ILO Work In Progress (07.10.2016) If you watch the news or read the papers, chances are you have heard about income inequality. The issue is complex and polarizing. But what does income inequality really mean?

Extension of coverage, Inequalities poverty, extending coverage monitor
US: 'Big data' could mean big problems for people's healthcare privacy United States (11.10.2016) The future of the U.S. healthcare system will be influenced to a large extent by a company that makes weapons of war.

Health, Information and communication technology… monitor
Côte d'Ivoire: Salon de l'emploi, l'absence de protection sociale pour le plus grand nombre des ivoiriens déplorée côte d'ivoire

Koaci Infos (04.10.2016( Plusieurs jeunes diplômés en quête d’emploi ont pris d’assaut l’Hôtel ivoire pour être témoin de cet important évènement qui a selon la Directrice générale, fondatrice de la maison des chefs d’entreprises organisatrice de ce salon, Yolande Canon, une vision et des…

Employment of young workers youth employment… monitor
España: Ciudadanos pide a Uber que no relaje los niveles de protección social en sus trabajadores spain

La información (11.10.2016) Ciudadanos y Uber han mantenido este martes una reunión en el Congreso en la que la empresa ha trasladado sus propuestas ante la previsible regulación del sector del transporte urbano, mientras que la formación política ha pedido no descuidar las condiciones laborales…

Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes, Inequalities extending coverage… monitor