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Suve – chatbot by eeBot rruggia

Suve  is an automated chatbot, whose main task is to make sure that you and everyone living in or visiting Estonia get their questions answered from official sources. Suve has been integrated into several public websites. During the emergency situation related to COVID-19, she helps to provide accurate and trustworthy information in English, Estonian and Russian.


covid19 Artificial intelligence, E-services estonia
Implementation of the national AuroraAI programme - Valtiovarainministeriö - Valtiovarainministeriö rruggia

Implementation of the national AuroraAI programme The aim of the Aurora national artificial intelligence (AI) programme is to implement an operations model based on people’s needs, where artificial intelligence helps citizens and companies to utilise services in a timely and ethically sustainable manner. The activities of the relevant authorities will be organised in such a way that they support people’s life-events and companies’ business-related events, facilitating seamless, effective and smoothly functioning service paths consisting of the services of several service providers. This will provide people with access to a new way of taking care of their overall well-being and, at the same time, will promote service providers’ ability to form customer-oriented and dynamic service chains in collaboration with other operators and to manage their activities based on up-to-date information.

AuroraAI will strengthen our ability to solve difficult issues in our society relating, for example, to the national economy’s sustainability gap, the aging population or the social exclusion of young people. This will be made possible by creating snapshots across administrative boundaries about people’s true needs and the state of their well-being. Creating such a snapshot will require a new kind of utilisation of information, data analytics and other applications of artificial intelligence. At the same time, services will be allocated efficiently from the point of view of central government finances, and the waste and underutilisation of resources will be removed.

egovernment Artificial intelligence finland
Cambodia: Additional Support for Workers and to Revive Economy siha

Asean Briefing (05.08.2020) Under the fifth stimulus package, the government has extended its financial support for private sector employees, in particular, those in the garment, textiles, and footwear industries. Introduced under the previous stimulus package, companies who want to suspend employment contracts must first submit an application to the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training (MLVT). The suspended employees are then eligible to receive monthly subsidies. This program has now been extended through the latest economic package until September 2020. Suspended employees are entitled to the following monthly subsidies: US$15 for 7-10 days of employment suspension; US$30 for 11-20 days of employment suspension; and US$40 for 21 days to one month of employment suspension.

covid19, Emergency grants, extending coverage, labour markets Unemployment, Extension of coverage, Cash transfers, COVID-19 cambodia
Cambodia: Govt. takes measures to cover 20% of minimum wages for workers/employees in the tourism sector as Covid-19 causes financial losses siha

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre (03.04.2020) The government announced ... a measure to assist minimum wage workers employed in the tourism sector amid COVID-19 fears. It said in a statement the government will pay 20 percent of the workers’ minimum wages as the tourism sector deals with loss of income. The statement said the financial measure will apply to those who are suspended from their jobs at hotels, guesthouses, restaurants and travel agencies.

covid19, Emergency grants, labour markets, youth employment Unemployment, Cash transfers cambodia
Bolivia: Decreto Supremo 4298: Incentivos tributarios para la reactivación económica y el empleo - Noticias mmarquez (28.07.2020) El Decreto Supremo 4298 del 24 de julio del 2020, crea incentivos tributarios para la reactivación económica y crea también un régimen tributario promocionar la creación de nuevas empresas. Además, fomentar el consumo y producción de bienes hechos en Bolivia. Consolida el pago del IVA, IUE e IT en un monotributo de 5% sobre las ventas brutas. Se puede acumular crédito fiscal para su posterior uso del Régimen General. Las compras de productos hechos en Bolivia, permitirá el descargo de RC- IVA con un 20% adicional de Crédito Fiscal. El contribuyente solo puede permanecer 3 años en el Sistema SIETE – RG, debiendo luego pasar al automáticamente al Régimen General.

covid19, self-employed Contribution collection and compliance bolivia
Bolivia: Pruebas de laboratorio necesarias para darse de baja por COVID-19 mmarquez (28.07.2020) El decreto supremo Nr. 4295 establece un procedimiento excepcional para realizar los trámites de baja laborales, en primera instancia se aceptarán las pruebas de PCR y las pruebas rápidas, pero estas deben ser de instituciones o laboratorios autorizados por el Servicio Departamental de Salud (Sedes) de los diferentes departamentos. Los resultados se comparten con la unidad de recursos humanos del lugar de trabajo y la baja se dará por 14 días.

covid19 Health, Cash sickness benefits bolivia
Australia: Temporarily reducing superannuation minimum drawdown rates siha

Australian Taxation Office (29.07.2020) The government is temporarily reducing superannuation minimum drawdown requirements for account-based pensions and similar products by 50% for 2019–20 and 2020–21. This measure will benefit retirees holding these products by reducing the need to sell investment assets to fund minimum drawdown requirements.

adequacy, covid19, economic crisis Old-age pensions, COVID-19, Financial crisis australia
Bolivia: Beneficiarios de Renta Dignidad pueden autorizar a familiares realizar cobro mmarquez (02.08.2020) Para evitar que las personas adultas se contagien en las filas, el beneficiario podrá autorizar a un familiar para el cobro en su representación, mediante nota impresa o escrita a mano, firmada o autorizada con su huella dactilar.

covid19, customer_services Old-age pensions, Service quality, Service delivery, Cash transfers bolivia
Bolivia: Pago anticipado de aguinaldo de la Renta Digniddad mmarquez (31.07.2020) El Decreto Supremo 4303 autoriza, de manera excepcional, el pago anticipado del Aguinaldo de la Renta Dignidad, por la Gestión 2020 a los Beneficiarios de la Renta Universal de Vejez (Renta Dignidad). El aguinaldo normalmente se paga en diciembre, y ahora se adelanta a agosto.

service delivery Old-age pensions, Cash transfers bolivia
Bolivia: Extension of national quarantine until August 31st mmarquez (26.06.2020) El decreto 4302 amplía el plazo de la cuarentena nacional, condicionada y dinámica dispuesto por el Parágrafo I del Artículo 2 del Decreto Supremo N° 4276, de 26 de junio de 2020, hasta el 31 de agosto de 2020.

covid19 Health bolivia
Vietnam: International health insurance required for experts entering Vietnam from August 5, 2020 siha

Viet Nam Social Security (28.07.2020) The National Steering Committee for COVID-19 prevention and control has just issued Official Letter 3949/CV-BCD on strengthening the assurance of COVID-19 epidemic prevention for experts entering Vietnam. Accordingly, the units that invite experts for business ensure that they participate in international health insurance or agencies or organizations must make a commitment to pay their treatment expenses in case of the experts being infected with COVID-19.

covid19, policy reponse Health insurance, COVID-19 vietnam
Australia: Waiting periods continue to be waived siha

Services Australia (28.07.2020) We’ll continue to waive some waiting periods for new claims until 31 December 2020. This includes the: Ordinary Waiting Period, Newly Arrived Resident’s Waiting Period, Seasonal Work Preclusion Period.

Covid19_deconfinement_measures, services quality Extension of coverage, Service quality australia
Australia: Gradual return of mutual obligation requirements siha

Department of Education, Skills and Employment (28.07.2020) Mutual obligation requirements will continue to be gradually introduced. From 4 August 2020, job seekers must be willing to accept any offer of suitable paid work and penalties will now apply if a job seeker refuses a job without a reasonable excuse.

Covid19_deconfinement_measures, job networking, youth employment Unemployment, COVID-19 australia
Australia: Changes to eligibility for some income support payments after 25 September 2020 siha

Services Australia (21.07.2020) The income free area for JobSeeker Payment and Youth Allowance for job seekers will increase to $300 per fortnight. The income free area is currently $106 for JobSeeker Payment and $143 for Youth Allowance. This means you can earn more but still get the maximum payment rates. If you earn above $300 per fortnight, your payment reduces by 60 cents for each dollar over this amount. From 25 September 2020, means testing will be reintroduced. This includes asset testing for all payments.

covid19, Covid19_deconfinement_measures, services quality Service quality, COVID-19 australia
Australia: Changes to the Coronavirus Supplement amount siha

Services Australia (21.07.2020) The Australian Government is extending the Coronavirus Supplement until 31 December 2020. The Coronavirus Supplement of $550 per fortnight is available until 24 September 2020. Beyond this date, the Coronavirus Supplement will be available at $250 per fortnight until 31 December 2020.

covid19, Covid19_deconfinement_measures, Emergency grants, extending coverage Extension of coverage, COVID-19 australia
Australia: JobKeeper extension siha (21.07.2020) On 21 July, the Government announced it is extending the JobKeeper Payment until 28 March 2021 and is targeting support to those businesses and not-for-profits which continue to be significantly impacted by the Coronavirus. From 28 September 2020, eligibility for the JobKeeper Payment will be based on actual turnover in the relevant periods, the payment will be stepped down and paid at two rates.

From 28 September 2020 to 3 January 2021, the payment rate will be $1,200 per fortnight for all eligible employees who were working for 20 hours or more a week. $750 per fortnight for employees who were working for less than 20 hours a week.

From 4 January 2021 to 28 March 2021, the payment rate will be $1,000 per fortnight for all eligible employees who were working for 20 hours or more a week. $650 per fortnight for employees who were working for less than 20 hours a week.

covid19, Covid19_deconfinement_measures, Emergency grants, youth employment Unemployment, Extension of coverage australia
Singapore: The Courage Fund For Lower-Income Households affected by COVID-19 siha

Ministry of Social and Family Development (31.07.2020) The Courage Fund will help lower-income households affected by COVID-19 who meet the following criteria: 1. At least one household member is a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident. 2. At least one household member contracted COVID-19, or was placed on Stay-Home Notice (SHN), mandatory Leave of Absence (LOA) or Home Quarantine Order (QO). 3. [As of 1 June 2020] Household has gross monthly income of ≤$6,200, or gross monthly per capita income of ≤$2,000, prior to being affected by COVID-19. 4. Household experienced a complete or partial (of at least 10%) loss of household income as a result of (2).

One-time lump sum of up to $1,000 (depending on the household's per capita income after being affected by COVID-19), credited into bank account. Applications open from 6 April 2020. Applications should be made within 6 months from the end of the QO.

covid19, poverty Social assistance, Cash transfers, Social protection floor, COVID-19 singapore
Singapore: COVID-19 Support Grant siha

Ministry of Social and Family Development (31.07.2020) COVID-19 Support Grant is paid to Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents, aged 16 years and above, who are presently involuntarily unemployed due to retrenchment or contract termination, or presently on involuntary no-pay leave (NPL) for at least three consecutive months, or presently experiencing reduced monthly salary of at least 30% for at least three consecutive months as a result of the economic impact of COVID-19.

For those who have experienced involuntary job loss or presently on involuntary NPL for a period of at least three consecutive months - Monthly cash grant of up to $800, for 3 months, will be credited into bank account.The cash support quantum will be based on the last-drawn monthly salary, capped at $800.

For those who have experienced income loss of at least 30% for a period of at least three consecutive months - Monthly cash grant of up to $500, for 3 months, will be credited into bank account.The cash support quantum will be based on the last-drawn monthly salary, capped at $500.

covid19, Emergency grants Unemployment, Cash transfers, COVID-19 singapore
Singapore: Self-employed person income relief scheme (SIRS) siha

NTUC (31.07.2020) SIRS helps Singaporean self-employed persons (SEPs) with less means and family support tide over this period of extraordinary economic uncertainty. SEPs to receive $3,000 each in May, July and October 2020. 

SIRS ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA​ Singaporean SEPs can apply for SIRS. The criteria is as follows: Started work as an SEP on or before 25 March 2020; Currently earn a Net Trade Income (NTI) of not more than $100,000; If SEP also has employment (i.e. dual status worker), the income earned as an employee must be not more than $2,300/month;​ Live in a property with an Annual Value not more than $21,000; and Do not own two or more properties. For married Singaporean SEPs, the following additional criteria apply:​ The individual and spouse together do not own two or more properties; and The Assessable Income of his/her spouse does not exceed $70,000.

covid19, self-employed, service delivery Service delivery, Cash transfers, COVID-19 singapore
Germany: German parliament approves basic pension law siha

IPE (02.07.2020) The German parliament, Bundestag, has approved the law for the introduction of the basic pension – Grundrente – from 1 January 2021. The Grundrente is paid in the form of a supplement to pensioners with at least 33 years of contributions to the statutory pension insurance based on periods of employment, child-rearing or care work.


adequacy, family_gender_society, gender_and_inequality Old-age pensions, Service quality, Population ageing germany
Uruguay: Autorizaciones especiales de cobro en junio para mayores de 65 años mmarquez (21.05.2020) Debido a que continúa la situación de emergencia sanitaria, BPS vuelve a dar la posibilidad a quienes tengan 65 años o más y cobren sus prestaciones en redes de cobranza descentralizada o en locales de pago del BPS, que puedan autorizar a otra persona a cobrar sus prestaciones en junio, a través de un sencillo trámite telefónico o por Whatsapp.

covid19 Old-age pensions, E-services, Service quality, Service delivery uruguay
Uruguay: New consultation channels mmarquez (24.07.2020) BPS lanza tres nuevos canales que facilitan el acceso a las consultas de Subsidio por Desempleo: web, WhatsApp y app móvil BPS Personas. Buscando facilitar el acceso a la información, con las dificultades que el contexto de emergencia sanitaria presenta, pensando en las personas y con base en la tecnología que dispone, BPS lanza tres nuevos canales para que sus beneficiarios puedan realizar consultas y obtener información acerca de los Subsidios por Desempleo.  En este sitio web, accediendo a Consultar Subsidio por desempleo para trabajadores y digitando únicamente la cédula y la fecha de nacimiento, se puede ver el estado de las solicitudes de desempleo y el período de cobertura del subsidio. En caso de existir algún inconveniente con la solicitud se le indicará las vías para hacer el reclamo.  Pueden acceder a la misma información a través de WhatsApp enviando la palabra “desempleo” al 092 36 62 72.

covid19, digital platforms E-services, Service quality uruguay
Uruguay: Extension of 3 more months of partial unemployment benefits mmarquez (21.07.2020) Debido a que continúa la situación de emergencia sanitaria, se amplía el régimen especial de subsidio por desempleo para trabajadores que reciban una remuneración por día u hora y para trabajadores con ingresos variables o destajistas por reducción parcial de ingresos. Estas modificaciones regirán desde el 1.° de julio de 2020 hasta el 30 de setiembre.

covid19 Unemployment uruguay
Republic of Korea: Job maintenance cost loan project siha

The Ministry of Employment and Labor (30.07.2020) The Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Korea Labor Welfare Corporation announced that they will accept the loan maintenance project for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with no financial resources due to the temporary management difficulties following the spread of Corona 19. This is to reduce the burden on the employer and strengthen the employment stability of workers by lending funds to employers who have difficulty in paying leave allowances and repaying the loan amount with support for retained employment after the suspension and leave. Eligibility targets are reported to the Employment Center of the Ministry of Employment and Labor, and the employment maintenance plan is announced. Subsequently, as a “priority-supported company” that conducts suspensions and leave of absence, it can be loaned on the condition of at least 1 million won to 100 million won per company per loan loan and 1.5% per year (temporary repayment).

covid19, sustainability, youth employment Unemployment, Employment policies, COVID-19, Financial crisis korea, Republic of
Republic of Korea: Newly established an Emergency livelihood fund loan program for construction workers siha

Ministry of Employment and Labor (30.03.2020) Construction workers are being hit hard by the spread of Covid-19 due to delayed contracts and construction suspensions. Zero-interest loans will be provided to construction workers from mid-April to help their livelihoods, with individual loans capped at KRW 2 million.

covid19, youth employment Unemployment, Employment of young workers, Financial crisis korea, Republic of