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Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2016 on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies ruggia

The objective of this Directive is to harmonise the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies, which requires the harmonisation of different rules currently existing in their respective legal systems.


mobile technologies Information and communication technology, E-services, Service quality european union
50% of citizens in large cities will share personal data with smart city programs by 2019: Gartner ruggia

Half of citizens in million-people cities will benefit from smart city programs by voluntarily sharing their personal data by 2019, according to new research from Gartner Inc., an information technology research and advisory company based in Stamford, Conn.

data management Information and communication technology canada
Data Gravity Pulls to the Cloud ruggia Information and communication technology United States
Tech 'Democratization' Seen Fueling Analytics Boom ruggia

The “democratization” of analytics illustrated by the transition to self-service business intelligence and foolproof BI platforms promises to boost to global analytics market to new heights in 2016 and beyond, market researcher forecast.

Gartner Inc. (NYSE: IT) predicted the worldwide BI and analytics market would reach $16.9 billion this year, up 5.2 percent over 2015. Last month, it projected the “advanced analytics” market would grow at a 14-percent clip this year to $1.5 billion as more data is shared on secure platforms.

data analytics Information and communication technology
How modern analytics will inform government in 2017 ruggia

In 2016, a wave of self-service analytics swept across the enterprise. Governments began embracing the modern approach to business analytics, with IT and public sector leadership partnering to derive maximum value from their data.

Here’s a preview of our predictions for 2017:

  • Modern BI becomes the new normal
  • The era of open data in government arrives
  • Collaborative analytics goes from the fringe to the core
  • Data-driven decision-making explodes in government
  • IT becomes the data hero
  • The transition to the cloud accelerates
  • Advanced analytics becomes more accessible
data analytics, data management Governance and administration, Information and communication technology, Data management
The Rise Of The Freelancer Economy ruggia

Forbes (26.01.2016)  There are 53 million freelancers in America today. By 2020, 50% of the U.S. workforce will be freelancers (this does not mean they are all full-time freelancers, but one of every two workers will be freelancers in some capacity). This on-demand work, instant gig economy is moving more and more into independent professionals that are using mobile and technology to create ecosystems of work they enjoy. Who says you can’t drive an Uber in the morning, design websites all afternoon, and cater your own food company at night? The old economy would lead you to believe that you should pick one job, work hard for the next 40 years at that company, and then retire. Not the new economy. The more diverse your skill set, the more opportunities come your way.

digital platforms Employment, Employment of young workers United States
Why we should all have a basic income | World Economic Forum -treichel

A promise of equal opportunity

“Basic income” would be an amount sufficient to secure basic needs as a permanent earnings floor no one could fall beneath, and would replace many of today’s temporary benefits, which are given only in case of emergency, and/or only to those who successfully pass the applied qualification tests. UBI would be a promise of equal opportunity, not equal outcome, a new starting line set above the poverty line.

The article discusses economic models that have calculated UBI scenarios in the U.S. It argues that UBI  is entirely affordable.

digital platforms Extension of coverage Africa, Americas, United States, Asia, Europe
Argentina: ANSES abonó 39.284 asignaciones familiares a hijos de trabajadores temporarios monitor

tiemposur (05.06.2017) Se trata de aquellas personas que, por diversas situaciones, solo realizan aportes durante algunos meses pero cumplen con los requisitos para cobrarlas todo el año. Las prestaciones corresponden a Hijo e Hijo por Discapacidad.

extending coverage, published Family benefits, Extension of coverage argentina
Etats-Unis: La réforme de l’Obamacare priverait 23 millions d’Américains de couverture maladie monitor

Le Monde (25.05.2017) Le bureau du budget du Congrès a expertisé le texte abrogeant et remplaçant l’Affordable Care Act de 2010. Il doit encore être examiné et voté par le Sénat.

managing reforms, poverty, published Health United States
Mali: AMO - Près de 3 milliards de F CFA pour lutter contre la fraude sur la période 2017-2021 monitor (27.05.2017) Définir un plan stratégique de lutte contre la fraude était l’objectif d’un atelier qui a regroupé la semaine dernière les responsables de la Caisse nationale d’assurance maladie (Canam), de la Caisse malienne de sécurité sociale (CMSS), de l’Institut national de prévoyance sociale (INPS)

published Error, evasion and fraud mali
France: Deux nouvelles maladies professionnelles reconnues dans les tableaux monitor

Miroir Social (29.05.2017) Deux décrets du 5 et du 8 mai 2017 modifient deux tableaux concernant les troubles musculo-squelettiques (les 57 et 79) et deux nouveaux tableaux enrichissent les 114 tableaux existants au titre du régime général : le 52 bis prenant en compte les lésions hépatiques provoquées par le chlorure de vinyle monomère et le 99 permettant la reconnaissance des atteintes hémopathiques (leucémies) provoquées par l’exposition au 1.3 butadiène, attendus depuis longtemps.

published Occupational accidents and diseases france
ILO ruft Arbeitgeber in Sachen Klima zur Verantwortung monitor

Finanz und Wirtschaft (05.06.2017) Der Generaldirektor der internationalen Arbeitsorganisation ILO, Guy Ryder, hat an die Verantwortlichen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt appelliert, sich den Herausforderungen des Klimawandels zu stellen. Er sagte dies nur wenige Tage nach der Ankündigung des amerikanischen Präsidenten Donald Trump, sich aus dem Pariser Klimaabkommen zurückzuziehen.

megatrends, published Inequalities, Shocks & extreme events
Tchad: Le gouvernement veut instaurer une couverture sanitaire universelle monitor

alwihdainfo (30.05.2017) Le gouvernement réfléchi à un système de protection sociale au Tchad, qui permettrait de garantir une couverture de santé à des millions de tchadiens qui en sont dépourvus.

extending coverage Extension of coverage chad
France: Macron - six réformes sociales en 18 mois monitor

Les Echos (06.06.2017) Code du travail, CSG, formation professionnelle, assurance-chômage, apprentissage et retraites… Emmanuel Macron et Edouard Philippe veulent mener six réformes sociales dans les 18 premiers mois du quinquennat. Explications.

managing reforms, published france
India: New Code Proposed to Simplify Laws, Expand Social Security Coverage monitor

Bloomberg BNA (23.05.2017) India's labor ministry has proposed a new Social Security Code that will consolidate 15 existing laws and extend coverage to all categories of employers and workers, including those in India's vast unorganized sector.

managing reforms, published india
Suisse: Après une année 2016 difficile, le 2e pilier reste sous forte pression monitor

Le Temps (09.05.2017) Le rapport annuel de la Commission fédérale de surveillance dresse un tableau alarmant aussi bien pour les institutions de prévoyance que pour les retraités

published Financing switzerland
Higher retirement age vs lower pensions monitor

Al Jazeera (11.06.2017) Insight into the pension problems caused by the positive trend of increased longevity.

Social insurance coverage remains very low in Vienam monitor

Vietnam News )06.06.2017) Both employers and employees need to change their attitude and approach to improve the very low rate of social insurance coverage in the country, experts say.

poverty vietnam
Vietnam: Social insurance contribution rate cut for employers monitor

VietNamNet (09.05.2017) The rate of compulsory social insurance contribution by the employer to the fund for occupational accidents and diseases will be reduced by half a percentage point from June 1, 2017

Ireland: Department of Social Protection earns €300m by reviewing Dublin social welfare claims monitor

Dublin Live (11.06.2017) New figures show the Department of Social Protection netted billions investigating social welfare fraud when Ireland was in the midst of recovering from economic collapse.

Error, evasion and fraud, Governance and administration ireland
Zambia: K3m set aside for social protection programme monitor

Zambia Daily Mail /05.06.2017) GOVERNMENT will be spending over K3 million monthly in Lusaka Province to reach 32,492 beneficiaries under the 2017 social protection programme, Minister of Community Development and Social Services Emerine Kabanshi has said.

Genève internationale : Un Africain relève le défi de la santé mondiale monitor

24heures (28.05.2017) Elu mercredi à la tête de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), l’Ethiopien Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus promet des réformes. Le chantier s’annonce difficile et les contraintes budgétaires pesantes.

published Health
Accidents du travail - une centaine de décès en Tchéquie en 2016 monitor

Radio Prague (13.06.2017) Environ 40 000 employés ont été blessés et 104 personnes ont perdu la vie dans des accidents du travail en 2016. Une situation que décrit un article du journal en ligne Denik Referendum. Selon l’auteur de ce texte, le nouvel amendement au Code du travail, actuellement discuté par les parlementaires, pourrait permettre de mieux garantir la santé des travailleurs.

Occupational accidents and diseases czech republic
[Rapport] France: Les retraités et les retraites - édition 2017 - Panoramas de la DREES monitor (28.05.2017) En 2015, 16 millions de personnes perçoivent une pension de droit direct des régimes de retraite français, soit des effectifs en hausse de 1 % par rapport à 2014. Tous régimes confondus, ces retraités reçoivent une pension moyenne de 1 376 euros (+0,7 % en euros courants par rapport à 2014).

published france
Deutschland: Arbeitsschutz - Nur keinen Stress monitor

Süddeutsche (29.05.2017) Wenn die tägliche Arbeit zu einem Gesundheitsrisiko wird, dann ist er Staat gefragt. Arbeitsschutz-Verordnungen regeln, wie laut es auf Baustellen werden darf, welche chemischen Stoffe Fabrikarbeiter einatmen dürfen oder ob sie sich Laserstrahlen aussetzen müssen. In einer Gefährdungsbeurteilung müssen Arbeitgeber all dies niederlegen, sonst droht ein Bußgeld von 3000 Euro. Die Behörden der Bundesländer kommen zur Kontrolle vorbei.

Occupational accidents and diseases germany