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Nigeria Rolls Out $2 Billion Brazil-Like Social-Welfare Plan monitor

Bloomberg (22.06.2017) Nigeria is rolling out its first national social-welfare program modeled partly on Brazil’s Bolsa Familia in a bid to boost a weak economy and curb poverty by giving cash to its poorest citizens and ensuring their children go to school.

poverty, cct Conditional cash transfers, Inequalities nigeria
5 ways we effectively engaged the Myanmar Government with ageing and social protection policy monitor

HelpAge International (30.06.2017) June is an exciting month for us here in Myanmar. All older people over the age of 90 are now eligible to receive 10,000 Burmese kyat (around US$7) per month from a new universal social pension - the first of its kind in the country. For a lower middle income country where social protection has historically been very limited, this is a major achievement.

extending coverage Extension of coverage, Social assistance, Social policies & programmes myanmar
Finland tests a new form of welfare monitor (24.06.2017) An experiment on the effect of offering the unemployed an unconditional basic income

universal-basic-income Extension of coverage finland
Así funciona la FP dual en Alemania, su fórmula mágica contra el paro juvenil monitor

El País (03.07.2017) Millón y medio de jóvenes estudian una profesión y trabajan a la vez, cobrando entre 400 y 1.000 euros. Las empresas no reciben ningún tipo de incentivo e incorporan al 66% de sus aprendices a sus plantillas

youth employment, published Employment of young workers germany
Philippine Identification System empowers citizens to exercise rights and allows access to services massetti

OpenGovAsia (28.05.2018) The establishment of the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) will enable Filipinos to have proof of identity, to exercise rights and privileges and to access vital services. Education, social protection, healthcare, banking and finance are some of the vital services that can be accessed by the Filipinos once the Philippine Identification System (PhilSys) is established, said one of the principal authors of the measure creating a national identification system in the country.

philippines, the - La Comunidad Líder de Abogados ruggia

Resulta imposible querer  abarcar todas las situaciones existentes en el mundo económico actual con una ley laboral, cuya redacción ya quedo desactualizada, sin perjuicio de las extensiones pretorianas que fue realizando la jurisprudencia a través de los años.  

Nos referimos ahora  al Caso de la famosa plataforma virtual y empresa UBER, que tan en auge esta hoy,  surgiendo entonces el consecuente interrogante desde la disciplina laboral del derecho de preguntarse si existe o no relación laboral entre la empresa UBER y los que deciden usar sus autos por intermedio de la aplicación de la empresa para transportar a usuarios.

digital platforms Employment argentina
ASEAN Social Security Association | Home ruggia

The ASEAN Social Security Association (ASSA) was formed to provide a forum for member institutions to exchange views and experiences on social security issues.

Its members comprise the Social Security Institutions of ASEAN countries namely, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. As a non-government organization, ASSA seeks to promote the development of social security in the region in consonance with the aspirations, laws and regulations of the member countries.

ssptw Governance and administration, Social assistance Asia
Europe: Innovation and tech can create social care services for the future monitor

The Guardian (14.06.2017) Europe’s social services face a challenging time. Angela Merkel is fond of saying that Europe has 7% of the world’s population, 25% of its wealth and 50% of its welfare spending. If the continent is to avoid a continued period of stagnation and austerity, it will need to explore more radical options.

published Information and communication technology, Social assistance european union
OIT: Le taux d'activité des femmes dans le monde est inférieur à 50% monitor

Le Temps (15.06.2017) L’écart entre les femmes et les hommes dans l’accès au travail reste important, révèle un rapport de l’Organisation internationale du travail (OIT)

megatrends, published Family benefits, Employment, Inequalities
Social insurance coverage remains very low in Vietnam monitor

Vietnam News (06.06.2017) Both employers and employees need to change their attitude and approach to improve the very low rate of social insurance coverage in the country, experts say.

poverty, published vietnam
Rain or shine, Asia needs a better umbrella of social protection monitor

OECD Insights Blog (19.06.2017) An Indonesian proverb says that a firm tree does not fear the storm. After the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997/98, Asian economies recovered with strong economic growth (on average 4.2% annually), which over the past decade has contributed to a decline in “absolute poverty” – here defined as those with incomes of less than USD 2 per day.

extending coverage, published Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes Asia
[Opinion] "Le revenu universel accroîtrait la liberté de tous" monitor

L'Obs (17.06.2017) À l’orée du nouveau millénaire, je verse au débat une proposition visant à améliorer le sort du genre humain: l’attribution à chaque individu d’un revenu de base universel (RU) suffisant pour assurer le minimum vital.

basic income Social assistance, Inequalities
[Opinion] «Tous les pays ont les moyens de mettre en place un revenu universel» monitor

EurActiv (16.05.2017) 99% de la population souhaite améliorer ses conditions de vie, ce qui ne devrait pas changer avec l’instauration d’un revenu universel. En revanche, le mécanisme permettrait de mettre fin aux situations de travail ou d’assistanat humiliantes assure Guy Standing à Euractiv Pologne.

basic income, extending coverage, published Extension of coverage, Social assistance, Inequalities
UK paternity leave less generous than Iran, Congo and Burkina Faso, study finds monitor

Independent (13.06.2017) Almost thirty countries, including Iran, Congo and Burkina Faso, offer more favourable benefits for new dads than the UK does, according to new analysis.

megatrends, published Family benefits, Parental leave
OIT: Cumbre en Ginebra discute sobre las mujeres en el trabajo monitor

La 106ª Conferencia Internacional del Trabajo, que continúa aquí sus sesiones, celebra hoy una Cumbre con el fin de discutir la manera de configurar un futuro mejor para las mujeres en el trabajo.

published Employment, Family benefits
'Uberisation' of India's domestic work market has benefits and risks monitor

Reuters (18.12.2016) A booming digital market matching Indian domestic workers wimployers may offer benefits for some housemaids but won't end low wages and discrimination and may exclude the poorest women who don't have smartphones, according to new research.

digital economy Employment policies, Inequalities india
Zambia: K3m set aside for social protection programme monitor

Zambia Daily Mail (05.06.2017) GOVERNMENT will be spending over K3 million monthly in Lusaka Province to reach 32,492 beneficiaries under the 2017 social protection programme, Minister of Community Development and Social Services Emerine Kabanshi has said.

published zambia
Norvège : les retraités cumulent emploi et retraite monitor

francetvinfo (20.06.2017) Repousser l'âge de départ à la retraite, c'est ce qu'a fait la Norvège il y a quelques années. Le pays a totalement repensé son système pour inciter les retraités à travailler plus longtemps pour bonifier leurs pensions.

Suisse: Uber doit aussi payer les cotisations sociales, selon la Suva monitor

RTD (30.01.2017) La firme Uber est un employeur comme un autre qui ne peut se soustraire aux obligations patronales. Selon la Suva, la plate-forme en ligne doit ainsi payer les cotisations aux assurances sociales.

digital economy Occupational accidents and diseases, Extension of coverage switzerland
Suisse: Dans l’industrie, le spectre d’une croissance sans emploi monitor

Le Temps (20.06.2017) La reprise dans la zone euro remplit peu à peu les carnets des entreprises suisses. Mais l’érosion de l’emploi et des investissements ne s’est pas ralentie. Swissmem tire la sonnette d’alarme

published Unemployment switzerland
Accidents du travail - une centaine de décès en Tchéquie en 2016 monitor

Radio Prague (13.06.2017) Environ 40 000 employés ont été blessés et 104 personnes ont perdu la vie dans des accidents du travail en 2016. Une situation que décrit un article du journal en ligne Denik Referendum. Selon l’auteur de ce texte, le nouvel amendement au Code du travail, actuellement discuté par les parlementaires, pourrait permettre de mieux garantir la santé des travailleurs.

published Occupational accidents and diseases czech republic
[Report] Toward More Efficient and Effective Public Social Spending in Central America monitor (may 2017) This WBG report analyzes recent trends and composition of public spending in the social sectors - Education, Health, and Social Protection & Labor -  between 2007 and 2014. It also reviews the quality of selected institutions and sector governance arrangements that influence public social spending.

published Americas
Tchad: Le gouvernement veut instaurer une couverture sanitaire universelle monitor

alwihdainfo (30.05.2017) Le gouvernement réfléchi à un système de protection sociale au Tchad, qui permettrait de garantir une couverture de santé à des millions de tchadiens qui en sont dépourvus.

extending coverage, published Extension of coverage chad
Uno de cada cinco jóvenes está desempleado en América Latina monitor

El País (01.06.2017) El desempleo juvenil creció tres puntos en 2016 en América Latina y alcanzó al 18,3%, más del doble de la tasa general, en una situación "dramática", según advirtió este miércoles la OIT.

youth employment, megatrends, published Employment of young workers latin america
Ireland: Department of Social Protection earns €300m by reviewing Dublin social welfare claims monitor

Dublin Live (11.06.2017) New figures show the Department of Social Protection netted billions investigating social welfare fraud when Ireland was in the midst of recovering from economic collapse.

published Error, evasion and fraud, Governance and administration ireland