Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
Nepal: Something to be proud of | monitor | The Kathmandu Post (07.07.2017) Social security allowances can be an important vehicle for strengthening social contract between state and citizens |
poverty, published | nepal | |
La migration, seul facteur de hausse de la population en Europe | monitor | EurActiv (12.07.2017) La population de l’Union européenne a augmenté l’année dernière, alors que le nombre de naissances et de décès était le même. Selon Eurostat, le bureau européen des statistiques, la hausse est due à la migration. |
migration | Migration, Demographic change | european union |
Especialistas analizan retos de la migración en México desde la perspectiva de la protección social | monitor | CEPAL (04.07.2017) La CEPAL, con apoyo de la cooperación alemana (GIZ), inauguró hoy un taller de dos días en la capital mexicana. |
migration, published | Migration | mexico |
Au Royaume-Uni, des propositions controversées pour améliorer le statut des travailleurs précaires | monitor | (11.07.2017) Un rapport commandé par Theresa May préconise de lutter contre les abus de l’« économie des petits boulots ». Mais les premières réactions des syndicats ne sont pas tendres. |
digital economy, megatrends, published | Employment, Employment of young workers, Social policies & programmes | united kingdom |
[Analysis] Philippines: Are you ready for poverty in old age? | monitor | ABS-CBN News/Blog (10.07.2017) With people across the globe now living much longer, a gap has developed between what individuals need during retirement and what is available, pointing to what analysts at the World Economic Forum (WEF) call “a global pension crisis”. |
Old-age pensions, Financing | philippines, the | |
[Report] India: Social Protection : State of Aadhaar | monitor | (2017) The Government of India aims to provide a comprehensive set of safety nets to India’s poor, including food subsidies, employment guarantees, and targeted cash transfers. Financial leakages and service delivery issues, however, reduce its effectiveness. The government aims to use Aadhaar’s authentication and fund transfer capabilities to address these problems. |
services quality | Information and communication technology, Service quality, Social assistance | india |
United Nations Population Division | Department of Economic and Social Affairs | ruggia | migration | Data management, Migration | ||
Gig economy workers need more choice not more flexibility | ruggia | Financial Times (11.07. 2017) Government should encourage companies to improve employment options. Some view the gig economy as a flexible working arrangement, while others see it, if not straightforwardly as a form of exploitation, then as one that allows for very little employment protection. But if companies like Deliveroo or Uber were mandated to offer their workers a choice of employment options, wouldn’t this help ensure workers were being treated fairly? |
(des)formalization, digital platforms, digital economy | Employment, Employment of young workers, Inequalities | united kingdom |
South Africa: National Health Insurance Signals Public, Private Shake Ups | monitor | AllAfrica (30.06.2017) The days of private medical aid schemes may be numbered as the government this week confirmed that it will become the single funder and buyer of medical services under a National Health Insurance (NHI) in the latest white paper approved by the Cabinet. |
Health | south africa | |
Deutsche Rentenversicherung macht 2,2 Milliarden Euro Minus | monitor | FAZ (30.06.2017) Die Deutsche Rentenversicherung hat im vergangenen Jahr etwas mehr ausgezahlt als eingenommen. 2,2 Milliarden Euro Defizit sind aber überraschend wenig |
Financing | germany | |
European Health Insurance Card: 40% of insured Europeans have one | monitor | Europa (29.06.2017) More than 200 million Europeans have the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), which is around 40% of the total insured population in the reporting Member States, according to the latest available figures for 2015. The card is valid in the 28 EU countries plus Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. |
migration | Health insurance, Migration | european union |
Social security goes digital: Quicker and easier exchange of social security information throughout the EU and beyond | monitor | Europa (03.07.2017) Today the Commission launches the Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information system (EESSI), a new IT platform that will connect electronically around 15.000 social security institutions of EU Member States plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland |
digital economy | Governance and administration, Information and communication technology, Service quality, Social policies & programmes | european union |
Self Employment Social Security Bill 2017 passed | New Straits Times | Malaysia General Business Sports and Lifestyle News | -treichel | KUALA LUMPUR: The Self Employment Social Security Bill 2017 which seeks to provide Social Security Organisation (Socso) protection to self employed persons has been passed by the Dewan Rakyat today. Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri Richard Riot Jaem said for a start, the new law would be enforced to provide Socso protection to self-employed taxi drivers and e-hailing service providers, including Uber and GrabCar, before being extended to other self-employment sectors. “Hopefully, one day it will be expanded to include other sectors,” he said when winding up the debate on the bill earlier. Riot said that under the bill each taxi driver and e-hailing service provider would be required to contribute 1.25 percent of their monthly income to Socso on a monthly basis. “The period of protection is for 12 consecutive months with effect from the date and time the contribution was made,” he said. The Bill also stated that any person who contravenes these regulations is committing an offence and was liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding RM10,000 or a jail term not exceeding two years or both. Explaining about the penalty that drew strong opposition of some members of Parliament debating the bill, Riot said the fine amount was actually small compared to the benefits to be received by the contributors or their next of kin later. |
digital platforms, extending coverage | Extension of coverage, Social assistance, Social policies & programmes | malaysia |
SELF-EMPLOYMENT SOCIAL SECURITY BILL 2017 - Malaysia | massetti | ssptw | malaysia | ||
Maroc: La gouvernance des socles nationaux de protection sociale érigée en priorité | monitor | Le Matin (02.07.2017) Le rôle des Conseils économiques et sociaux et institutions similaires (CES-IS) dans les questions liées à la protection sociale n’est plus à démontrer. Selon Nizar Baraka, président du CESE, «ces Conseils ont pour vocation de faire avancer la réflexion autour de ces questions». D’ailleurs, le plan d’action 2017 du CESE prévoit une auto-saisine sur la protection sociale. |
Governance and administration | morocco | |
Malaysia : Self Employment Social Security Bill 2017 passed | monitor | New Straits Times (06.04.2017) The Self Employment Social Security Bill 2017 which seeks to provide Social Security Organisation (Socso) protection to self employed persons has been passed by the Dewan Rakyat today. Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri Richard Riot Jaem said for a start, the new law would be enforced to provide Socso protection to self-employed taxi drivers and e-hailing service providers, including Uber and GrabCar, before being extended to other self-employment sectors. |
digital economy, managing reforms, megatrends, published | Employment | malaysia |
[Rapport] Face aux nouvelles formes d'emplois, quelles réponses au plan européen?...des clés pour comprendre | monitor | Miroir Social (04.07.2017) Depuis la fin des années 1980, les structures de l’emploi et les modes de production ont considérablement évolué, écartant certains travailleurs des systèmes traditionnels de protection sociale. Dans ce nouveau Cahier co-édité par SMart et POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ, Pascale Charhon interroge la question du travail atypique dans l’Union européenne et le rôle du décideur européen dans la réforme de la protection des travailleurs concernés en essayant de donner des clés pour comprendre. |
published | Employment | european union |
Canada: Quebec expects to save millions with overhaul of generic-drug purchasing process | monitor | The Globe and Mail (28.06.2017) Quebec is launching an attempt to save millions in drug costs through an overhaul of the province’s generic pharmaceutical purchasing system. |
published | Financing, Health | canada |
Elternzeit - Immer mehr Väter in Deutschland beziehen Elterngeld | monitor | Spiegel Online (Immer mehr Väter in Deutschland beziehen Elterngeld. Ihre Zahl stieg 2016 um fast zwölf Prozent auf rund 365.000. Das geht aus der am Dienstag veröffentlichten Erhebung des Statistischen Bundesamtes hervor. Die Zahl der Mütter, die die Leistung erhielten, legte um gut drei Prozent zu auf etwa 1,28 Millionen. |
published | Family benefits | germany |
[Opinion] France: Pour des assurances chômage complémentaires | monitor | Les Echos (19.06.2017) L’étatisation de l’Unédic, souhaitée par Emmanuel Macron, permettrait de repenser la distinction entre solidarité et assurance. Les complémentaires chômage seraient un aboutissement naturel de cette réforme. |
published | Unemployment | france |
Canada: Médicaments génériques: «Initiative d'envergure» pour faire baisser les prix | monitor | La Presse (28.06.2017) Québec prend les grands moyens pour faire baisser le prix des médicaments génériques. Le ministre de la Santé, Gaétan Barrette, lancera prochainement une série d'appels d'offres pour l'approvisionnement du régime public d'assurance médicaments et il demande au Bureau de la concurrence de les surveiller de près. |
Financing, Health | canada | |
Suisse: Retraites - Prévoyance 2020, la réforme de la carotte et du bâton | monitor | Le Temps (27.06.2017) Alain Berset a lancé ce mardi à Berne la campagne pour la votation du 24 septembre 2017. Il est temps pour chacun de sortir sa calculette |
managing reforms, published | switzerland | |
Finland tests a new form of welfare | monitor | (24.06.2017) An experiment on the effect of offering the unemployed an unconditional basic income |
universal-basic-income | Extension of coverage | finland |
CEPAL: envejecimiento provocará caída de la población de América Latina y el Caribe hacia 2060 | monitor | CEPAL (22.06.2017) En el décimo capítulo del programa “Horizontes CEPAL” el Director del Centro Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Demografía (CELADE), Paulo Saad, profundizó en los desafíos que enfrenta la región, que en 25 años pasó de ser joven a madura. |
megatrends, published | Old-age pensions | latin america |
'EU pension' planned for people who move between countries | monitor | The Guardian (29.06.2017) European commission sets out proposals for pension that will let workers save seamlessly into one pot wherever they are |
published | Pensions | european union |