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Research ICT Africa rruggia

Research ICT Africa conducts  multidisciplinary research on digital governance, policy and regulation that facilitates evidence-based and informed policy making for improved access, use and application of digital technologies for social and economic development in Africa.

Mission. Research ICT Africa conducts public-interest research on the digital economy and society that responds to national, regional and continental needs. It provides relevant stakeholders with the information and analysis required to develop flexible and adaptive policies and regulation to  dealwith an increasingly complex and dynamic digital environment. The network will contribute to the gathering and analysis of data and indicators to establish a repository of knowledge for furthering research and digital governance.

digital platforms Information and communication technology Africa
Smart Africa rruggia

SMART Africa is a bold and innovative commitment from African Heads of State and Government to accelerate sustainable socioeconomic development on the continent, ushering Africa into a knowledge economy through affordable access to Broadband and usage of Information and Communications Technologies. The Transform Africa Summit held in Kigali, Rwanda on 28th-31st October 2013 culminated in the adoption of the Smart Africa Manifesto document by seven (7) African Heads of States (Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Mali, Gabon, Burkina Faso) in which they committed to provide leadership in accelerating socio-economic development through ICT’s. On 30th-31st January 2014, The SMART Africa Manifesto was endorsed by all Heads of State and Government of the African Union at the 22nd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union in Addis Ababa. This development places the Manifesto at the heart of the ICT agenda in Africa beyond just the 7 original signatories at the Summit to all the 53 African countries. The Smart Africa Alliance has since grown to include 24 African countries that represent 600+ million people.

digital platforms Information and communication technology Africa
Transform Africa Summit 2019 rruggia

The Transform Africa Summit is the Smart Africa flagship event. Following four successful editions, the fifth Summit will take place in Kigali, Rwanda, from 14 – 17 May 2019. Under the theme “Boosting Africa’s Digital Economy”, the Summit is expected to attract over 4,000 participants, including Heads of State and Government, First Ladies, UN Broadband Commissioners, Ministers, Regulators, Mayors & Governors, Public & Private Sector, International Organizations, Industry Leaders, Investors, Entrepreneurs, Young Innovators, Civil Society and Academia. In addition to the Smart Africa Leaders Summit, the Smart Africa Women’s Summit and interactive plenaries, the summit will feature subject specific streams tackling current ICT topics. Delegates will be able to attend insightful & engaging streams including Hubs as well as several customized sessions by our partners.

digital platforms Information and communication technology Africa
Pakistan: Poverty and cash transfers under Ehsaas Programme dfabbri

The Express Tribune (20.07.2019) The recently launched Ehsaas Programme by the PTI government is a positive step towards realising the importance of social protection in a developing country like Pakistan.

poverty Conditional cash transfers pakistan
La plateforme vaudoise Batmaid attaquée pour ses conditions de travail - - Suisse rruggia

En quatre ans, la plateforme vaudoise Batmaid s'est taillé la part du lion dans le marché des ménages privés. Mais le syndicat Unia s'apprête à dénoncer l'entreprise aux autorités pour les conditions de travail des 1700 nettoyeuses qu'elle a recrutées. Depuis son lancement en 2015, Batmaid a connu un développement fulgurant. Aujourd'hui, la société compte 50 employés et fait travailler près de 1700 nettoyeuses, sorties du travail au noir, auprès de 10'000 clients. Une success story qui a une face cachée, selon les différents témoignages que la RTS a recueillis auprès d'anciennes et d'actuelles employées. Pas de perte de gain-maladie ni de deuxième pilier, journées à rallonge, rythme de travail parfois effréné, travail sur appel, trajets illogiques ou frais de déplacement et de nourriture non payés: tel est le quotidien rapporté par ces nettoyeuses.

digital platforms Employment policies switzerland
La CNSS ambitionne d’élargir la couverture médicale à tous les Libanais dfabbri

L'Orient-Le Jour (18.07.2019) Une équipe de l’OIT basée à Genève est en mission au Liban pour apporter son expertise dans le cadre de l’élargissement de la prise en charge à toutes les catégories de professions.

La start-up suisse Batmaid présente au Web Summit de Lisbonne - Radio - Play RTS rruggia

La start-up Batmaid, qui propose les services de femmes de ménage, a été fondée par deux entrepreneurs lausannois. Elle est présente au sommet sur les nouvelles technologies Web Summit à Lisbonne.


digital platforms switzerland
Protection des salariés: le Maroc fait un pas de plus en avant dfabbri

Le 360 (19,07.2019) Le Maroc fait un pas de plus en ce qui concerne l’amélioration de la protection sociale des travailleurs. Le royaume a en effet récemment déposé auprès de l’Organisation Internationale du Travail (OIT) les instruments de ratification de la convention 102 relative à la sécurité sociale.

Digitalisation essential for good governance in social security institutions dfabbri

Vietnam News (18.07.2019) Information and communication technology resources are vital elements for governance in social security institutions, Ortiz D. Maribel, of the International Social Security Association, said. Maribel spoke at a workshop on good governance for better social security services held on Wednesday in HCM City.

issa Governance and administration Asia
Sécurité sociale : L’expérience marocaine présentée à Alger dfabbri

Hespress (18.07.2019) La capitale algérienne abrite, du 16 au 18 juillet, un atelier de l’Académie de l’association internationale de la sécurité sociale (AISS) avec la participation des représentants de plusieurs mutualités africaines. Le Maroc y est représenté par Abdelmoula Abdelmoumni, Président de la Mutuelle Générale du Personnel des Administrations Publiques (MGPAP), Président de l’Union Africaine de la Mutualité (UAM).

services quality Governance and administration morocco
CARICOM Social Security Schemes Urged To Modernise dfabbri

stluciatimes (17.07.2019)  The 30th Meeting of the Heads of CARICOM Social Security Organisations opened on Tuesday at the Guyana Marriott, with a call from Minister of Education, Dr. Nicolette Henry, for Social Security Schemes to remain relevant by modernising their operations to increase their efficiencies.

issa latin america
Does Australia have one of the least generous paid parental leave schemes in the OECD? dfabbri

ABC (17.07.2019) The average length of paid parental leave among OECD countries is around 55 weeks, while Australia's system offers 18 weeks, according to OECD data. Unlike the majority of the 36 members of the OECD, Australia provides a flat rate rather than a replacement wage. This makes the Australian system generous to low-income earners and part-time workers but not to those who earn more than the full-time minimum wage.

family Parental leave australia
[Blog] Suisse: Congé-paternité - OUI au contre-projet ! – On en reparle autour d’un café? dfabbri

blogs.letemps (17.07.2019) Le 20 juin 2019, le Conseil des Etats a approuvé un contre-projet à l’initiative “Pour un congé de paternité raisonnable − en faveur de toute la famille” sous la forme d’un congé-paternité de deux semaines financé par le régime des APG. Au début du mois de juillet 2019, la Commission des finances du Conseil national a suivi notre Chambre haute. Puisse la Chambre basse en faire de même lorsqu’elle sera saisie de cet objet en plénière !

Parental leave switzerland
[Report] Tackling climate change can be a driver for growth and jobs, according to ESDE 2019 dfabbri

Europa (04.07.2019) The 2019 report shows that tackling climate change and preserving growth go hand in hand. It sets out a number of policy options that are able to preserve the EU’s competitiveness, sustain growth and spread its benefits to the entire EU population and future generations, while pursuing an ambitious transition to a climate-neutral economy. The 2019 review also confirms the continued expansion of the EU’s economic activity, with new record levels in employment and an improving social situation.

climate change Employment european union
Social Protection in an Era of Increasing Uncertainty and Disruption : Social Risk Management 2.0 (English) | The World Bank pmassetti

This paper updates the Social Risk Management (SRM) conceptual framework; the foundation of the World Bank's first Social Protection Sector Strategy. SRM 2.0 addresses the increasingly risky and uncertain world; with opportunities and outcomes driven by possible disruptions from technology, markets, climate change, etc.

Does tech threaten to rerun the worst of the Industrial Revolution? | Financial Times gcartoceti

The central concern that runs through The Technology Trap is that, unless we are very careful, our latest technological revolution may well turn out to be a tumultuous rerun of the Industrial Revolution, with dire social and political consequences.

digital platforms Technological transition United States
France hits back at US over tax on digital giants | World news | The Guardian gcartoceti

The French parliament approved a law on Thursday that would make France the first major economy to impose a tax on internet heavyweights.

digital platforms Financing france
UK braves US ire by pressing ahead with tax on tech companies | Financial Times gcartoceti

The UK vowed to press ahead with its plans for a special tax on large technology companies on Thursday, hours after the US threatened to impose trade sanctions on France for similar action.

digital platforms Financing united kingdom
The new Spanish minimum wage dfabbri

Social Europe (16.07.2019) The Socialist-led Spanish government which emerged last summer approved by the end of 2018 a hike in the statutory minimum wage. This was agreed with the left-wing Podemos party, as part of an attempt to secure the parliamentary support needed for the passing of the proposed 2019 budget—although failure to do so issued in the April election.

basic income spain
France: Santé au travail - les employeurs tentent de défendre leur pré carré dfabbri

Les Echos (12.07.2019) Organisations syndicales et patronales se réunissent ce vendredi pour décider ensemble des sujets à négocier dans le cadre de la réforme de la santé au travail. Le patronat ne veut pas céder le pouvoir au sein de l'organisation actuelle, alors que les syndicats voudraient ouvrir le jeu pour renforcer la prévention.

OSH Prevention of occupational risks france
América Latina: Cepal alerta del lado perverso de programas dfabbri

Eje Central (15.07.2019) En los últimos 20 años, en la región de América Latina y el Caribe aumentó el número de programas de protección social no contributiva, mejor conocida como asistencia social. Entre estos proyectos destacan los de inclusión laboral y productiva como Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro y el de pensiones sociales, aplicado por el gobierno federal para adultos mayores y personas con discapacidad.

poverty Difficult-to-cover groups latin america
Singaporean experts suggest establishment of ministry of aging pmassetti (12.07.2019) A new Ministry of Ageing, coordinating closely with the Manpower and Education Ministries, could help the authorities resolve emerging challenges such as the displacement of mature professionals, managers, executives and technicians (PMETs) due to automation

Brexit et protection sociale : comment la France limiterait la casse en cas de « no deal » dfabbri

lequotidiendumedecin (12.07.2019) Deal or no deal ? Le feuilleton du Brexit n'est pas achevé – initialement prévue le 29 mars, la date de retrait du Royaume-Uni de l'Union européenne (UE) a été repoussée jusqu'au 31 octobre au plus tard.

International agreements france, united kingdom
[Opinion] Sweden’s parental leave may be generous, but it’s tying women to the home dfabbri

theguardian (11.07.2019) New parents are given 240 days off between them – but corporate pressure means it’s men who then return to work

Family benefits, Parental leave sweden
The Real Story of Brazil’s Pension Reform dfabbri

The Americas Quarterly (11.07.2019)9  the constitutional amendment to the second and final vote at the Lower House has left many analysts scratching their heads. How is it that a controversial and usually unpopular reform everywhere in the world wound up with significant support both in the Brazilian Congress and among the population at large, including by stirring street demonstrations in its favor? There are a few competing theories out there, but I posit that the Brazilian outcome was mainly the result of political dysfunction and extreme polarization within society.

brics, managing reforms Pensions