human resources

Europass: take the next step! New platform launches today

Submitted by siha on

Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion - European Commission(01.07.2020) 

The new Europass offers a range of online ‘e-Portfolio’ tools and information for people of all ages, at all stages of their lives, to manage their learning and career such as:

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Human resource management
Information and communication technology
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Argentina: ANSES reabrió más de 150 delegaciones en todo el país

Submitted by mmarquez on

ANSES (12.06.2020) Con un sistema de turnos programados y garantizando el protocolo sanitario, la ANSES reabrió al público más de 150 Unidades de Atención Integral (UDAI) y oficinas en todo el país. La ANSES irá, progresivamente, realizando la reapertura de sus oficinas teniendo en cuenta la situación sanitaria de cada provincia y localidad, en un trabajo coordinado con gobernadores e intendentes.

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Global challenges
Human resource management
Service quality
Service delivery
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Costa Rica: Se fomenta el teletrabajo para asegurar continuidad de servicios

Submitted by mmarquez on (09.03.2020) Se insta a las instancias ministeriales y de la administración pública descentralizada a adoptar la modalidad de teletrabjo temporalmente, y a coordinar los equipos para asegurarse que los trabajadores cuenten con las condiciones necesarias para seguir con sus tareas. Se insta, asismismo, al sector privado a adoptar las mismas medidas.

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costa rica
Global challenges
Human resource management
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Cuba: Se mantienen las medidas de protección laboral y salarial frente al Covid-19

Submitted by mmarquez on (03.06.2020) Las medidas de protección laboral y salarial implementadas ante la situación epidemiológica provocada por la COVID-19 en el país se mantendrán, informó Marta Elena Feitó Cabrera, ministra de Trabajo y Seguridad Social, al intervenir este martes en el espacio televisivo de la Mesa Redonda.

Reiteró que la garantía salarial es del 100% del salario básico el primer mes y del 60% a partir del segundo mes.

Destacó que el trabajo a distancia es una modalidad que llegó para quedarse, bajo la cual laboran actualmente 627 mil 855 trabajadores. 

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Global challenges
Human resource management
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Cuba: Teams of doctors and nurses are sent to the hardest hit regions in Europe

Submitted by mmarquez on (06.05.2020) Now, as the world grapples with another era-shaping catastrophe, Cuban doctors and nurses are on the ground once again, only this time in a less common location: Europe.

Today, an estimated 28,000 Cuban medical professionals ply their trade overseas, primarily in the developing world.

“Yes, of course there are big human rights problems in Cuba – there have been since the start [of the revolution] and there are still problems.

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Global challenges
Human resource management
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Sweden: New measures to strengthen care of the elderly and health care during the COVID-19 crisis

Submitted by siha on (12.05.2020)  The COVID-19 pandemic has affected an already strained staffing situation for health and social care, not least in care of the elderly. To improve the supply of staff and make it more attractive to seek jobs in care of the elderly, a boost for care of the elderly is being implemented that means that employees in care of the elderly will be offered paid education and training during working hours. Central government will finance the costs for the time the employee is absent due to studies.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Employment of young workers
Long-term care
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Bangladesh: Online Course on COVID-19 for Doctors

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Department of Health (29.04.2020) Online Course on COVID-19 for Doctors: The course is mandatory for physicians who volunteer to provide medical advice and services on the Department of Health's Covid-19 hotline system

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Hungary: Economic Protection Action Plan: Job Protection Wage subsidy

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Ministry of Innovation and Technology (16.04.2020) From April 16, 2020, the Employment Protection Wage Subsidy will be available to support reduced working hours employment. An employee may receive support on the basis of an application submitted jointly with the employer to the county government office. In the program, the employer undertak

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Shocks & extreme events
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Hungary: Economic Protection Action Plan: Research, Development and Innovation Subsidies

Submitted by siha on

Ministry of Innovation and Technology (15.04.2020) Highly skilled workers in the research, development and innovation (RDI) sector receive wage subsidies to protect their jobs. An important element of the government's economic action plan for the coronavirus epidemic is the retention of highly qualified professionals in the RDI sector, as this is essential for relaunching the economy: the support available from 15 April businesses. The government undertakes a wage subsidy of 40% for employees in the RDI sector for a period of three months, at the maximum amou

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Human resource management
Shocks & extreme events
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