
[Report] Working Better with Age: Japan

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OECD (December 2018) People today are living longer than ever before, while birth rates are dropping in the majority of OECD countries. Such demographics raise the question: are current public social expenditures adequate and sustainable? Older workers play a crucial role in the labour market. Now that legal retirement ages are rising, fewer older workers are retiring early, but at the same time those older workers who have lost their job after the age of 50 have tended to remain in long term unemployment. What can countries do to help?

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Old-age pensions

Africa: Universal health coverage and health security WHO’s top priority

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The Southern Times (23.01.2019) Cape Verde and the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Africa will jointly host the Second Africa Health Forum under the theme “Achieving Universal Health Coverage and Health Security in Africa: The Africa we want to see”.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Extension of coverage
Document Type

WHO: Migrants and refugees face higher risk of developing ill-health, says UN report on displaced people in Europe

Submitted by dfabbri on

UN News (21.01.2019) European authorities are “struggling” to meet the needs of irregular migrants and refugees who are wrongly accused of spreading sickness among host communities, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday, at the launch of its first report on the subject.

Global challenges
Difficult-to-cover groups


Document Type

US: Could Physicians e-Prescribe Community Services?

Submitted by pmassetti on (07.11.2018) What if helpful community services could be e-prescribed from the EHR in much the same way that an antibiotic or statin is today? That is the vision of Stacy Lindau, M.D., a professor of obstetrics/gynecology and geriatrics at the University of Chicago who has helped launch a startup community coordination system called NowPow.

Regions / Country
United States
Global challenges
Social assistance
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Document Type

Une santé hors de prix aux Etats-Unis | Alternatives Economiques

Submitted by gfilhon on

démonstration de l'inefficacité de la privatisation de la protection sociale : l'exemple des Etats Unis

Regions / Country
United States
Health promotion
Medical care
Health insurance
Extension of coverage
Social policies & programmes
Policy analysis
Document Type

Suisse: Vices et vertus des objets connectés au service de la santé

Submitted by dfabbri on

Le Temps (08.01.2019) Applications et autres appareils électroniques mettent le système de santé traditionnel au défi, explique Nicolas Bourdillon, chercheur à l’Unil et responsable recherche et développement de la start-up Becare SA. Il sera du 8 au 11 janvier au CES Las Vegas, une convention consacrée à la technologie qui accueille pour la première fois un pavillon suisse

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Societal Impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

L’assurance maladie helvétique fait face à une forte hausse du coût des médicaments

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lecomparateurassurance (12.12.2018) D’une manière générale, l’Assurance maladie prend en charge une partie ou la totalité des médicaments achetés sous prescription. En Suisse, les conditions à respecter sont plus précises pour que l’achat soit remboursé. Toujours est-il que les assureurs du pays assistent actuellement à une explosion de leurs charges concernant ce type de couverture. Un rapport a été dressé par le leader du secteur, Helsana, afin de mieux comprendre ce qui se passe.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

Identifying health policy and systems research priorities for the sustainable development goals: social protection for health | International Journal for Equity in Health

Submitted by pmassetti on

There is an established body of evidence linking systems of social protection to health systems and health outcomes. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide further emphasis on this linkage as necessary to achieving health and non-health goals. Existing literature on social protection and health has focused primarily on cash transfers. We sought to identify potential research priorities concerning social protection and health in low and middle-income countries, from multiple perspectives.

Document Type

L'OMS approuve le plan de couverture maladie universelle du Kénya - Journal du Senegal

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Journal du Senegal (11.12.2018)  L’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) a approuvé le programme de couverture maladie universelle (CMU) du Kénya, dont la phase pilote doit être lancée jeudi à Kisumu (ouest) par le président Uhuru Kenyatta.En signe de soutien, le Directeur général de l’OMS, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesos a déclaré lundi qu’il mobilise les hauts responsables de son organisation pour assister à l’événement de lancement de Kisumu, qui marquera le début de la phase pilote du programme de la CMU dans quatre comtés de la région.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

WHO: Standing up for the right to health

Submitted by dfabbri on

WHO (07.12.2018) More people can access essential health services today than ever before, but at least half of the world’s population still go without.  Those living in the poorest countries, in the most marginalized communities, face the greatest challenges in access, the highest burden of disease, and the worst health outcomes. 

Global challenges
Extension of coverage
Document Type