
L'OMS approuve le plan de couverture maladie universelle du Kénya - Journal du Senegal

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Journal du Senegal (11.12.2018)  L’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) a approuvé le programme de couverture maladie universelle (CMU) du Kénya, dont la phase pilote doit être lancée jeudi à Kisumu (ouest) par le président Uhuru Kenyatta.En signe de soutien, le Directeur général de l’OMS, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesos a déclaré lundi qu’il mobilise les hauts responsables de son organisation pour assister à l’événement de lancement de Kisumu, qui marquera le début de la phase pilote du programme de la CMU dans quatre comtés de la région.

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Global challenges
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WHO: Standing up for the right to health

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WHO (07.12.2018) More people can access essential health services today than ever before, but at least half of the world’s population still go without.  Those living in the poorest countries, in the most marginalized communities, face the greatest challenges in access, the highest burden of disease, and the worst health outcomes. 

Global challenges
Extension of coverage
Document Type

US: Health systems expanding digital access to doctors

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Newsday (08.12.2018) Regional health systems are expanding what they predict will be the next frontier in treatment: telemedicine, a form of remote care where doctors interact with patients via a phone, tablet or other devices with a camera. Remote visits can range from having a physician check a sore throat with a flashlight on a patient's smartphone, to routine post-operation checkups, where a doctor directs a subject to push parts of their body and asks for feedback on pain levels. 

Regions / Country
United States
Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Large-scale automation
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

Vietnam’s aging population puts pressure on healthcare system

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VnExpress International (04.12.2018) Its rapidly aging population is imposing a big burden on Vietnam’s healthcare system.  According to the World Bank’s 2016 report titled "Live Long and Prosper: Aging in East Asia and Pacific" the ratio of the elder people in Vietnam is 11 percent and will account for a fifth of the population in the next 10 years.

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Global challenges
Document Type

[Analysis] Advancing universal health coverage in South Asian cities: a framework

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The BMJ (30.11.2018) Universal health coverage means that every person everywhere should have affordable access to good quality essential health services. The governments of South Asian countries have embraced the goal of universal health coverage, which is the centrepiece of commitments to deliver the third health related sustainable development goal (SDG).

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Global challenges
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La santé des plus vulnérables menacée par le réchauffement climatique

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Le Temps (29.11.2018) Les problèmes de santé liés à la chaleur augmentent dans le monde à cause des effets du changement climatique sur les personnes âgées, les urbains et les patients déjà affaiblis par une maladie, prévient un rapport publié jeudi. Particulièrement touchée, l'Europe est plus vulnérable que l'Afrique et l'Asie du Sud-Est, car elle compte davantage de personnes âgées vivant dans les villes, où les effets de la chaleur peuvent être particulièrement ravageurs, selon ce rapport paru dans la revue médicale The Lancet et signé par des experts internationaux.

Global challenges
Population ageing

[Website] FutureProofing Healthcare believes we should all have equal access to healthcare.

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FutureProofing Healthcare (25.11.2018) FutureProofing Healthcare: The Sustainability Index aims to start an EU-wide conversation on the need to act now to futureproof healthcare systems, to ensure patients will get the care they need in the coming decades. The Index – which was led by an independent panel of healthcare experts from across the EU, in partnership with Roche – gives a unique snapshot of the current status of the 28 EU healthcare systems, based on the largest data set of its kind.

Regions / Country
european union
Global challenges
Document Type

ECASSA Conferemce: Infant Mortality Rate In Rwanda Reduced By Over 70% In 25 Years

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Taarifa Rwanda (23.11.2018) Between 1990 and 2015, Rwanda registered quite a number of milestones in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Infant mortality rate was reduced by 74%, while the rate of maternal mortality reduced by 78%, according to Finance Minister Dr. Uzziel Ndagijimana.

Regions / Country
Global challenges

Arrêts de travail et « ras-le-bol » managérial

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Depuis quelques années, le nombre d’arrêts de travail est en augmentation constante en France. Pourquoi cette tendance que l’on ne retrouve pas forcément chez nos voisins ? Dans la dernière étude de l’Institut Sapiens sur le sujet, Laurent Cappelletti, professeur au CNAM, avance une explication intéressante : il s’agirait là de l’expression d’un « ras-le-bol » managérial, puisque 99% des absences évitables seraient liées avant tout à des dysfonctionnements dans le management des personnes.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Occupational accidents and diseases
Prevention of occupational risks


Document Type

US: How Virtual Care is Improving Access and Affordability of Healthcare

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 Healthcare Informatics (21.11.2018) The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has made strides in providing more affordable, accessible care for all patients. A new rule allowing Medicare Advantage beneficiaries to access telehealth from home was recently proposed. CMS also released its CY 2019 Physician Fee Schedule final rule, which includes reimbursement for telehealth and virtual care services.

Regions / Country
United States
Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags