
Greece: Covid-19: Greece to Launch ‘Syn-ergasia’ Job Retention Scheme

Submitted by siha on

 GTP Headlines (21.05.2020) Aiming to protect jobs and at the same time keep companies hit by the coronavirus pandemic above water, the Greek government announced the launch on June 1 of the “Syn-ergasia” program. Under the scheme, Covid-19-impacted businesses can slash the working hours of their full-time employees by half without affecting their working agreement.

Regions / Country
Employment policies
Document Type

You’ve Got Money: Mobile Payments Help People During the Pandemic

Submitted by pmassetti on

IMF Blog (22.07.2020) The practical challenge of quickly getting financial support in the hands of people who lost jobs amid the COVID-19 economic crisis has baffled advanced and developing economies alike. Economic lockdowns, physical distancing measures, patchy social protection systems and, especially for low-income countries, the high level of informality, complicate the task. Many governments are leveraging mobile technology to help their citizens.

Service delivery
Cash transfers


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Document Type

Cambodia: Suspending employment contracts

Submitted by cambrosio on (07.05.2020)

Companies in the tourism and garment sectors who want to suspend employment contracts must first submit an application to the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training (MLVT). The suspended employees can receive monthly allowances from the government. The maximum period for suspension is two months but this can be extended further depending on the circumstances.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Cash transfers
Document Type

Cambodia: More Incentives, Obligations Announced for Businesses in Cambodia in Tourism, Garment Industries

Submitted by cambrosio on (07.05.2020)

Suspension of monthly contributions to NSSF for enterprises in the garment and tourism sectors.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

Ephemeral universalism in the social protection response to the COVID-19 lockdown in the Philippines |

Submitted by pmassetti on  (26.07.2020) Since March 2020, the Philippines has implemented one of the world’s strictest and longest lockdowns in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused severe disruptions in peoples’ livelihoods. The government’s emergency social protection response, the ‘Social Amelioration Program’ (SAP), has also been notably massive, introducing one-off near-universal income protection.

Regions / Country
philippines, the
Service delivery
Social assistance


Document Type

EU regulation hampers cross-border workers’ home office ambitions

Submitted by siha on

The coronavirus pandemic has instigated a work-from-home culture with many employees wanting to extend the experience.

However, the conditions imposed by the EU risk acting as a brake for cross-border workers in regions like Geneva, which borders with France, Swiss public radio (RTS) reports.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Employment policies
Document Type

France Considers New Protections for Gig Worker ‘Invisibles’

Submitted by pmassetti on

Bloomberg (16.06.2020) France will consider proposals to protect gig workers after pandemic lockdowns pushed the status of people who rely on tech platforms for their income to the forefront. French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe has appointed a group of nine experts to suggest increased protection for platform workers, such as Uber Technologies Inc. and Deliveroo drivers, and others by October, according to a copy of the request made public by one of the members.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Document Type

Guatemala: Subsidio al consumo de energía eléctrica

Submitted by mmarquez on (27.04.2020) Subsidio al consumo de energía eléctrica durante 3 meses (mayo, junio y julio), se cubrirán alrededor de 2 millones 839 mil usuarios que consumen menos de 300 kWh. (Q630 millones). Será aplicado en seis distribuidoras de energía (incluyendo tres empresas eléctricas municipales). Este fondo de apoyo es parte del paquete de ayuda aprobado por el gobierno y el Congreso para mitigar el impacto de la emergencia por el coronavirus en la economía familiar. Con el nuevo aporte, se cubrirán alrededor de 2 millones 838 mil 893 usuarios.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Family benefits
Document Type

How mobile money is helping those in need through the pandemic

Submitted by pmassetti on

World Economic Forum (25.06.2020) Money transfers are effective ways to protect those in financial difficulties due to COVID-19. In sub-Saharan Africa, over 80% of measures announced since the beginning of the pandemic are in the form of transfers. The pandemic has led many countries to strengthen their mobile money ecosystems and address specific constraints. But the risks of accelerating mobile money include cyber-risks and digital fraud.

Service delivery
Error, evasion and fraud


Document Type

Taiwan: First "Public Health Specialists Act" in Asia passed in Taiwan

Submitted by siha on

Taiwan Today (18.05.2020) The Public Health Specialists Act, which provides for a national certification for public health professionals, passed the Legislature May 15 in Taipei City.

Regions / Country
Taiwan, China
Global challenges
Health promotion
Safety and health at work
Social policies & programmes
Document Type