
Submitted by massetti on

OpenGov is a content platform, dedicated to sharing ICT-related knowledge and information between governments. We focus on the public sector in the Asia-Pacific region. We help governments become more Efficient, Agile, Transparent and Secure, so as to improve the lives of their citizens.

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Information and communication technology
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Kazakh Labour and Social Protection Ministry to focus on self-employed workforce, digitisation

Submitted by massetti on (15.02.2018) The Kazakh Ministry of Labour and Social Protection will focus on formalising the self-employed workforce and continue digital transformation in the field in 2018, according to newly-appointed Minister Madina Abylkassymova.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Service quality
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Service delivery
Document Type

New toolkit helps public employment services strengthen national career and lifelong learning approaches - Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion - European Commission

Submitted by massetti on

The Practitioner's toolkit for PES Building Career Guidance and Lifelong Learning presents concepts and tools for public employment services (PES) to assess needs and strengthen the career guidance and lifelong learning system and services.

PES have a major role to play in career guidance and lifelong learning, especially considering the increased demands for a skilled labour force in a constantly changing labour market.

The practitioner’s toolkit provides answers to the following questions, among others:

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Suisse: Les androïdes payeront-ils leurs cotisations sociales?

Submitted by fabbri on

Le Temps (13.02.2018) Le salariat s’effiloche et c’est tout notre système social qui devra être revu pour protéger les travailleurs vulnérables de la «gig economy». A l’ère du travail indépendant et des robots collaboratifs, il faudra trouver le moyen d’asseoir une solidarité 4.0

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

CEPAL publica nueva edición del Anuario Estadístico con datos relevantes sobre el desarrollo de la región

Submitted by fabbri on

CEPAL (09.02.2018)  La versión 2017 presenta información actualizada para un conjunto seleccionado de indicadores socio-demográficos, económicos y ambientales de los países de América Latina y el Caribe.

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latin america
Document Type

[Interview] Vietnam: Retirement age must increase

Submitted by fabbri on

Vietnam News (07.02.2018) The average Vietnamese lives to 73.4 years - 70.8 for men and 76.1 for women. However, the average retirement age for both men and women is only 54.2 years old, 55.6 for men and 52.6 for women. Generally speaking, the years of participating in social-insurance for men is 28 years and 23 years for women while their years of enjoying the retirement pension is 18.1 years for men and 24.5 years for women.

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[Analysis] Ethiopia: Public Ownership Key to Sustainable Social Protection System

Submitted by fabbri on

allAfrica (12.02.2018) Although, Ethiopia has an array of formal and informal support mechanisms, programs, action plans and interventions that aims at serving a variety of social protection purposes, the most direct - the National Social Policy - is designed as part and parcel of an integrated approach to the progressive realization of social and economic rights noted in article 41 of the constitution, which state, "The State shall, within available means, allocate resources to provide rehabilitation and assistance to the physically and mentally disabled, the aged, and to children who are

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance
Conditional cash transfers


Document Type

Jamaica; $6 Million Allocated for Social Protection and Labour Programme

Submitted by fabbri on

Jamaica Information Service (19.02.2018) A sum of $6 million has been allocated to the Integrated Social Protection and Labour Programme in the 2018/19 Estimates of Expenditure, now before the House of Representatives. The project, which got under way in December 2012, aims to support the Government of Jamaica’s efforts to improve human capital and labour market outcomes for the poor by enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of key social-protection programmes

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