América Latina y el Caribe: Necesario consolidar sistema de protección social para fortalecer sector

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20 minutos (10.08.2018) En las últimas décadas, los mercados laborales han experimentado cambios relevantes, los cuales han impactado en la estructura de la protección social de la región de América Latina y el Caribe, por ello es importante consolidar un sistema en la materia que fortalezca al sector, consideró GINgroup.

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latin america
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Over 100 groups call on G20 leaders to place human rights at the centre of our digital future

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IFEX (08.08.2018) G20 countries have both the opportunity and the responsibility to lead efforts to reinstate trust in the digital age. G20 members can inspire hope and embrace the goal that no country, no community, and no individual will be left behind and that their rights will be respected. G20 countries can set a digital agenda that places people at the centre.

Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Economic impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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China: Labour Department enhances Youth Employment and Training Programme to promote youth employment

Submitted by massetti on (06.08.2018) The Labour Department (LD) will expand the scope of the Youth Employment and Training Programme (YETP) in September to cover part-time on-the-job training and raise the ceiling of the monthly on-the-job training allowance. The YETP provides a comprehensive job search platform with one-stop and diversified pre-employment and on-the-job training for young school leavers aged 15 to 24 with educational attainment at sub-degree level or below. 

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Global challenges
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Measuring Financial Literacy - OECD

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Measuring Financial Literacy

Assessing the levels of financial literacy in the population is a key component of a successful national strategy for financial education, enabling policy makers to identify gaps and design appropriate responses. International comparisons increase the value of such an assessment by enabling countries to benchmark themselves with other countries. Where similar patterns are identified across countries, national authorities can work together to find common methods for improving financial literacy within their respective populations.

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US: This startup aims to fill a major gap in the financial life of freelancers

Submitted by rruggia on (04.08.2018) The company, called Trupo, is launching a new short-term disability insurance product. A broken leg can spell financial disaster for a freelancer.

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United States
Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Societal Impact
New risks
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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2018 mid-market technology trends report

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Deloitte US (August 2018) Man versus machine—it’s one of the oldest storylines in Hollywood. Because if robots can replace us, what’s left for us to do? As it turns out, plenty. Learn more about the talent dimensions of IT investments in our 2018 mid-market technology survey.

Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Large-scale automation
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

ILO: Disability and Work- Serving up success for disabled job seekers in Bangladesh

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ILO (01.08.2018) For people with disabilities in Bangladesh, finding a job can be a huge challenge. Yet attitudes are changing, as the private sector increasingly sees the benefits of hiring disabled workers.

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Difficult-to-cover groups
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The Machines Are Coming for Our Jobs? Not Yet, Says Deloitte

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Adweek (09.08.2018) T he machines are taking over? The chat bots are coming for our jobs? Not according to the results of a recent survey conducted by market research firm OnResearch for Deloitte. However, human skills must be sharpened and updated consistently in order to remain part of the workforce.

Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Large-scale automation
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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Indian Health Ministry inks MoU with Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology for telemedicine initiative

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OpenGovAsia (06.08.2018) The National Health Protection Mission targets approximately 107.4 million deprived families. It has identified the occupational category of urban workers’ families as per the latest Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC) data, for both rural and urban India.

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Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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