Tu información de salud en una aplicación: El caso de El Salvador (IADB/BID)

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Por Carlos Juan Martín Pérez y Jennifer Nelson.

Además de la telemedicina y la innovación tecnológica, la recolección de datos y las aplicaciones informáticas serán de los principales elementos que impactarán la salud. De hecho, ya lo están haciendo. Y no hay que mirar muy lejos para encontrar ejemplos. ¿Cómo será el futuro de la medicina en la era de la transformación digital?

El caso de El Salvador

Regions / Country
el Salvador
Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Business processes
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

France: Un « malus » pour lutter contre les maladies professionnelles

Submitted by fabbri on

Le Monde (27.07.2018) Les conclusions de la commission d’enquête sont rendues publiques mercredi. Le thème de la santé au travail figure à l’agenda social qu’Emmanuel Macron veut traiter à partir de la rentrée.  Pour réduire les maladies causées par le travail, il faut frapper au portefeuille des chefs d’entreprise en leur appliquant un « malus » s’ils restent passifs face au problème.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Prevention of occupational risks


Document Type

National curriculum in England: citizenship programmes

Submitted by iha on

National curriculum in England

The national curriculum is a set of subjects and standards used by primary and secondary schools so children learn the same things. It covers what subjects are taught and the standards children should reach in each subject.

Citizenship programmes in  the national curriculum cover income and expenditure, credit and debt, insurance, savings and pensions, financial products and services, and how public money is raised and spent

Regions / Country
united kingdom
Global challenges
Document Type

Social Security Education Program

Submitted by iha on

The Social Security Education Program is developed in Uruguay since 2007.

The Program incorporates thematic axes related to Social Security as a compulsory subject in the curricula of study of the education plans of all the public and private centers of the country.

Education materials are available on the website.

- Student's book 'Growing together'

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

Ukraine’s pension reform sets groundwork for dramatic changes

Submitted by fabbri on

Emerging-Europe (20.07.2018) Ukraine’s pension reform was introduced in October 2017. Most of the amendments it brings to the existing system are long term and haven’t really had time to play out yet. However, some important changes are already in place.

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Local employment partnerships: ILO launches single biggest project in South-Eastern Europe to promote jobs in Ukraine

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ILO (20.07.2018) New ILO programme brings together businesses, schools, employment services, the social partners and other civil society organizations to create jobs for youth, women and people in rural areas.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Employment policies
Document Type

South Africa: Labour Hosts Brics Meetings, 30 Jul to 1 Aug

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AllAfrica (25.07.2018) The meeting held under the theme "BRICS in Africa: Developing Countries for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity in the New Industrial Revolution", will be under the direction of the Honourable Minister of Labour Mildred Oliphant and the Department of Labour's Director General Thobile Lamati whom will respectively chair the Labour and Employment Ministerial Meeting (LEMM) and the Labour and Employment Working Group (LEWG)


Document Type

France: Maladie professionnelle : une meilleure indemnisation depuis le 1er juillet

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ossierfamilial.com/ (05.07.2018) Depuis le 1er juillet, la Caisse primaire d’assurance maladie (CPAM) indemnise la maladie professionnelle dès les premiers symptômes, et non plus à partir de l’établissement du diagnostic. Le point sur ces nouvelles règles.

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases


Document Type