Employment and Social Developments in Europe: 2018 review confirms positive trends but highlights the increasing need for skills and inclusion

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Europa (13.07.2018) This year's edition of the report aims to analyse opportunities and risks linked to technological innovation, demographic change, and globalisation. The review shows what needs to happen so that everybody can benefit from these developments.

Regions / Country
european union
Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Societal Impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

[Report! Social protection coverage in Kyrgyzstan

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OECD (July 2018) This chapter charts the evolution of social protection in Kyrgyzstan. It outlines the economic, political and legislative context for social protection, which is still undergoing transition from a Soviet-era system predicated on full employment, to a system more appropriate for a market-based economy with chronic unemployment and long-term poverty. It inventories existing social protection schemes, analyses their key design features and scale of operation, and discusses how well they meet the present and future needs identified in Chapter 1.

Regions / Country
kyrgyz republic
Global challenges

WHO concerned about access to health services for displaced people in southern Syria

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emro.who (12.07.2018) The World Health Organization (WHO) today called for the protection of health facilities and increased access to southern Syria, where the recent hostilities have left over 210 000 people displaced and in need of urgent health services. Up to 160 000 displaced Syrians currently seeking safety in Quneitra are inaccessible to health partners, raising concerns for their health.

Regions / Country
Health promotion


Document Type

[Opinión] España: La jubilación acabará fijada en los 70 años en no mucho tiempo”, según el Círculo de Empresarios

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El País (16.07.2018) Durante la presentación de la quinta edición del Barómetro de los Círculos, capitaneado por el Círculo de Empresarios, que recoge los resultados de una encuesta entre 340 altos directivos y entrevistas a 21 primeros ejecutivos de empresas, el presidente del grupo de trabajo del informe, Miguel Iraburu, desgranó que las tres reformas más urgentes son las de la educación, la justicia, "que es lenta e ineficiente", y profundizar en el Pacto de Toledo.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Old-age pensions

Maroc: Conventions internationales de sécurité sociale : Le détail des prestations à long terme

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Aujourd'hui le Maroc (13.07.2018) Grâce aux différentes conventions internationales de sécurité sociale qui ont été conclues par le Maroc avec plusieurs pays étrangers, les ressortissants marocains peuvent bénéficier en plus des prestations à court terme  des prestations à long terme.

Regions / Country
Governance and administration
Document Type

World Migration | International Organization for Migration - Tool

Submitted by ruggia on

The GLOBAL MIGRATION FLOWS interactive app tracks migrants around the world. This application is now being hosted by IOM.int. It is endlessly fascinating to explore where we're from.

The underlying data for the map was published by the UN DESA in 2015. Using the app: Choose whether you want to access information about migrants leaving a country (Outward) or migrants entering a country (Inward). Then click on a country and watch the pattern of migration to or from the chosen country.

Global challenges


Document Type

Public Services Card

Submitted by ruggia on

The Public Services Card (PSC) helps you to access a range of public services easily. Your identity is fully authenticated when it is issued so you do not have to give the same information to multiple organisations. A Public Services Card is usually issued when you are allocated a PPS number. If you apply for, or are currently getting a social welfare payment (including Child Benefit) you will be asked to register for your Public Services Card.

Regions / Country
Information and communication technology
Service quality
Document Type

World Development Report 2019: The Changing Nature of Work

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Work is constantly reshaped by technological progress. New ways of production are adopted, markets expand, and societies evolve. But some changes provoke more attention than others, in part due to the vast uncertainty involved in making predictions about the future.

The 2019 World Development Report studies how the nature of work is changing as a result of advances in technology today.

Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Economic impact
Labour market
Societal Impact
Document Type

Deutschland: Arbeitswelt: Jeder Zweite muss vor der Rente aufgeben

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aerztezeitung (04.07.2018) Jeder wünscht sich, lange gesund und arbeitsfähig zu bleiben. Doch nicht mal jeder zweite Erwerbstätige hält bis zum offiziellen Renteneintrittsalter durch. Wie fit die arbeitende Bevölkerung ist, hat die Techniker Krankenkasse untersucht.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Document Type