Guideline 19. Financial incentives

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The institution offers financial incentives to employers who establish workplace health promotion programmes, linked to outcomes and sustainability.

Financial incentives should be used with caution. There is a risk that, when the incentive period ends, the initiatives may cease and progress in workplace health promotion will be halted.

C. Workplace Health Promotion Activities and Services

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This part deals with the support that can be provided by social security institutions to the development and implementation of workplace health promotion programmes within client organizations. It provides guidance on interventions and measures that a social security institution can use to enable the development of workplace health promotion, with this guidance being based on best practice.

Guideline 17. Determining workplace health promotion actions and approaches

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The institution adopts actions and approaches which will contribute to achieving its strategic goals for workplace health promotion.

Appropriate and effective actions and approaches on workplace health promotion could include disseminating information and advice, campaigning, building capacity through training and consultancy services, creating incentives, establishing quality assurance processes, creating relevant tools, and providing advice on data collection and use.

Guideline 16. Developing a workplace health promotion plan

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The institution’s plan for workplace health promotion addresses identified goals, determines actions, approaches and timelines, identifies necessary resources and establishes evaluation strategies.

Stakeholder commitment, ownership, involvement and participation in developing a workplace health promotion plan are prerequisites for developing sustainable activities.

B.2. Planning and Setting Priorities

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Planning for workplace health promotion should be integrated into the social security institution’s strategic planning.

In facilitating and enabling workplace health promotion, the social security institution must plan services which focus clearly on the needs of the target group (its client enterprises/organizations).