Europe’s silent shift to self-employment (03.07.2018) Self-employment is becoming more diversified in Europe and covers an increasing number of activities. But this small revolution raises issues when it comes to social protection. (03.07.2018) Self-employment is becoming more diversified in Europe and covers an increasing number of activities. But this small revolution raises issues when it comes to social protection.
Euro.WHO (August 2018) The underlying principles and goals of the Spanish national health system continue to focus on universality, free access, equity and fairness of financing. The evolution of performance measures over the last decade shows the resilience of the health system to macroeconomic conditions, although some structural reforms may be required to improve chronic-care management and the reallocation of resources to high-value interventions. (22.08.2018) It is the first time in the history of humanity where all five generations are living together. This is good news, however, it comes with its own challenges. One such challenge is the provision of social security for the citizenry. This article looks at three megatrends (demography, globalization and technology) - that will have an impact on pension provision in the future.
Business Mirror (21.08.2018) If Asian countries fail to adopt innovative employment and social protection measures, many citizens won’t be able to afford retirement, according to the Asian Development Bank (ADB)
El Pa ís (22.08.2018) En España hay 1,2 millones de personas dependientes y, de ellas, el 26% se encuentra a la espera de recibir las prestaciones a las que tienen derecho, y que, en el mejor de los casos, solo cubren unas horas de atención al día. La crisis y la falta de recursos económicos de la Administración fuerzan a que las familias hagan números para cubrir los gastos.
The Guardian (20.08.2018) Drivers and couriers for companies like Uber and Amazon may be at a higher risk of crashing because of the demands of gig economy work, a new study suggests.
The Straits Times (20.08.2018) The number of noise-induced deafness cases in the workplace has plunged in the first half of 2018, a change that will help retain workers, especially the good ones, said some analysts. Overall, the picture is also brightening, according to the Manpower Ministry's preliminary figures on workplace safety for the first half of this year, which were released on Monday (Aug 20).
TDG (20.08.2018) L’étude publiée ce lundi vivifiera les discussions à la commission du Conseil des États, à propos de l’initiative qui réclame quatre semaines de congé paternité. Se basant sur de récentes recherches, la COFF (Commission fédérale de coordination pour les questions familiales) propose dans son étude 38 semaines de congé parental, soit plus de 9 mois. Avec ce modèle de congé parental très généreux, la COFF vient mettre du sel dans le débat, alors que les partis y vont tous de leurs propositions
The Guardian (17.07.2018) The government will push ahead with the expansion of its cashless welfare card trials, despite the auditor general finding it was unclear whether the program was actually reducing social harm.
mercatornet (18.08.2018) A few weeks ago we blogged about the Russian government’s proposed changes to their national pension scheme. The upshot was that the age of entitlement was going to be raised and many people weren’t happy about having to wait longer until they can take their government money. The government’s defence was that people are living longer now than they were when the current pension ages (55 for women and 60 for men) were introduced over thirty years ago.