Emploi: Nette baisse du chômage en Suisse

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TDG (20.08.2019) Le taux de chômage calculé selon les indications du Bureau international du travail (BIT) a reculé de 0,4 point sur un an, à 4,2%, indique mardi l'Office fédéral de la statistique (OFS). Corrigée des variations saisonnières, la contraction atteint 0,1 point à 4,5%.

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China: Telehealth services to be introduced in Tibetan hospitals

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Xinhua (16.08.2019) The General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army (PLAGH) said Friday that it will set up 45 stations of remote medical services in public hospitals in southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region in five years. PLAGH and the regional government reached a framework agreement on health and poverty alleviation in Lhasa, capital of Tibet on Friday. PLAGH will provide free telemedicine services for Tibetan hospitals, according to the agreement.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Health promotion


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
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Singapore to Work Longer, Build Higher as Lee Eyes Handover

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Bloomberg (18.08.2019) Singapore extended support for older workers in the aging island nation as the current leadership prepares to hand over to a new generation in the next few years. The retirement age will be gradually raised to 65 from 62, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said Sunday in his annual National Day Rally speech. The re-employment age, where employers must offer work in the same organization, will rise to 70 from 67.

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UK:No-deal warning - Brexit risk to €5 pension and social welfare hike

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independent(19.08.2019) The €5 hike to the State pension and weekly social welfare payments is in jeopardy amid a major Budget battle in Fianna Fáil. Despite the risk of a no-deal Brexit and opposition at senior levels of the party, social protection spokesman Willie O'Dea said he would be "robustly" arguing for the same €5 per week increase in welfare payments.

Regions / Country
united kingdom

Ukraine to strengthen social protection of displaced persons

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ukrinform (15.08.2019) The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted a resolution the implementation of which will help strengthen the social protection of internally displaced persons and ensure the provision of targeted assistance.

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Global challenges
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Zambia: High number of accidents in road, construction sectors worry WCFCB

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News Diggers! (15.08.2019) The Workers Compensation Fund Control Board (WCFCB) has bemoaned the increasing number of accidents in the road and construction industries in Zambia saying labour is going to waste as a result of the incidents.

Regions / Country
Prevention of occupational risks


Document Type

[Opinion] US: The Ethical Mess of Our Health Care System

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The New York Times (14.08.2019) It is a patchwork that covers some people and some diseases but not others. We can improve it by bolstering Obamacare.

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United States
Global challenges
Document Type

Indonesia struggles to pay for huge universal health care program

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Nikkei Asian Review (14.08.2019) Indonesia is struggling to fill a massive hole in the finances of its compulsory national health insurance system. BPJS Kesehatan, the government agency that oversees the program, has suffered deficits in five of the six years since the system was introduced to much fanfare in 2014. This year, the shortfall between spending and premium income is set to balloon to 28 trillion rupiah (nearly $2 billion), more than double the gap in 2018.

Regions / Country
Global challenges

South Africa: Initial universal healthcare cost at $17 bln

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| Africanews (0808/2019) South Africa published its draft National Health Insurance (NHI) bill on Thursday, with one senior official estimating universal healthcare for millions of poorer citizens would cost about 256 billion rand ($16.89 billion) to implement by 2022.

Regions / Country
south africa
Global challenges
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