Social pensions and accountability in Uganda

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HelpAge International (25.07.2019) Across Africa, millions of older people live in poverty. Without access to pensions and eroding traditions of family support, many have no choice but to continue working into older age doing small-scale, low-paid farming or petty trade. For those who have disabilities or are in ill health, they may have no option to work. Without reliable incomes, older people lead precarious lives on the brink of poverty.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions

[Report] Two new reports and a set of videos aim to help policymakers address long-term unemployment

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Europa (10.07.2019) Two reports and a series of videos on long-term unemployment are being published today, marking the end of a 2-year mutual learning project on the subject.

Regions / Country
european union
Document Type

Canada: Feds take digital step to reshape benefits system for expat seniors

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CTV News (26.07.2019) The federal government is moving to trade, in bulk, information on expatriate seniors with other countries to save time and money when one of them dies.

Regions / Country
Health insurance
Data management
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Business processes
Document Type

India: PM may launch farm pension scheme next month, enrolment to start from Aug 1

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business-standard (30.07.2019) Enrolment for the much-talked-about pension scheme for farmers, called the Pbusiness-standard (3'.07.2019) radhan Mantri Kisan Mandhan Yojana, will begin from August 1 to enable a soft launch by Prime Minister Narendra Modi later in the same month.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Difficult-to-cover groups


Document Type

World Bank: Build, Employ and Protect - Using Social Protection to Invest in People in a Changing World

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worldbank (29.07.2019) Social protection has been key to this effort and many countries have embraced social protection instruments such as safety net programs as a means of harnessing human capital.

Global challenges
Difficult-to-cover groups
Social assistance


Document Type

Colombia: Jeeperos serían incluidos en el piso de protección social

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La Crónica del Quindío (30.07.2019) El viceministro del Trabajo indicó que visitará al departamento en agosto para avanzar en esta iniciativa; conductores de Willys hablaron sobre la realidad del sector.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Difficult-to-cover groups
Document Type

Hungary: Unemployment at record low

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ING (29.07.2019) Hungary's unemployment rate has room to improve further but the pace is likely to slow The unemployment rate of the 15–64 age group came in at 3.4% at the end of 1H19, showing a 0.2 percentage point decline in 12 months. While this marks a new record low level, the improvement is marginal. The better-than-expected reading is due to falling unemployment among women while joblessness among men stagnated. This suggests that the potential labour reserve is clearly depleting and even a marginal improvement will be really challenging.

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France: Assurance chômage - voici le détail des nouvelles règles d'indemnisation à partir du 1er novembre

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Capital (29.07.2019) Le décret concernant cette réforme controversée a été publié au Journal officiel. Elle devrait concerner entre 600.000 et 1,2 million de personnes. On connaît précisément les nouvelles règles de l'assurance chômage. Le ministère du Travail a publié ce dimanche au Journal officiel le décret mettant en oeuvre cette réforme vaste et controversée, annoncée le 18 juin dernier. Un texte qui comprend une annexe de 190 pages qui constitue le nouveau règlement de l'assurance chômage.

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Unicef endorses 5-month maternity leave in poor countries

Submitted by pmassetti on (22.07.2019) The United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) is advocating for a one-month increase in maternity leave for mothers in low and-middle-income countries, to enable parents to give their children the best start in life.   The UN agency is equally calling for a transformative shift in how businesses and governments invest in policies and practices that support healthy brain development and strengthen the bond between parents and their children. 

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[Opinion] Malaysia: Role of employers in Vision Zero campaign

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The Star Online (26.07.2019) THE call by Human Resources Minister M. Kulasegaran for zero accidents in the workplace and occupational safety and health (OSH) measures to be strictly practised in all sectors of industry should be lauded. After all, zero accidents in the workplace would ensure higher productivity of workers and hence improve company profits.

Regions / Country
Prevention of occupational risks


Document Type