France: Réforme des retraites - ouverture surprise de Macron sur l'âge de départ

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Les Echos (27.08.2019) Le président de la République a indiqué lundi soir privilégier « un accord sur la durée de cotisation plutôt que sur l'âge » de départ à la retraite. Ce qui remet en question l'instauration d'un âge pivot à 64 ans, préconisée par le rapport Delevoye sous peine de décote.

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India: Thousands Of Job Losses Reveal Rising Risks To India's Demographic Dividend

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indiaspend (23.08.2019) The recent shedding of over 350,000 jobs in its automobile sector--and thousands elsewhere--is an indicator of the economic and social hurdles that jeopardise India’s demographic dividend, the growth opportunity afforded by the world’s second largest working-age population of 688 million people.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Demographic change
Document Type

US: Secondhand Smoke Remains an Occupational Health Issue

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EHS Daily Advisor (12.08.2019) Nearly one-fifth of nonsmokers were exposed to secondhand smoke at work, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said in a recently published study. The CDC reported that 19.9% of nonsmokers had some exposure on the job, and 10.1% had frequent exposures.

Regions / Country
United States
Global challenges
Occupational accidents and diseases


Document Type

UK: Two-thirds of people say work damages their mental health

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Workplace Insight  (23.08.2019)  A new survey from CV-Library suggests that the UK’s professionals have a problematic relationship with work, with three-quarters (74.2 percent) claiming that their job is damaging their mental health.

Regions / Country
united kingdom
Global challenges
Occupational accidents and diseases


G7 Biarritz Summit: The workplace equality challenge

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ILO (22.08.2019) ILO Director-General Guy Ryder has welcomed the decision to place the fight against inequality at the heart of this year’s G7 summit. Ryder, who will be attending the 24 to 26 August summit in Biarritz, France, called inequality one of the key challenges of our time.

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France: Protection universelle maladie (Puma)

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Capital (20.08.2019) Instaurée en 2016, la protection universelle maladie (Puma) est le régime de couverture santé qui s'est substitué à la Couverture Maladie Universelle (CMU)   La réforme du régime de couverture maladie intervenue au 1er janvier 2016 visait à répondre à un triple but : èlargir la base des bénéficiaires, garantir la continuité des droits à la prise en charge des frais de santé, simplifier les démarches d'obtention.

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Global challenges
Extension of coverage
Document Type

Australia: Fighting the gender pay gap key found in giving fathers paid parental leave

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The Sidney Morning Herald (22.08.2019) Australian academics are looking to Iceland when it comes to ways to increase the proportion of fathers who take paternity leave. Asdís Arnalds, from the faculty of social work at the University of Iceland, will give the keynote address at the Australian National University on Thursday about how her country has doubled the proportion of fathers who take paternity leave from 40 per cent to 80 per cent since it was extended from six months to nine months.

Regions / Country
Family benefits
Parental leave
Document Type

[Opinion] UK: Increasing the state pension age to 75 is a terrible, divisive idea

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newstatesman (20.08.2019) A simplistic plan to save money would bring hardship to those least able to cope. t is rare that I see a proposal as potentially damaging as the recommendation, just published by the Centre for Social Justice, to dramatically increase the state pension age – to 70 by 2028 and then to 75 a few years later. This flawed policy thinking suggests little understanding of the role and impact of state pensions and the differentials within our society. It must be dismissed immediately before it is adopted by politicians looking for seemingly easy benefits.

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united kingdom
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WHO Director-General underscores commitment to strengthening health in Pacific Islands

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WHO news (18.08.2019) WHO Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has completed a two-week mission to Pacific Island countries and reiterated WHO’s unflagging commitment to supporting their efforts to advance health and well being. In 2017, WHO established a special initiative on climate change and health in small island developing states, launching it in cooperation with His Excellency Frank Bainimarama, Prime Minister of Fiji, who was president of COP23 in Bonn.

Regions / Country
Global challenges

Discapacidad: el CERMI proyecta garantizar la protección social en España

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Periodistas en Español (13.08.2019) El Comité Español de Representantes de Personas con Discapacidad (CERMI) ha planteado como reto del próximo decenio incorporar al menos 250 000 personas con discapacidad a un trabajo estable y digno para fortalecer los recursos de la Seguridad Social y garantizar que la protección social llegue a todos por igual, independientemente de su trayectoria laboral.

Regions / Country
Governance and administration
Document Type