Japan estimates cast doubt over public pension sustainability

Submitted by pmassetti on

Reuters (27.08.2019) Japan’s government unveiled estimates on Tuesday that showed public pension benefits steadily declining during coming decades, as it prepares to open up a debate on social security reforms needed to support an aging population.

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Global challenges
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France: Réforme des retraites : comprendre le débat sur l’âge pivot et la durée de cotisation

Submitted by pmassetti on

lemonde.fr (30.09.2019) Emmanuel Macron a laissé entendre lundi que la notion d’« âge pivot » pourrait être remplacée par une durée de cotisation. Un débat qui n’est pas seulement sémantique.

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Global challenges
Document Type

Creating access to social services using digital identity

Submitted by pmassetti on

Punch Newspapers (01.09.2019) Nigerian government has intensified the capturing of Nigerians all over the world into its identity database. IFE OGUNFUWA examines the benefits of the digital identity

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Document Type

Maroc: Les allocations familiales accordées par la CNSS passent à 300 dirhams

Submitted by dfabbri on

yabiladi (30.08.2019) Le conseil de gouvernement, réuni jeudi à Rabat sous la présidence du chef du gouvernement, Saadeddine El Othmani, a adopté le projet de décret n° 2.19.750 modifiant le décret n°2.08.358 publié le 9 juillet 2008, établissant le montant d’allocation familiale accordée par la Caisse nationale de sécurité sociale (CNSS).

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Family benefits
Document Type

Poverty in old age haunts millions of Asia's elderly

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BusinessMirror (31.08.2019) Millionsof informal workers in Asia are at risk of living out their golden years in poverty—unless countries act swiftly. In an Asian Development Blog, Asian Development Bank (ADB) Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department Principal Social Development Specialist Sri Wening Handayani said vendors, day laborers, and others are being left out of the national pension system. Handayani said nearly 10 percent of the population of the Asia and Pacific region are above the age of 60.

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Old-age pensions


Kenya: Population data will help us come up with robust social protection policies

Submitted by dfabbri on

The Standard (29.08.2019)  If there is a constituency that stands to benefit most from the ongoing census, then it is the population that is benefitting from the Government’s social protection programmes.  Although the Government runs a credible cash transfer programme covering the elderly, disabled, famine-sticken, orphans and vulnerable children, there is a general feeling that the data of potential beneficiaries of the programmes is not accurate If there is a constituency that stands to benefit most from the ongoing census, then it is the population that is benefitting from the

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Conditional cash transfers
Document Type

Swiss municipal pension schemes face funding shortfalls: analysis

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IPE (29.08.2019) he differences between the coverage ratios of Swiss municipal pension funds are “enormous” and in some cases there are big holes, according to analysis carried out by the think tank Avenir Suisse.

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En Afrique du Sud, des logements gratuits pour les plus pauvres

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Le Monde (29.08.2019) Depuis la fin de l’apartheid, près de 3 millions de maisons ont été attribuées, mais plus de 2 millions de foyers sont encore sur liste d’attente. A ce jour, d’après les chiffres du gouvernement, près de 3 millions de logements de ce type ont été construits. Les heureux élus deviennent propriétaires sans débourser un sou et peuvent revendre leur bien au bout de huit ans.

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south africa
Social assistance


Document Type

Dutch unions, employers seeking solution to avoid pension cuts

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IPE (28.08.2019) The steering group of social partners in the Netherlands is working on various solutions for the consequences of pension cuts on retirees’ purchasing power, according to local trade union CNV. Both an increase to the state pension (AOW) and the avoidance of cuts to second-pillar payouts are options to be reviewed, the trade union stated in response to questions posed by Dutch pensions industry publication Pensioen Pro.

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[Blog] US: Climate Migrants within the U.S. Will Need a Strong Health System

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Scientifuux American Blog Network (23.08.2019) We must ensure continuity of care for Americans who will be displaced from agricultural regions and coastal cities

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United States
Document Type