Objectives and challenges in the implementation of a universal pension system in France

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Oecd working paper (2019) The mission of the French High Commission for Pension Reform is to prepare the reform introducing a universal pension points system in France. This paper explains why implementing a universal points system in France would increase transparency, reduce inequality and generate efficiency gains for the whole economy. It documents the experience of OECD countries which have opted for a points or a notional defined contribution (NDC) schemes, and provides a technical framework to compare defined benefit, points and NDC pension systems.

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WHO launches digital app to improve care for older people

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WHO (01.10.2019) On the International Day of Older Persons – 1 October – the World Health Organization (WHO) is launching  a package of tools, including a digital application to help health and social workers provide better care for older people.The innovative interactive digital application known as WHO ICOPE Handbook App provides practical guidance to address priority conditions including mobility limitations, malnutrition, vision and hearing loss, cognitive decline, depressive sy

Old-age pensions
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Societal Impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

Bangladesh: Reimagining social protection for older people

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The Daily Star (01.10.2019) Every year October 1 is observed worldwide as the International Day of Older Persons. The theme for this year’s day is “The Journey to Age Equality”, which calls attention to increasing old-age inequalities and seeks societal and structural changes in social protection and universal health coverage schemes for older persons around the world.

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Global challenges
Old-age pensions
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América Latina: Maternidad e informalidad laboral

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El Liberal (30.09.2019)  A partir del nacimiento del primer hijo, las mujeres reducen su participación laboral, sus horas trabajadas y por ende caen sus ingresos respecto del momento previo al embarazo.

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latin america
Global challenges
Family benefits
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Impulsan medidas de protección social para el trabajo freelance

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iproup (17.09.2019) A partir de la aceleración del cambio tecnológico, la globalización y los cambios culturales, la norma parece girar alrededor de trabajadores que mantienen más cantidad de trabajos por períodos más cortos, muchas veces con intermitencias y modalidades diferentes de contratación.

Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

IOM Tells UN High-Level Meeting that Universal Health Coverage Must Include Migrants

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ReliefWeb (24.09.2019) IOM Monday (23 September) welcomed the landmark Political Declaration on Universal Health Coverage at the 74th UN General Assembly in New York. Speaking on behalf of IOM Director General António Vitorino, Jacqueline Weekers, director of IOM’s Migration Health Division, said that for Universal Health Coverage to be truly universal “it needs to progressively include migrants, especially those marginalized or in situations of vulnerability.”

Global challenges
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EU lawmakers give green light to strengthening parents and carers’ rights

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euractiv.com (05.04.2019) The European Parliament backed on Thursday (4 April) the work-life balance directive, which introduces a set of minimum standards to help reconcile work and family responsibilities for parents and carers in Europe, and thus improve gender equality. 

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Family benefits
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China's social security platform goes online

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ECNS /18.09.2019) China officially kicked off a national online platform for social insurance on Sunday after a month-long test, allowing residents to process data much more easily, sometimes with the aid of facial recognition technology.

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Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

Building on Digital ID for Inclusive Services: Lessons from India

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Center For Global Development (13.09.2019) India has emerged as a leader in building on its biometric digital ID (Aadhaar) to reform service and program delivery. It moved quickly to consolidate the rollout of Aadhaar, and then to embed the unique Aadhaar number into program databases.

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Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Business processes
Service delivery
Document Type