Réforme des retraites : les simulations confirment le rôle capital de l’âge pivot

Submitted by gfilhon on

lemonde.fr (21.01.2020) L’analyse des « cas types » par le gouvernement montre que la réforme pénaliserait les départs avant l’âge pivot et profiterait à ceux qui travailleraient plus tard.

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Global challenges
Old-age pensions
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How the youth in Uttar Pradesh are helping the elderly access government welfare schemes, benefits

Submitted by pmassetti on

yourstory.com (17.01.2020) Lack of literacy and complicated documents often hamper financially dependent elderly from accessing government welfare schemes and benefits.

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Global challenges

Putin offered to give out capital for the first child

Submitted by pmassetti on

EastRussia (15.01.2020)  The maternity capital program will be expanded in Russia. It will begin to be issued in full to families after the birth of the first child. This was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin during his annual address to the Federal Assembly.

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Russian Federation
Family benefits
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Pension schemes in EU show big shortfalls in stress test

Submitted by pmassetti on

 EURACTIV.com (18.12.2019) A stress test of pension schemes across the European Union wiped out €270 billion or almost a quarter of investments at funds that took part, the EU’s insurance and pensions watchdog said on Tuesday (17 December).

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Global challenges
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How well are countries doing on universal health coverage? An assessment of 111 countries on UHC Day

Submitted by pmassetti on

December 12 each year is Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day. The tradition dates back to 2012 when the United Nations General Assembly unanimously endorsed a resolution urging countries to accelerate progress toward universal health coverage

Global challenges
Document Type

'I feel more loved.' Autonomy, self-worth and Kenya's universal pension: Summary Report

Submitted by pmassetti on

Development Pathways (Nov 2019) The report focuses on the Inua Jamii Senior Citizens’ Programme which is a tax-financed benefit-tested social pension that is provided to Kenyans when they reach 70 years of age. By ensuring a universal income guarantee to all of Kenya citizens in old age, the programme represents Kenya’s largest tax-financed social security programme and its first entitlement scheme.

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Global challenges
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Climate change in the Sahel: How can cash transfers help protect the poor?

Submitted by pmassetti on

brookings.edu (04.12.2019) the countries of the Sahel are particularly vulnerable to climate change, undermining their long-term development prospects and the chances of the next generation.

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Global challenges
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