La sécurité sociale face au défi climatique

Submitted by pmassetti on

L'Echo (10.02.2020) Peut-on penser sérieusement qu’une réflexion fondamentale sur le financement et l’accessibilité de la sécurité sociale pourra faire l’économie de son inscription dans une transition climatique à engager d’urgence? Peut-on découpler ces deux projets politiques?

Document Type

The number of older workers is increasing fast, yet they face growing age discrimination

Submitted by pmassetti on

LSE Business Review (05.02.2020) Older women are more likely to be rejected for jobs than older men, and less likely to be called for another interview than women under 45, writes Allyson Zimmermann

Global challenges
Document Type

The digital nudge in social security administration - Gregor - 2016 - International Social Security Review - Wiley Online Library

Submitted by rruggia on

The concept of nudge theory, from the fields of behavioural science, political theory and behavioural economics, has sparked government initiatives yielding significant public value. A nudge is a method for predictably altering behaviour without restricting consumer choice options or significantly changing incentives. Nudges work by leveraging default human behaviour such as the tendency to take the path of least resistance when exercising choice.

Service quality
Document Type

Governance and social security: Moving forward on the ISSA good governance guidelines - Musalem - 2011 - International Social Security Review - Wiley Online Library

Submitted by rruggia on

Governments in many countries are redefining policies and strategies in order to respond to the profound and growing social security needs of their citizens. Good governance in social security administration is indispensable to achieve the desired results because new policies and strategies can only be as good as their implementation. The article focuses on good governance at two levels of authority: i) the social security organization, and ii) national Government.

Governance and administration
Document Type

Why the number of self-employed people in Germany is rising

Submitted by pmassetti on

The Local (30.01.2020) Companies are increasingly outsourcing services, and as a result the number of self-employed workers in Germany has risen sharply. Many are learning that working one job is just not enough.

Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Document Type

Social protection in Latin America: One region two systems

Submitted by pmassetti on (23.01.2020) Social protection systems in Latin America have experienced deep structural change in the last two decades. Policies, programmes and institutions directed at population groups characterised by low incomes and informal employment have emerged across the region.

Regions / Country
latin america
Social policies & programmes
Document Type

Reaching universal health coverage: a political economy review of trends across 49 countries

Submitted by pmassetti on

Overseas Development Institute (ODI)  Dec 2019 . This paper aims to understand why and how countries provide health coverage, particularly to left-behind groups. To address these questions, we identified 49 geographically, economically and culturally diverse countries that have either achieved universal health coverage (UHC) or have made good progress towards it.

Global challenges
Document Type

[CSE] L'actualité Protection sociale : "Les trois réformes systémiques de l'avant-projet de loi sur les retraites"

Submitted by gfilhon on

Pierre Mayeur, directeur de l'organisme commun des institutions de rente et de prévoyance (OCIRP) et ancien directeur de la Caisse nationale d'assurance vieillesse, donne sa lecture "personnelle et objective" des avant-projets de loi réformant les retraites.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Document Type

La retraite des autoentrepreneurs pourrait coûter des milliards d'euros à l'Etat

Submitted by gfilhon on

C'est un arrêt à haut risque pour les finances de l'Etat. La Cour de Cassation doit se prononcer sur la minoration systématique des pensions de retraites par la caisse de retraites des autoentrepreneurs, la CIPAV. L'Etat a laissé faire et pourrait se voir demander de rembourser une note salée.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Extension of coverage
Document Type