Swedish authorities introduce robots to help social workers
computerweekly.com (04.10.2019) Local authorities in Sweden are using process automation through software to help social workers make decisions on benefits for claimants.
computerweekly.com (04.10.2019) Local authorities in Sweden are using process automation through software to help social workers make decisions on benefits for claimants.
World Economic Forum (04.10.2019) More than half of the people on Earth still don’t have full coverage of essential health services and almost 100 million people fall into extreme poverty from paying for healthcare. In South-East Asia, while some positive progress has been made in achieving universal health coverage (UHC), it isn’t happening fast enough.
Europa (25.09.2019) This directive entered into force in 2014 and provides key tools to fight circumvention and abuse of EU rules on posting of workers. The report shows that by now, all Member States have transposed the Enforcement directive into national law, leading to improved enforcement of the rules on posting of workers across the EU.
worldbank.org (12.08.2019) The new e-payment system supports seamless—and cashless—transactions between the government and banking systems, allowing salaries, pensions, payments, and benefits to be delivered without manual intervention.
Manila Bulletin Business (05.10.2019) More than 50 cooperatives and associations nationwide joined the Social Security System (SSS) on its fourth multi-sectoral forum aiming to promote the pension fund’s programs for self-employed workers in the informal sector.
Les Echos (22.08.2019) Les services publics doivent être entièrement dématérialisés en 2022, mais 13 millions de Français rencontrent des difficultés avec les outils numériques. Le gouvernement et les collectivités territoriales ont annoncé la création de dix nouveaux lieux de formation.
Les Echos (04.10.2019) Prélèvement à la source pour les particuliers employeurs, congé de proche aidant, lutte contre les impayés alimentaires, accroissement du rôle des Urssaf : le point sur les innovations du projet de loi de financement de la Sécurité sociale pour 2020 qui a été présenté ce lundi.
Reuters (02.10.2019) Brazil’s Senate on Wednesday approved a landmark pension reform bill in a first round of voting, in a relief for far-right President Jair Bolsonaro, although senators voted down an amendment in a move that dilutes the reform’s projected savings.
onenews.ph (19.09.2019) “Empowering our elderly through universal social pension will also contribute to the reduction of poverty and inequality, provide transformative support to ordinary families, and further stimulate the economy,” Sen. Risa Hontiveros said.
climatecentre (01.10.2019) The latest in a series of series of background papers commissioned by the Global Commission on Adaptation to inform its 2019 flagship report argues that better integration of social protection and climate adaptation is “critically important for addressing climate risks”.