Italy: The use of the existing wage guarantee schemes for temporary suspensions of work was expanded (14.08.2020) (14.08.2020)
Jizokuka-kyufukin (01.09.2020) One time subsidy for small and medium-sized enterprises and sole proprietors whose sales of any month from January to December reduced by at least 50% compared to that of last year. The amount is 2,000,000 yen maximum for SMEs, and 1,000,000 yen maximum for sole proprietors including freelances. Application can be done online during 1st May 2020 to 15th January 2021.
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (25.09.2020) Covered month for the support fund and allowance were extended from September 2020 to December 2020. Similarly, the deadlines for application for each month were simplified and extended to 31th December 2020 for months before September; to 31th March 2021 for October, November and December.
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (14.07.2020) 80% of the wage before taking the leave (maximum daily amount 11 ,000 yen) will be paid according to the record of the leave forced to be taken. (limited to the leave taken between April 1, 2020 and September 30, 2020.) However the following two main conditions and others are required. 1. Employees of small and medium sized companies who were/are on leave during the period mentioned above due to the instruction of the employer.
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (09.10.2020) Single-parent temporary special allowance is paid to single-parent households if;
1. they receives child-rearing allowances of June 2020;
2. their child-rearing allowances of June 2020 are suspended due to receiving public pensions; or
3. their income dropped as low as child-rearing allowance beneficiaries.
Cabinet office (01.05.2020) Special supplement of 10,000 yen per a child is automatically added to child benefits. Beneficiaries who received a child benefit for April 2020 are entitled to the supplement. The government pays for the funding and local municipalities administers the supplement as well as original child benefit.
Development Pathways (08.10.2020) COVID-19 has sparked a mass of interest in “basic income”. South Africa’s Minister of Social Development has advocated it; Spain has promised it on a permanent basis; UNDP has argued for it globally (at least on a temporary basis)... But the more you look at basic income, the less attractive it seems, at least from a social protection perspective.
BBC News (07.10.2020) Extreme poverty is set to rise this year for the first time in more than two decades, with coronavirus expected to push up to 115 million people into that category, the World Bank has said.
capac (22.09.2020) Since September 1, 2020, the rules for temporary corona unemployment have changed. Only sectors and companies recognized as particularly affected can apply for temporary corona unemployment until December 31, 2020. You can therefore only submit a request for temporary unemployment for corona force majeure if you are working for the employer's account: which falls within a sector particularly affected by the coronavirus crisis whose company is particularly affected by the coronavirus crisis. (Sept 2020) Many countries have launched unprecedented relief packages to cushion the economic and social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This short review considers some initial lessons emerging from selected countries around the use of digital technology to implement these government-to-people (G2P) social transfer programs. Information is still limited on how well the programs have functioned; in particular, there is a dearth of rapid demand-side survey evidence on the experience of beneficiaries receiving transfers and the likely magnitudes of inclusion and exclusion errors.