Japan: Subsidy for employers who allow female pregnant employees to take paid-leave

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Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (28.10.2020) Employers, who introduced a paid-leave programme for female pregnant employees who are recommended by a doctor to take leaves due to stress caused by Covid-19, can apply a subsidy. Eligible employers are who informed employees of the programme and allowed a employee more than five days paid-leave inclusive between 7 May 2020 and 31 January 2021. The amount of subsidy is 250,000 yen per employee who took 5 - 19 days of paid-leave, and 150,000 yen is added for every 20 days thereafter (up to 1,000,000 yen per employee, 20 employee per company). Application for the subsidy is available from 15 June 2020 to 1 March 2021.  

measures summary

Employers, who introduced a paid-leave programme for female pregnant employees who are recommended by a doctor to take leaves due to stress caused by Covid-19, can apply a subsidy. Eligible employers are who informed employees of the programme and allowed a employee more than five days paid-leave inclusive between 7 May 2020 and 31 January 2021. The amount of subsidy is 250,000 yen per employee who took 5 - 19 days of paid-leave, and 150,000 yen is added for every 20 days thereafter (up to 1,000,000 yen per employee, 20 employee per company). Application for the subsidy is available from 15 June 2020 to 1 March 2021.  

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