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US: Healthcare goes digital but regulation hard to disrupt fabbri

Lexology 30.10.2017)  Healthcare technology is at a pivotal moment in its development. The healthcare industry is primed to take advantage of the innovative tools that technology can provide and governments are positive as to the potential healthcare cost savings that are expected to follow. Regulators around the world are increasingly starting to acknowledge that conventional approaches to regulation may act as an impediment to digital innovation in healthcare and are looking to modernise health regulation. But we are still a long way off an environment where regulation has caught up with technology.

United States
US: Healthcare goes digital but regulation hard to disrupt fabbri

Lexology (30.10.2017) Healthcare technology is at a pivotal moment in its development. The healthcare industry is primed to take advantage of the innovative tools that technology can provide and governments are positive as to the potential healthcare cost savings that are expected to follow. Regulators around the world are increasingly starting to acknowledge that conventional approaches to regulation may act as an impediment to digital innovation in healthcare and are looking to modernise health regulation. But we are still a long way off an environment where regulation has caught up with technology.

Health United States
Egypt is about to launch Universal Health Coverage fabbri

HuffPost (30.10.2017) Egypt is about to offer all of its citizens health insurance for the first time in the North African country’s history. Prime Minister Sherif Ismail approved on Wednesday a new comprehensive health insurance bill after meeting with the Minister of Health, Ahmed Emad, to review final details of the law. The new health care program will cost L.E. 140 billion Egyptian pounds ($8 billion) and will be implemented gradually across the country between 2018 and 2032, starting with the cities of Port Said and Suez, and ending with expansion to Cairo and Giza. Subscription to the universal policy will be mandatory and will cost each citizen, depending on income, between 1,300 pounds ($74) and 4,000 ($227) pounds annually. The government has committed to providing the policy free of charge to those citizens who cannot afford it— an estimated 23.7 million Egyptians (approximately 25% of the population).

universal health coverage Health, Health insurance egypt
Uganda: NSSF wins global awards fabbri

Observer (30.10.2017) The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) has won the 2017 International Social Security Association (ISSA) Good Practice Award and Financial Literacy initiative.

contribution collection Contribution collection and compliance, Financing uganda
Sécurité sociale: L’expérience marocaine sollicitée en Afrique fabbri

Infomédiaire (26.10.2017) Une pléiade de pays africains sont intéressés par l’expérience et l’expertise avant-gardistes marocaines en matière de sécurité sociale et ses outils de gestion, a affirmé le DG de la Caisse Nationale de la Sécurité Sociale (CNSS), Said Ahmidouch.

issa Governance and administration morocco
Global Business Network for Social Protection Floors: Leading multinationals highlight importance of social protection fabbri

ILO (24.10.2017) Representatives of more than a dozen multinational enterprises met in Geneva to highlight the importance of investment in social protection floors for growth in emerging markets.

communication Communication, Social protection floor
Nuevo informe CEPAL/OIT: Desempleo urbano seguiría aumentando en América Latina y el Caribe y llegaría a 9,4% en 2017 fabbri

OIT (19.10.2017) En un nuevo informe conjunto, CEPAL y OIT indican que en el contexto de un bajo crecimiento económico regional las condiciones laborales se deterioraron, aunque existen algunos signos de recuperación.

youth employment Employment of young workers latin america
Technology and e-health fabbri

AVERT (26.10.2017)  E-health can play an important role in making services more accessible and person-centred, as well as improving the operations and financial efficiency of health systems.

  • Unequal access to technology means not everyone can benefit from e-health initiatives, so addressing its limitations is also important.
  • E-health interventions can benefit clinicians, enabling them to reach key populations and improving the exchange of information between health service providers.
  • User-involvement is key for successful implementation of technology and e-health-related HIV programmes
digital platforms Health, Information and communication technology
[Opinion[ Suisse: Sécurité sociale: une réforme globale est nécessaire fabbri

Le Temps (26.10.2017) La Suisse doit faire face aux effets des progrès de la médecine et du vieillissement de la population sur ses assurances sociales. Pour notre chroniqueur David Hiler, il faut augmenter la part du financement public

managing reforms Pensions, Population ageing, Financing switzerland
Commission wants new EU labour authority to crack down on worker abuse massetti (14.09.2017) European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker wants to set up a new EU institution to monitor how labour law is applied in member states. The Commission will outline its plans for the supervisory authority by the end of 2018.

transnational workers Health, Pensions, Migration, Financing european union
EU: Ministerial Declaration on eGovernment - the Tallinn Declaration massetti (06.10.2017) This marks a new political commitment at EU level on significant priorities towards ensuring high quality, user-centric digital public services for citizens and seamless cross-border public services for businesses.

digital platforms european union
Posted workers: Macron’s first victory in reforming the EU massetti (24.10.2017) After lengthy negotiations, EU member states found a compromise on Monday (23 October) on the reform of posted workers, one of the pivotal issues for the EU reform pushed by Emmanuel Macron. 

migration, transnational workers Health, Pensions, Employment, Employment policies, Migration, Financing european union
The changing strategies by digital labour platforms and its impact on freelancers in the Global South massetti  (12.09.2017) Policy makers in the Global South have discovered digital labour platforms (e.g. Upwork, Freelancer) as a potential source for employment.

digital platforms Employment
The Forum Network, hosted by the OECD | Bridging divides ruggia
Going Digital - OECD ruggia

The ongoing digital transformation of economies and societies holds many promises to spur innovation, generate efficiencies, and improve services, and in doing so boost more inclusive and sustainable growth as well as enhance well-being. But these benefits go hand-in-hand with disruptions. Our interactions with one another and with society more broadly are being transformed, as are the nature and structure of organisations and markets, raising important issues around jobs and skills, privacy, security, and how to ensure that technological changes benefit society as a whole, among others.

Some countries and some groups are better placed than others to harness the benefits of digital transformation. To bring about stronger and more inclusive growth from the digital revolution, it is essential to build a coherent and comprehensive policy approach. This is the essence of the OECD's Going Digital project.

The digital transformation is affecting all areas of government policy making This page presents OECD work on digital issues in many of these areas. Yet the essence of the Going Digital project is to foster new cross-cutting thinking and a whole-of-government approach that the digital age requires, where silos are broken down to enable more effective policy making. 

To this end, the project will leverage the latest evidence and data across domains within a new framework for policies towards the digital transformation.

artificial intelligence , data management, digital platforms, identity management Employment, Information and communication technology, Technological transition
Future of work - OECD ruggia

Globalisation, technological progress and demographic change are having a profound impact on OECD labour markets, affecting both the quantity and quality of jobs that are available, as well as how and by whom they are carried out. The future of work offers unparalleled opportunities, but there are also significant challenges associated with these mega-trends.

While it is difficult (if not counter-productive) to try and plan in detail for the potential changes that might affect the world of work in years to come, it is important that policy makers strengthen the resilience and adaptability of labour markets so that workers and countries can manage the transition with the least possible disruption, while maximising the potential benefits.

Against this backdrop, the OECD Future of Work initiative looks at how demographic change, globalisation and technological progress are affecting job quantity and quality, as well as labour market inclusiveness - and what this means for labour market, skills and social policy. 

labour markets Employment
Artificial intelligence: why a global dialogue is critical ruggia (24.10.2017 ) The world is moving so fast that tomorrow seems like yesterday. Nowhere are the changes coming faster than in the science of artificial intelligence. Applications that sounded like science fiction only a decade ago are now part of our daily lives. Douglas Frantz, Deputy Secretary-General of the OECD discusses the potential of Artificial Intelligence ahead of the OECD conference “AI: Intelligent Machines, Smart Policies”.

artificial intelligence Information and communication technology, Technological transition
Philippines: The Employees Compensation Commission (ECC ) launches app to boost delivery of services fabbri

SunStar 25.10.2017)  The Employees Compensation Commission (ECC) is stepping up its efforts to increase awareness on the programs and services it provides by utilizing an online application as platform to reach more potential recipients.

digital platforms Occupational accidents and diseases, Service quality philippines, the
India's pension system more sustainable than others: Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index 2017 fabbri (25.10.2017) The index measuring 30 countries and covering 60 percent of the world’s population, has urged countries with unsustainable pension systems to take action now

sustainability Financing, Pensions india
Les inégalités professionnelles femmes-hommes persistent en Europe fabbri

EurActiv (24.10.2017) Au travail, les inégalités entre les femmes et les hommes persistent en Europe, d’après une étude Insee Eurostat  Si les femmes sont plus diplômées que les hommes dans la majorité des pays européens, elles gagnent encore beaucoup moins que leurs collègues masculins et sont plus durement touchées par le chômage.


US: Americans Are Retiring Later, Dying Sooner and Sicker In-Between massetti

Bloomberg (23.10.2017) U.S. life expectancy is declining, new calculations show. The U.S. retirement age is rising, as the government pushes it higher and workers stay in careers longer.

Population ageing, Demographic change United States
Travail détaché : première victoire européenne pour Emmanuel Macron fabbri

Le Monde (24.10.2017) Les ministres du travail de l’UE se sont accordés sur la révision de la directive de 1996. Un dossier défendu par le président françai  C’est une victoire indéniable pour Emmanuel Macron. Sa première au niveau de l’Union européenne (UE). Les ministres européens du travail et des affaires sociales, réunis à Luxembourg lundi 23 octobre, ont fini par s’accorder sur une révision de la directive de 1996 sur le travail détaché. Une priorité de la présidence française, placée au cœur de sa stratégie réformatrice d’une « Europe qui protège ».

migration Migration european union
Addis-Abeba: La Caisse Marocaine des Retraites primée par l'Association Internationale de la Sécurité Sociale fabbri

Atlas info (24.10.2017)  La Caisse Marocaine des Retraites (CMR) a été récompensée par l’Association Internationale de la Sécurité Sociale (AISS) en recevant un certificat d’Excellence et trois certificats de mérite dont un avec mention spéciale, lors du Forum régional de la sécurité sociale pour l’Afrique qui a ouvert ses travaux, lundi, au Centre de la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique (UNECA), à Addis-Abeba.

issa Old-age pensions morocco
Digital Technologies for Government Innovation ruggia

Accenture 2015 - Governments need to drive digital at depth to rebuild public accountability and boost their mission productivity. But that means instigating digital change, not just reacting to it. By becoming digital disruptors themselves, not just adding digital services but digitalizing to transform their operations, governments can seize the initiative from the nimble new entrants invading their traditional turf and greatly enhance their own competitiveness. By becoming public entrepreneurs, in partnership with the new digital businesses and micro-multinationals that now account for such a large share of new jobs, they can catalyze a digital economy that will sustain innovation and drive economic growth. This report describes how digital leaders in government are delivering public service for the future—and how others can follow their example. Accenture examined the digital transformation of government, looking at the impact digital services have on a country’s economy, competitiveness, government innovation and its citizens through a research report and a global pulse survey.

egovernment, service delivery, services quality Information and communication technology, Technological transition, Service quality
International Migration Outlook 2017 - en - OECD massetti

The International Migration Outlook 2017, the 41st edition of this annual OECD publication, analyses recent developments in migration movements and policies in OECD countries and selected non-member countries. Where relevant, it examines the impact of the recent increase in humanitarian migration. It looks at the evolution of the labour market outcomes of immigrants in OECD countries, with a focus on the medium-term dynamic of employment outcomes and on the implications of structural changes in the labour market. It includes one special chapter on family migrants, looking at this important part of migration and the policies that govern it. A statistical annex completes the book.

migration Migration