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India is formalising measures to protect the rights of gig and platform workers | pmassetti | (20.09.2024) The latest announcement from the Union labour ministry is that it has asked technology-based platforms and aggregators to get all gig workers engaged by them to register on the e-Shram portal, a centralised database of informal workers, where they can avail of health insurance and other facilities, including unemployment benefits, maternity benefits, and accident injury coverage through the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC). As of now, gig workers are eligible only for minimum social-security benefits. A July 2024 statement from the government stated that “for the first time, the definition of ‘gig workers’ and ‘platform workers’ has been provided in the Code on Social Security, 2020.” Code on Social Security is one of the four codes that the Union government has brought in with the aim of consolidating previous labour laws. These four deal with wages, social security, industrial relations, and occupational safety. | digital platforms | Platform workers | india |
Silver Opportunity: Building Integrated Services for Older Adults around Primary Health Care | pmassetti | We live in a rapidly aging world, in which people who are age 60 and older outnumber children under the age of five. This book reveals large and growing gaps in care for older adults in countries at all income levels and shows how to leverage reforms for improving health outcomes for older adults and create healthier, more prosperous communities. Aimed at policy makers and other health and development stakeholders who want to promote healthier aging, Silver Opportunity compiles the latest evidence on care needs and gaps for aging populations. It argues that primary health care should be the cornerstone of integrated service delivery for older people, but that primary health care systems must first build their capacity to respond to older people's health needs. It presents an original framework for policy action to advance primary health care–centered, integrated senior care; documents the experiences of pioneering countries in delivering community-based care to older people; and provides recommendations for decision-makers. The framework presents four policy levers with which to improve health care for seniors—financing, innovation, regulation, and evaluation and measurement—or FIRE. Finally, the book posits that by acting now, countries can leverage population aging to accelerate progress toward health equity and universal health coverage. | Long-term care | ||
Parental Leave: Economic Incentives and Cultural Change | pmassetti | IZA - Institute of Labor Economics (August 2024) The distribution of parental leave uptake and childcare activities continues to conform to traditional gender roles. In 2002, with the goal of increasing gender equality, Sweden added a second "daddy month," i.e., an additional month of pay-related parental leave reserved exclusively for each parent. This policy increased men's parental leave uptake and decreased women's, thereby increasing men's share. To understand how various factors contributed to these outcomes, we develop and estimate a quantitative model of the household in which preferences towards parental leave respond to peer behavior. We distinguish households by the education of the parents and ask the model to match key features of the parental leave distribution before and after the reform by gender and household type (the parents' education). We find that changed incentives and, especially, changed social norms played an important role in generating these outcomes whereas changed wage parameters, including the future wage penalty associated with different lengths of parental leave uptake, were minor contributors. We then use our model to evaluate three counterfactual policies designed to increase men's share of parental leave and conclude that giving each parent a non-transferable endowment of parental leave or only paying for the length of time equally taken by each parent would both dramatically increase men's share whereas decreasing childcare costs has almost no effect. | Family benefits | ||
Étude comparative des dépenses et du financement de la protection sociale en France et en Allemagne | pmassetti | oecd (13.09.2024) Les dépenses sociales publiques ont triplé en 60 ans, atteignant 21 % du PIB en 2022, mais avec des variations significatives entre les pays de l'OCDE. Cette hausse à long terme est liée au développement des États-providence, au vieillissement de la population et à une succession de chocs économiques qui ont entraîné des augmentations progressives des ratios de dépenses sociales par rapport au PIB, dont ils ne se sont que partiellement remis. Ce document compare les systèmes de protection sociale en France et en Allemagne, en analysant les règles institutionnelles, l'efficacité des programmes, les sources de financement, et l'impact des politiques fiscales et sociales sur différents types de familles. Il évalue également les réformes depuis 2015, en se concentrant sur les revenus des ménages, les incitations au travail et les coûts de la main-d'œuvre. | Social policies & programmes | france, germany | |
Aging and Health: Policy Considerations for Long-term Care | pmassetti | (12.09,2024) Providing care for older parents or parents-in-law significantly reduces the probability of employment and annual earnings, particularly among women and intensive caregivers, which remains the most prevalent form of long-term care (LTC) for older adults. Addressing the growing care needs of older adults requires increasing coordination, integration, and capacity building within the health and long-term care systems. Engaging the private sector can help bridge the gap between supply and demand of LTC. Governments play a crucial role in providing and regulating LTC services, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) where progress has been slow and uneven. Many countries have taken steps towards implementing LTC services, but more is needed to improve access, affordability, and quality of services. A person-centered approach with multiple options supports greater access to LTC services. | Long-term care | ||
Securing access to long-term care without hardship as an integral part of universal social protection systems | pmassetti | (01.04.2024) This brief presents the role of universal social protection in securing access to long-term care (LTC). Effective LTC financing strategies include dedicated schemes, top-up pension benefits, expansion of disability benefits, and integration within social health protection packages. Defining a comprehensive benefits package and ensuring financial protection are crucial, with international standards recommending minimal copayments to avoid hardship. High out-of-pocket payments can impoverish older adults and erode insufficient pensions. Addressing knowledge gaps is vital for evidence-based policies, especially for low- and middle-income countries, as most data on LTC pertains to high-income nations. Ensuring universal health coverage and extending social health protection, particularly for groups most affected by climate change, is urgently needed. | Long-term care | ||
China to gradually raise retirement age | pmassetti | Xinhua (13.09.2024) Chinese lawmakers on Friday voted to adopt a decision on gradually raising the statutory retirement age in the country, marking the first adjustment in the arrangement since 1950s. According to the decision adopted at the 11th session of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress, the statutory retirement age for men will be gradually raised from 60 to 63 in the course of 15 years starting 2025, while that for women cadres and women blue-collar workers will be raised from 55 to 58 and from 50 to 55, respectively. | Pensions | china | |
Social protection plays a key role in countering climate change impact but countries most impacted by the climate crisis are the least prepared | pmassetti | International Labour Organization (12.09.2024) Governments must do more to utilize universal social protection to adapt to and mitigate the impact of climate change and achieve a just transition, according to a new ILO report. | Environment and climate change | ||
Singapore passes landmark Bill recognising ride-hail, delivery gig workers as distinct labour class | pmassetti | The Straits Times (11.09.2024) Cabbies, private-hire drivers and freelance delivery workers who rely on online matching platforms for income will get better labour protection from Jan 1, 2025, after Parliament passed a landmark Bill on Sept 10 designating them as a distinct legal category in between employees and the self-employed. | digital platforms | Platform workers | singapore |
How European countries are reforming pensions to tackle rising costs, worker shortages | Reuters | pmassetti | German measures to incentivize workers to retire later come as governments across Europe are turning to pension reforms to address worker shortages and ease the burden on their pension systems. Here is what other European countries are doing. | |||
Working till your 70s — Japan's prospective gift to the world | pmassetti | The Japan Times (05.09.2024) Japanese people are living longer, but with a struggling pension system and the highest inflation in decades, more are delaying retirement until their 70s or later to make ends meet. Japan has some of the longest lifespans in the world, with men living an average of 81 years and women 87 years. This longevity strains the nation’s pension system, making it a case study for other developed countries with similar demographic trends. | Pensions | japan | |
Minimum Income and Social Inclusion Pathways – A review of selected European Union programs | pmassetti | (30.07.2024) Across European Union (EU) countries, the institutional design of Minimum Income (MI) programs varies widely in terms of the benefits and services provided to recipients, despite significant convergence toward a similar MI model and shared common approaches. This discussion paper investigates the delivery of social inclusion pathways, i.e., non-monetary support components to foster MI recipients’ social inclusion and highlights common challenges and good practices across eight EU case study countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden). The paper shows that while some countries prioritize labor activation for workforce reintegration of MI recipients, others aim for broader social inclusion, recognizing the challenges in integrating such recipients into the labor market due to their complex needs. Moreover, the paper examines how the social inclusion pathway and case management interventions in MI programs affect recipient’s welfare within poverty-targeted programs. It notes the lack of evidence on the effectiveness and impact of social inclusion pathways within MIs and mentions ongoing evaluations in Spain, Italy, and France to address this gap. See Less | Social assistance | Europe | |
The geopolitical ripple effect of Asia’s ageing population | pmassetti | (28.09.2024) Economies, cultures and foreign policy objectives are set to evolve with the region’s shifting demographics. | Old-age pensions | Asia | |
India: Government To Bring Gig Workers Under Social Security Net Via e-Shram Portal | pmassetti | (02.09.2024) The government will soon allow gig and platform workers to register on the e-Shram portal, ensuring they are covered under social security schemes, Union Labour & Employment Minister Mansukh Mandaviya announced on Sunday (1 September). Mandaviya highlighted that aggregators — companies that employ gig and platform workers — will be asked to take the lead in registering their workers on the portal. | digital platforms | Platform workers | india |
Instructivo del servicio en línea "Registrar mi fe de vida" (BPS, Uruguay) - YouTube | rruggia | Instructivo para que residentes del exterior puedan dar fe de vida de forma remota utilizando el servicio en línea "Registrar mi fe de vida" | death abroad data exchange, social Networks | Awareness and information, Migration, International agreements | uruguay |
Canal oficial del Banco de Previsión Social - YouTube | rruggia | Canal oficial del Banco de Previsión Social - Uruguay. Links Channel details View email address | social Networks | Communication, Awareness and information | uruguay |
Suva Suisse - YouTube | rruggia | La Suva exerce son activité depuis 1918 et emploie près de 4200 personnes au siège de Lucerne, dans ses 18 agences réparties dans toute la Suisse et dans ses deux cliniques de réadaptation de Bellikon et de Sion. Ses prestations comprennent la prévention, l'assurance et la réadaptation. L'entreprise est financièrement autonome et ne perçoit pas de subventions. Ses excédents de recettes sont redistribués aux assurés sous forme de réductions de primes. Les partenaires sociaux, employeurs et salariés, de même que la Confédération sont représentés au sein du Conseil de la Suva. Tous les contenus en lien avec la sécurité au travail et la protection de la santé sont financés par la CFST. Links Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Channel details View email address | social Networks | Prevention of occupational risks, Communication, Awareness and information | switzerland |
Gojek Indonesia - YouTube | rruggia | 👆Solv, logo Gojek yang baru! Simbol atas segala solusi untuk beragam situasi. Karena masalah akan selalu ada, tapi dengan Gojek #PastiAdaJalan. Links Website Instagram Twitter TikTok Facebook Channel details View email address | Platform workers, Communication, Awareness and information | indonesia | |
Official Youtube of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan - YouTube | rruggia | Official Youtube of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Website : Fanpage : Twitter : @BPJSTKinfo Links Fanpage BPJSTK Twitter BPJSTK Website BPJSTK Channel details | social Networks | Communication, Awareness and information | indonesia |
Supporting your golden years with CPF LIFE - YouTube | rruggia | Did you know? 1 in 2 Singaporeans at age 65 are expected to live beyond 85 years old. That may be you. Having an income stream is essential, especially if you're not working in retirement. With CPF LIFE, never worry about outliving your savings. Here's how CPF LIFE supports your golden years! | social Networks | Communication, Awareness and information | singapore |
CPF Board - YouTube - CPF Learning Academy. | rruggia | CPF Learning Academy. Here, learning is more than just a one-module agenda or certificate. It’s lifelong! Watch our videos and get inspired to be financially ready for every milestone in life — whether it’s buying your first home, planning for a child, or finding your purpose in retirement. | social Networks | Communication, Awareness and information | singapore |
India: Govt mulls reworking migrant, gig worker definitions | pmassetti | (29.08.2024) The Union labour ministry is reviewing definitions of migrant and gig workers to enhance inclusivity and clarity, covering intra-state migrations and digital platforms. | digital platforms | Platform workers, Migration | india |
Transnational Social Security Issues | e-EFKA | rruggia | International agreements | greece | ||
Bilateral issues with third countries - Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs | rruggia | International agreements | greece | ||
Singapore: MOM announces implementation date for the Platform Workers CPF Transition Support | pmassetti | (27.08.2024) The government will now offset 100% of the increase in CPF contributions for lower-income platform workers in 2025, up from the previously announced 75%. These initiatives mark a significant step towards improving the welfare and representation of platform workers in Singapore. | digital platforms | Platform workers | singapore |