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Ghana: Gender Ministry Hints Social Protection Law In The Offing dfabbri

modernghana (25.09.2018) The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection has outlined preparations by the government to pass Social Protection law by 2019 to facilitate inclusive development and reduce poverty.

France: Age de la retraite - la Polynésie s’aligne enfin sur la métropole dfabbri

Capital (24.09.2018) L’Assemblée de la Polynésie française a adopté, vendredi 21 septembre, la loi sur la retraite. D’ici à 2023, l’âge légal de départ à la retraite pour bénéficier du taux plein passera de 60 à 62 ans

managing reforms Pensions france
Suisse: Alain Berset annonce une hausse modérée des primes... jusqu'à quand? dfabbri

Le Temps (24.09.2018) En moyenne, les primes maladie n'augmenteront que de 1,2% en 2019. Reste à savoir si cette embellie sur le front des coûts de la santé n'est que passagère où si elle annonce une tendance lourde

Financing switzerland
Spain joins many countries offering parental leave massetti

Willis Towers Watson (31.08.2018) Spain joins a growing list of countries that have enacted or proposed increases and enhancements in maternity and paternity leave over the past 12 to 18 months, increasing statutory paternity leave from four to five weeks (plus two additional days per child for multiple births) as of July 5, 2018. During leave, pay replacement benefits are provided by social security — INSS (Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad ) ocial) at 100% of covered salary. Leave was already increased from 13 to 20 days in 2017.

managing reforms, ssptw Family benefits, Children, Parental leave spain
Social protection of mainstream and marginal employment in the UK massetti

Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (2018) In many European countries, marginal part-time, (solo-)self-employment and secondary jobs have been increasing since the last decades. The question about the provision of social protection and labour legislation for these types of employment is the starting point for a project entitled "Hybrid working arrangements in Europe", directed by the WSI. Germany, the UK, the Netherlands, Poland, Italy, Denmark and Austria comprise the group of countries selected in order to investigate "hybrid work" in the context of different welfare state regimes.

Thailand: Ministry plans to cover 1m more informal-sector workers for social security massetti The labour Ministry hopes to cover an additional one million informal-sector workers as voluntarily-insured people for social security payments starting in 2019.

Health thailand
Les entreprises, championnes de la fraude sociale | Alternatives Economiques gfilhon

Origine principale de la fraude sociale 

digital platforms Error, evasion and fraud france
Uber : innovation ou concurrence déloyale ? | Alternatives Economiques gfilhon

Analyse économique du modèle des plate forme Uber et de son danger social

digital platforms Employment policies, Technological transition, Social protection floor, Error, evasion and fraud
WWINYE — What Works in Youth Employment massetti
IFAD/ILO Taqeem Initiative: What Works in Youth Employment  
The politics of social risks and social protection in digitalised economies massetti (17.04.2018) When looking at the economic changes and technological revolution under way throughout much of Europe, many debates focus on the fragmentation of the labour force and the ‘Uberisation’ of employment. 

Both in rich and poor countries, universal health care brings huge benefits - An affordable necessity massetti

The Economist (28.04.2018) The argument for universal health care is clear. But getting there is difficult, says John McDermott

universal health care
The Future of Work : Race with-not against-the Machine massetti

The World Bank (01.08.2018) Will the revolution in digital and information technologies make us obsolete? Will jobs be lost and never replaced? Will wages drop to intolerable levels? History and economic theory and evidence suggest that in the long term, such fears are misplaced. However, in the short and medium term, dislocation can be severe for certain types of work, places, and populations. In the transition period, policies are needed to facilitate labor market flexibility and mobility, introduce and strengthen safety nets and social protection, and improve education and training.

À quoi sert le contrôle des chômeurs ? gfilhon

Explication et légitimité de la lutte contre la fraude dans le domaine de l'emploi

data analytics, data management, economic crisis, youth employment Unemployment, Employment policies, Employment of young workers, Contribution collection and compliance, Programme & evaluation, Error, evasion and fraud Europe
« Il suffit de traverser la rue… » : la ritournelle des emplois non pourvus gfilhon

explications sur les différentes formes de chômage : frictionnel, structurel, conjoncturel, et critique de l'approche médiatique sur "les gens ne veulent pas travailler". 

(des)formalization, fragmentation, policy reponse, poverty, youth employment france
Aging and Implications for Elderly Care Services in the People’s Republic of China massetti

Asian Development Bank (September 2018) This brief discusses impacts of an aging population on an economy like the People’s Republic of China and shares the country’s present elderly care system, its drawbacks, and policy implications.

Foreign aid: how a new study in Rwanda could transform US aid massetti (13.09.2018) A nutrition program went head to head with cash.

cct rwanda
Après les banques, les fonds de pension mis en cause en Australie gfilhon (11.09.2018) Un cabinet d'avocats australien a annoncé mardi qu'il porterait plainte contre la première banque et le premier gestionnaire de fortune du pays pour fraude présumée aux dépens de plusieurs millions de retraités.

Pensions, Error, evasion and fraud australia
Terrorism has a hidden health legacy – as 9/11 shows gfilhon

Les conséquences du terrorisme sur la santé publique.

policy reponse Medical care, Health insurance, Disability, Survivors, Shocks & extreme events Americas
Morocco-India Social Register Program Aims to Reduce Inequality massetti (28.08.2018) According to the World Bank, Morocco and India launched the India-Morocco Social Register cooperation on Monday, August 27.  The memorandum is expected to cement institutional ties between the two countries, with the goal of using common digital tools to identify and meet the needs of their respective populations.

Information and communication technology, Data management morocco, india
Blockchain : Comment préserver l’identité des populations fragiles ? massetti

The Forum Network OECD (04.09.2018) L’absence de preuves d’identité bloque l’accès aux services les plus basiques et empêche l’émancipation de millions d’individus. L’utilisation de la blockchain, en offrant un cadre de confiance pour des informations administratives, apporte des éléments de réponse à ces enjeux. Si la révolution numérique peut être perçue comme un risque, notamment pour toute une frange de la population exclue de ces technologies, elle peut donc également se révéler être un formidable vecteur d’inclusion.

Blockchains and social protection: Snake-oil or panacea? massetti (10.09.2018) Blockchain technology has also started to slowly materialise into the fields of humanitarian aid, development and even social protection. The intricacies behind the exact technological nature of how blockchains work would probably require an entire blog or maybe a series of blogs to fully explain. As such, a simple but direct overview will be provided alongside links to other reliable sources and materials [3] that offer in-depth overviews of the technology and concepts that have led to the development of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and to blockchain itself.   

Information and communication technology
Inégalités "immenses" dans l'accès au soins en Europe (OMS) gfilhon (12.09.2018) Les inégalités d'accès à des soins abordables financièrement sont "immenses en Europe", souligne l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) dans un rapport publié mercredi, estimant qu'il reste "beaucoup à faire" pour la mise en place d'une couverture sanitaire universelle.

fragmentation, policy reponse, poverty, universal health care, universal health coverage Health promotion, Medical care, Health insurance, Mutual benefit societies Europe
A glimpse into the future of social protection massetti (24.08.2018) The changing nature of work is upending traditional employment. But as the gig economy, part-time jobs, contracts and other diverse and fluid forms of employment grow, what happens to the protections the traditional job market offered to people and workers?

‘Double social grants for six months’ | News | National | M&G massetti
Exploring youth targeted labour market and training programmes in the MENA region | massetti

Youth labour has been an increasing issue worldwide, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.