Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
Uruguay lidera en América Latina la cobertura en cuidados paliativos | dfabbri | Presidencia de la República (28.10.2018) Según las últimas cifras difundidas por el Ministerio de Salud Pública, la mitad de los pacientes que requieren cuidados paliativos acceden a ellos, tanto en servicios públicos como privados. En 2012 la cifra no llegaba a uno de cada cinco. Uruguay se ubica en el primer lugar de América Latina en la materia. El ministro Jorge Basso señaló como fundamental que las familias conozcan sus derechos al respecto |
Health | uruguay | |
World Development Report 2019: International Labour Office expresses concern about World Bank report on future of work | massetti | ILO (12.10.2018) Following the publication of the World Development Report 2019 on ‘The Changing Nature of Work’, the International Labour Office questions the approach to some key issues addressed in the publication. |
Oman: Five get Scientific Research Award for work in field of social insurance | dfabbri | Times Of Oman (29.10.2018) Five winners have been awarded the first edition of the Scientific Research Award for their research in the field of social insurance by the Public authority for Social Insurance (PASI). |
issa | Service quality | oman |
World’s pension funds vulnerable to climate risks, study reveals | massetti | (23.10.2018) 87% of assets managed by the world’s 100 largest public pension funds are yet to undergo a formal climate risk assessment, according to research published on Tuesday (23 October), with only 15% of them adopting a coal exclusion policy. |
Investment | ||
América Latina y el Caribe: CEPAL y OIT recalcan importancia de transitar hacia un modelo más sostenible de desarrollo para generar nuevas oportunidades de empleo | dfabbri | (23.10.2018) América Latina y el Caribe es la región más biodiversa del mundo, pero está perdiendo su riqueza natural con el deterioro ambiental que provoca el actual estilo de desarrollo. De allí que resulta urgente una transición hacia un modelo más sostenible tanto desde el punto de vista medioambiental como laboral, lo que permitiría acceder a nuevas oportunidades y mejoras en el empleo, señalan la CEPAL y la OIT en una nueva publicación conjunta. |
labour markets | Employment | latin america |
[Policy Brief] WHO/Europe: Ensuring access to medicines: How to stimulate innovation to meet patients' needs? | dfabbri | euro.who.(October 2018) This policy brief is one of a series on addressing market and policy failures in the pharmaceutical sector that was prepared for the Austrian EU Presidency. It aims to inform discussions about stimulating more meaningful productivity in terms of R&D. More specifically, it explores how R&D efforts can be steered to areas of unmet clinical needs and how efficiency in the R&D process can be increased. It also explicitly considers concrete options for strength |
Health promotion | Europe | |
Les petits jobs, moteur de l’économie canadienne | dfabbri | Le Temps (26.10.2018) Plutôt que de privilégier le développement des «emplois d’avenir», qui seraient des métiers hautement qualifiés, les Canadiens, et notamment les Québécois, misent depuis longtemps sur les petits jobs. Avec succès |
labour markets | canada | |
The future of work: Switzerland’s digital opportunity | dfabbri | McKinsey (25.10.2018) New technologies can give Switzerland’s economy a much-needed productivity boost, but bold digital transformation and skills development are imperative. Digital technologies, automation, and artificial intelligence (AI) could boost Swiss productivity by around one percentage point a year in the period to 2030. However, to capture that productivity bonus, Swiss companies need to undertake bold and comprehensive digital transformation, and work with governments to equip the workforce with the skills that will be in demand. |
switzerland | ||
Deutschland: Digitalisierung der Arbeit: Wie gelingt der Blick in die Zukunft? | dfabbri | vorwärts (11.10.2018) Im Bundesarbeitsministerium wird ab sofort in einer Denkfabrik Digitale Arbeitsgesellschaft zur Zukunft der Arbeit geforscht. Ziel: Kluge Vorschläge an die Politik. |
Employment | germany | |
ILO: As tech disrupts our jobs, it's not too late to turn pain into gain | dfabbri | ILO (22.10.2018) Workers will need a magic mix of skills to survive the technological revolution. T he World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2018 gives some cause for encouragement. The business perspective on how technology will affect growth and job creation is becoming more positive, the survey results show. As the International Labour Organization (ILO) approaches its 100th anniversary , we are also reflecting on these issues through the Future of Work Centenary Initiative . I would like to share some of our thoughts on policy and trends. |
España: La sanidad universal no acaba de llegar a todos los sin papeles | dfabbri | El Pais (25.10.2018) Los extranjeros que se encuentran en situación irregular en España siguen a la espera de que se concrete su acceso universal a la sanidad. El Congreso convalidó en septiembre el decreto ley aprobado en julio por el Gobierno para garantizar esta asistencia sanitaria, pero ahora se está tramitando como ley en el Congreso. Y, mientras tanto, organizaciones como Médicos del Mundo, Yo Sí Sanidad Universal y Médicos sin Fronteras, entre otros, denuncian quejas de personas en situación irregular que no son atendidas. |
poverty | Difficult-to-cover groups | spain |
Sécu : fin d'un compromis historique | Alternatives Economiques | gfilhon | Les dangers du contrôle budgétaire par l'Etat des dépenses de Sécurité sociale et les raisons de l'équilibre financiers français. |
adequacy, sustainability | Health, Old-age pensions, Employment, Occupational accidents and diseases, Actuarial, Governance and administration, Risk management, Social policies & programmes, Financing | Europe , france |
France: Cinq questions sur le « revenu universel d’activité » annoncé par Emmanuel Macron | massetti | (15.09.2018) Autrefois présentée sous le nom de « versement social unique », cette future prestation sociale regroupe des enjeux colossaux. Explications. |
universal-basic-income | france | |
Nepal: Innovations in social protection | dfabbri | The Kathmandu Post (25.10.2018) The third anniversary of the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the member states of the United Nations reminds us that the SDG clock is ticking. The aspiration of Agenda 2030 of ‘leaving no one behind’ calls for an integrated strategic plan that includes social protection to cover population groups most difficult to reach. Often the hardest to reach and most at risk are people who are vulnerable due to factors such as extreme poverty, disability, old age and chronic illness, social and geographic exclusion, and frequent natural disasters. |
poverty | Extension of coverage, Difficult-to-cover groups | nepal |
Research Department Working Paper n°29: The Future of Work: A Literature Review | massetti | An enormous amount of literature has emerged over the last few years in the context of the “Future of Work”. Academics, think tanks and policy makers have fuelled rich discussions about how the future of work might look like and how we can shape it. Indeed, labour markets in developing and developed countries are likely to undergo major transformations in the next years and decades. However, despite a growing body of research in this area, there exists no universally accepted definition of what exactly the “Future of Work” encompasses and what the most relevant drivers are. |
Le réchauffement climatique menace les retraites du monde entier | dfabbri | EurActiv (23.10.2018) La grande majorité des actifs des 100 plus grands fonds de pension n’ont pas fait l’objet d’une évaluation des risques climatiques. |
climate change | Pensions | |
Suisse: «L’intelligence artificielle permettra des économies de 4 milliards dans la santé» | dfabbri | Le Temps (24.10.2018) Dans un livre* à paraître la semaine prochaine, Daniel Walch et Xavier Comtesse entrevoient une baisse possible des coûts de la santé grâce à l’intelligence artificielle. Qui fera des assurés des patients «impatients et compétents» |
digital platforms | switzerland | |
ILO Global Business Network for Social Protection Floors: Invest in social protection | dfabbri | ILO (23.10.2018) ILO Director-General, Guy Ryder, calls on businesses to help make universal social protection a reality, in a speech at the fourth annual meeting of the ILO Global Business Network for Social Protection Floors, in Geneva, Switzerland. |
Health Inequalities in Europe. Setting the Stage for Progressive Policy Action | massetti | The report proposes a progressive agenda to take action on health inequalities, and—in doing so—achieve the SDGs on health. Only by simultaneously providing universal health coverage to all populations in Europe and evaluating policies regarding their health impacts can we level the inequalities in health. Doing so promises economic benefits at a national level, but more importantly, it delivers on a basic human right: the right to health, irrespective of place of birth, ability, or socioeconomic background. |
Europe | ||
Serveur, vigile : Uber cherche a ubériser d'autres secteurs de l'emploi - Tech - Numerama | gfilhon | La fraude associée à l'économie de plate forme évolue... Uber veut s'étendre à d'autres services |
digital platforms | Employment of young workers, Governance and administration, Human resource management, Information and communication technology, Technological transition, Extension of coverage, Difficult-to-cover groups, Contribution collection and compliance, Inequalities | Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe |
World’s pension funds vulnerable to climate risks, study reveals | dfabbri | EurActiv (16.10.2018) 87% of assets managed by the world’s 100 largest public pension funds are yet to undergo a formal climate risk assessment, according to research published on Tuesday (23 October), with only 15% of them adopting a coal exclusion policy. |
climate change | Pensions, Investment | |
España: Pensiones: un elefante blanco en el Consejo de Ministros | dfabbri | Cinco Días (22.10.2018) Las pensiones siempre han sido el gran problema financiero del futuro en España. Desde que en 1985 se hizo la primera reforma seria del sistema de la Seguridad Social para prohibir la compra de prestaciones y tratar de garantizar que nadie se llevase lo que no había puesto, el futuro se ha ido retrasando con sucesivos parches, pero ahora se ha echado encima y no bastan los milagros de sor Virginia. Se precisa una reforma integral del sistema de protección a la vejez para que el futuro, cuando llegue, sea el jardín de las delicias y no un conflicto continuo. |
managing reforms | Old-age pensions | spain |
US: Social security increase impact on seniors | dfabbri | (22.10.2018) Social security beneficiaries will be getting an increase in benefits next year, but for many retirees, it won't balance out other cost increases. The 2019 increase is the largest increase for retirees since 2012. |
managing reforms | Old-age pensions | United States |
Ireland: Efforts being made to resolve illness benefit payment delays, says minister | dfabbri | The Journal (19.10.2018) Every effort is being made to resolve problems that have arisen with the new automated system for Illness Benefit. |
Health, Governance and administration, Client | ireland | |
Europe: Are Blue-Collar Jobs Turning White? | dfabbri | Social Europe (17.10.2018) Manual jobs in European manufacturing are being transformed as blue-collar workers take on more intellectual tasks. This is a consequence of the increasing use of digital tools and the growing importance of quality control in production. |
Europe |