Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
COVID-19: Social protection systems failing vulnerable groups | pmassetti | (25.03.2020) Governments must use the momentum created by the COVID-19 pandemic to make rapid progress toward collectively financed, comprehensive, and permanent social-protection systems. |
covid19 | ||
ILO: COVID-19 and the world of work | pmassetti | covid19 | |||
Pakistan: PM Imran Khan approves increase in the BISP UCT | mmarquez | (24.03.2020) Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has approved a financial relief package for different segments of society who were vulnerable to the adverse impact of the coronavirus outbreak on the countrys economy, according to the report on Tuesday. Earlier on Monday, the package was approved in a meeting chaired by Khan at the Prime Minister Office (PMO), Dawn news reported. According to the informed sources, it had been decided that the funds of the government’s much ambitious Ehsaas programme would be distributed among the poor according to the available data of the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) and through the under progress National Socio-Economic Registry (NSER) of the BISP. The BISP is a federal unconditional cash transfer poverty reduction program in the country. Under the package the monthly stipend of the BISP has been increased from 2,000 to 3,000 Pakistani rupees, the sources further added. |
covid19 | Social assistance | pakistan |
COVID-19 | Eurofound | pmassetti | Eurofound provides information, advice and expertise on working conditions and sustainable work, industrial relations, labour market change and quality and life and public services, to support the EU Institutions and bodies, Member States and Social Partners in shaping and implementing social and employment policies, as well as promoting social dialogue on the basis of comparative information, research and analysis. |
covid19 | Europe | |
Opinion: How to support the self-employed through the pandemic | pmassetti | Financial Times (25.03.2020) Disruptions caused by coronavirus have exposed the gaps in the welfare system |
digital platforms | Social assistance | |
Coronavirus highlights sick pay void for platform workers | pmassetti | Eurofound (19.03.2020) The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is starting to have a serious impact on the world economy. The consequences for platform workers are especially severe in light of forced work stoppages due to self-isolation and lack of sick pay in many cases. Recent media coverage shows that platform workers in the transport sector (ride hailing and food delivery) are most affected, while professional services performed online (such as remote consultations with health professionals) could help to reduce the pressure on health systems. |
digital platforms | Cash sickness benefits | Europe |
Canada: Reduced minimum withdrawals for Registered Retirement Income Funds | mmarquez | (25.03.2020) Ottawa’s measures will reduce the amount Canadians will be mandated to withdraw by 25 per cent this year amid concerns seniors will be forced to sell assets into a heavily discounted market, thus reducing the potential long-term value of their retirement portfolios in the event of an equity market resurgence. The Canadian government said the measure would cost $495 million of its $82-billion economic response plan announced on Wednesday. |
covid19 | Family benefits, Old-age pensions | canada |
Canada: Indigenous Community Support Fund | mmarquez | (23.03.2020) A new Indigenous Community Support Fund In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, on March 18, 2020, the Government of Canada announced the COVID-19 Economic Response Plan. This plan includes $305 million for a new, distinctions-based Indigenous Community Support Fund to address immediate needs in First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities. This funding will also provide support to regional, urban and off-reserve Indigenous organizations. These new funds will flow directly to Indigenous communities and groups across the country and will provide Indigenous leadership with the flexibility needed as they prepare for and react to the spread of COVID-19. These funds could be used for measures including, but not limited to:
covid19 | Difficult-to-cover groups, Social assistance | canada |
Canada: The New Canada Emergency Response Benefit | mmarquez | (23.03.2020) The new Canada Emergency Response Benefit: We will provide a taxable benefit of $2,000 a month for up to 4 months to:
This benefit replaces the previously announced Emergency Care Benefit and the Emergency Support Benefit. |
covid19, self-employed | Unemployment, Social assistance | canada |
Canada: Increasing the Canada Child Benefit | mmarquez | (25.03.2020) Support for individuals and families: Increasing the Canada Child Benefit. We are providing an extra $300 per child through the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) for 2019-20. This will mean approximately $550 more for the average family. This benefit will be delivered as part of the scheduled CCB payment in May. |
covid19 | Family benefits | canada |
El Salvador: Se suspende el pago de electricidad, agua, teléfono, cable e internet por 3 meses | mmarquez | (25.03.2020) Según el Plan de Respuesta y Alivio Económico ante la Emergencia Nacional contra el covid-19, el gobierno suspenderá el pago de los recibos de electricidad, agua, teléfono, cable e internet por los próximos tres meses. También se aplazará por el mismo períodoel pago de alquileres y de las cuotas de créditos hipotecarios, de consumo, tarjetas o crédito de vehículo para personas o empresas afectadas por la pandemia. Los pagos de los alquileres tanto de viviendas como locales comerciales serán prorrogados y se regularán los precios para evitar un aumento que afecte a sectores más vulnerables, indica el documento. "Esto incluye a empresas pequeñas, empresas micro, dueños y trabajadores de restaurantes, comedores, gimnasios, las personas en cuarentena, los enfermos que tengamos, personas que han sido enviadas a casa sin sueldos", aclaró Bukele sobre los grupos a los que iba dirigido. |
covid19 | Social assistance | el Salvador |
Denmark: Danish corona-hit firms get state aid to pay 75% of salaries | mmarquez | (15.03.2020) Denmark’s government told private companies struggling with drastic measures to curb the spread of coronavirus that it would cover 75% of employees’ salaries, if they promised not to cut staff. Under the three-month aid period that will last until June 9, the state offers to pay 75% of employees’ salaries at a maximum of 23,000 Danish crowns ($3,418) per month, while the companies pay the remaining 25%. “If there’s a big drop in activity, and production is halted, we understand the need to send home employees. But we ask you: Don’t fire them,” Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said told a news conference on Sunday (15 March). Employees will be obliged to take five days of mandatory vacation or time off from work, she added. The offer is one of several economic aid packages by the government to help companies and employees cushion the effect of tough measures to curb the spread of coronavirus. |
covid19 | Unemployment | denmark |
Colombia: Reconexión de agua a población vulnerable y giro adicional a Familias en Acción | mmarquez | (18.03.2020) Iván Duque señaló que se implementarán medidas para la población más vulnerable, por lo que se les realizarán giros adicionales a todos los beneficiaron de los programas Familias en Acción, Jóvenes en Acción, y Adulto Mayor. Por otro lado, y no menos importante, manifestó que se coordinó con el Ministerio de Vivienda la reconexión del servicio de agua de manera gratuita para familias en estado de vulnerabilidad , para que no les falte el servicio en medio de la emergencia; adicional a esto, habrá congelación en la tarifa del acueducto hasta el mes abril. El presidente confirmó que se llevará a cabo el proceso de devolución del IVA a los más vulnerables, beneficio al cual tendrán acceso también desde abril. |
covid19, family | Old-age pensions, Social assistance | colombia |
ILO Report on Social protection response to Covid19 in Asia | pgirard | (25.03.2020) This brief outlines the implications of the Covid-19 crisis for national social protection systems and highlights specific social protection responses taken in countries in the Asia and Pacific region. It builds on a more comprehensive ILO Brief which offers policy considerations regarding the role of social protection in responding to the possible impacts of COVID-19 crisis. |
covid19 | Asia | |
Luxemburg: Measures at the level of social security contributions | pgirard | (19.03.2020) Faced with the impact of COVID-19 on companies and the self-employed in Luxembourg, the Joint Social Security Centre (CCSS) and the Minister for Social Security, Romain Schneider, have taken a series of measures to support companies and the self-employed by offering them greater flexibility in their management of the payment of social security contributions. |
covid19, self-employed | Contribution collection and compliance | luxembourg |
Canada: Introduction of the Emergency Care and Emergency Support Benefits | mmarquez | (23.03.2020) For workers without paid sick leave (or similar workplace accommodation) who are sick, quarantined or forced to stay home to care for children, the Government is:
covid19, self-employed | Unemployment, Social assistance | canada |
Canada: Waiting Period for EI sickness benefits is waived | mmarquez | (23.03.2020) Service Canada is ready to support Canadians affected by COVID-19 and placed in quarantine, with the following support actions:
covid19 | Cash sickness benefits | canada |
Brazil: Government will distribute R$ 200 to informal workers | mmarquez | (18.03.2020) As part of the plan to combat the new coronavirus, the government announced on Wednesday (18) that it will grant vouchers to transfer money to the portion of the population that has no formal work and does not receive resources from programs such as Bolsa Família and BPC (Benefit from Continued Installment). Minister Paulo Guedes (Economy) announced the measure in an interview at the Planalto Palace. According to him, another government action will be to pay part of the salaries of workers of micro and small companies that commit to not firing employees. According to Guedes, the measure will be signed this Wednesday by President Jair Bolsonaro and will allow each beneficiary to receive around R $200 monthly for a period of three months. |
covid19 | Social assistance | brazil |
Brazil: Extension of over 1 million beneficiaries to Bolsa Família | mmarquez | (16.03.2020) Announcement of the measures, which foresee an injection of R $ 147.3 billion in the economy, was made on Monday by Minister Paulo Guedes. Package expands credit to retirees and small businesses. For the poorest population, the government informed that it will release about R $3 billion for Bolsa Família. The amount corresponds to the inclusion of over 1 million families among the beneficiaries - the government did not detail whether there will be a change in the income criteria for this membership. |
covid19, family | Family benefits, Social assistance, Conditional cash transfers | brazil |
Bolivia: Gobierno crea el Bono Familia, flexibiliza pago de adeudos y prohíbe corte de servicios básicos | mmarquez | (18.03.2020) La presidenta Jeanine Añez anunció este miércoles cuatro medidas económicas para ayudar a sectores de la población considerados más afectados por las consecuencias de la pandemia del coronavirus. Una de las medidas es la creación del Bono Familia, que busca contribuir en la alimentación de los hijos de las familias de escasos recursos. “Hoy anuncio ante ustedes la creación del Bono Familia, un bono para las familias bolivianas que más lo necesitan; para las familias con niños que en este tiempo de cuarentena no tendrán el desayuno escolar”, señaló la mandataria. El bono es de 500 bolivianos y será para cada hijo que asista al nivel primaria en escuela fiscal. El beneficio será entregado en abril. Añez dijo que de similar manera se hará con el pago del impuesto a las utilidades. “Hemos ordenado que el impuesto a las utilidades no se pague en abril, que será un mes duro, sino que se pague en mayo y a plazos”, apuntó. La cuarta medida tiene que ver con la provisión de los servicios básicos. El gobierno prohíbe “contundentemente” cortar los servicios de agua, luz y gas a los hogares mientras dure la cuarentena y la crisis en salud. En ese sentido, la falta de pago no será un motivo para prescindir del servicio. |
covid19, family | Family benefits, Social assistance | bolivia |
Belgique: Dix mesures pour soutenir les entreprises et les indépendants dans le cadre du COVID-19 | pmassetti | (06.03.2020) Ces mesures visent en substance, d’une part, à permettre aux entreprises impactées de mettre leurs salariés en chômage temporaire afin de préserver l’emploi et, d’autre part, à prévoir des modalités d’étalement, de report, de dispense de paiement de cotisations sociales, précomptes, impôts de nature sociale et fiscale, pour les entreprises et les indépendants. |
covid19, labour markets, self-employed | Unemployment, Contribution collection and compliance | belgium |
Australia: Deferral of payroll tax for business in certain sectors | mmarquez | (17.03.2020) Ministerial Statement COVID-19 Response Measures (...) "Whilst ensuring that Tasmanian’s health wellbeing and safety is our most important aim we must also ensure that we support Tasmanian jobs and those businesses most affected by the economic impacts we are facing. The Government will take strong action and in the first stage of our economic stimulus plan I can announce there will be:
contribution collection, covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | australia |
Belgique: Coronavirus : lancement du deuxième volet du Plan fédéral de protection sociale et économique | pmassetti | (20.03.2020) Le chômage temporaire sera à la fois automatique, étendu et renforcé, ainsi qu'un soutien aux indépendants fermés ou en difficulté. |
covid19, freelance, self-employed | Unemployment, Social assistance | belgium |
Australia: One-off payment for housing in Tasmania | mmarquez | (17.03.2020) Ministerial Statement COVID-19 Response Measures (...) "$1 million will be available to support front line workers with accommodation, such as in circumstances where their family members are ill so they can continue to contribute to our response. The accommodation will be provided for the period required to effectively manage the COVID-19 pandemic. The Government will provide an additional $1 million in grants to mental health organisations to support individuals experiencing mental health difficulties as a result of the challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. We will also establish an emergency accommodation support fund of $1 million to be administered through the Department of Communities Tasmania. This will be available for individuals and families who have been placed on home quarantine but who are unable to return to their regular place of residence due to self-isolation measures being in place. This will provide additional support members for our community at this difficult time." |
covid19 | Housing, Social assistance | australia |
Australia: One-off emergency relief payments in Tasmania | mmarquez | (17.03.2020) Ministerial Statement COVID-19 Response Measures (...) "Today, I am announcing as an initial response to this pandemic, that the Government will provide further support and economic stimulus to help businesses and Tasmanian’s affected by the virus. The package will include further support for our community: One-off emergency relief payments of $250 for individuals and up to $1000 for families who are required to self-isolate by public health as a result of coronavirus. This will be available to casual workers and those on low incomes. Funding for this measure will be uncapped." |
covid19 | Social assistance, Cash transfers | australia |