Title | Authored on | Regions / Country | Abstract | measures summary | Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) | Topics | Tags | Status | URL | |
Japan gov't council says pensions inadequate in aging society - The Mainichi | japan | The Mainichi (04.06.2019) Japan's public pension system is not enough to sustain people's livelihoods anymore in a rapidly aging society, a government report said Monday. |
Proposition_SS_Monitor | | pmassetti | |||||
France: Comment lutter contre le chômage ? | france | France Inter (24.06.2019) La réforme de l'assurance chômage, présentées mardi dernier, devrait modifier les conditions d'accès à l'allocation et le calcul de son montant. 8,7 % de la population active est au chômage en France : cette réforme permettra-t-elle de faire baisser ce taux ?… |
La réforme de l'assurance chômage, présentées mardi dernier, devrait modifier les conditions d'accès à l'allocation et le calcul de son montant. 8,7 % de la population active est au chômage en France : cette réforme permettra-t-elle de faire baisser ce taux ? Comment lutter contre le ch |
Unemployment, Financing | managing reforms | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | ||
Government of Liberia, ESOKO Sign US$2M Social Data Collection Agreement | liberia | FrontPageAfrica (25.06.2019) The Government of Liberia, through the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Monday signed a US$2 million contract with a Ghanaian company — “Esoko” — to collect social data in four counties Nimba, Bong, Bomi and Maryland Counties. |
The contract is a six-month project funded by the World Bank through USAID. Data collected will help inform government on the number of extremely poor and food insecure household and where there is lack of social services that would qualify people for social cash transfer as it is being done in M |
Governance and administration | Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR |… | dfabbri | |||
Vietnam's Maternity Leave - Benefits and Application | vietnam | Vietnam’s Maternity Leave – Benefits and Application |
Maternity | ssptw |… | pmassetti | ||||
La France consacre un tiers de son PIB à la protection sociale | france | BFMTV (20.06.2019) Le montant total des prestations de protection sociale (santé, retraite, famille, chômage) a augmenté de 1,8% en 2017, selon le service de statistiques des ministères sociaux. En ajoutant les frais de gestion et les frais financiers, ces dépenses ont atteint 774,5 milliards d'… |
En 2017, les prestations sociales ont augmenté de 1,8% pour atteindre un montant total de 727,9 milliards d'euros. Cette somme, dévoilée ce jeudi par la Drees, le service de statistiques des ministères sociaux, représente 31,7% du produit intérieur brut (PIB), une proportion parmi les plus élevée |
Financing | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | |||
Azerbaijan raises minimum wage by $41, and minimum pension by $23 | azerbaijan | (20.06.2019) The minimum wage in Azerbaijan will increase from 180 to 250 manat [from $106 to $148]. Starting October 1, the size of the minimum pension will also increase, from 160 to 200 manat [from $95 to $118] |
Pensions | basic income | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | |||
Egypt to take greater social protection measures to help poor, middle income classes | egypt | Ahram Online (23.06.2019) Egypt’s parliament – the House of Representatives – began discussing the country’s state budget (2019/20) and development plan on Saturday. Minister of Finance Mohamed Mait told MPs in a plenary session that the government will do everything possible to protect poor and… |
Egypt’s parliament – the House of Representatives – began discussing the country’s state budget (2019/20) and development plan on Saturday. Minister of Finance Mohamed Mait told MPs in a plenary session that the government will do everything possible to protect poor and limited income cla |
Financing | poverty | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | ||
Universal Credit, gender and unpaid childcare: Mothers’ accounts of the new welfare conditionality regime | united kingdom | Critical Social Policy (15.006.2019) The introduction of Universal Credit, a new social assistance benefit for working age people in the UK, constitutes radical welfare reform and entails a significant intensification and expansion of welfare conditionality. Numerically, women are… |
gender_and_inequality | | pmassetti | |||||
ILO: Social protection critical amid deep world of work changes | ILO (14.06.2019) Participants at a forum held at the International Labour Conference (ILC) discussed how digitalization, demographic shifts, climate change and globalization will affect the way people manage transitions during the course of their lives. Speakers stressed the… |
Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | ||||||
ILO: World leaders call for action on the future of work | ILO (19.06.2019) High-level visits to the International Labour Conference (ILC) continued this week, with several heads of State and government addressing delegates on issues relating to the future of work. This year’s ILC marks the 100th anniversary of the International Labour Organization (ILO… |
The King of Lesotho, the First Vice-President of Cuba, the President of Colombia, the Prime Minister of Portugal, the Vice-President of Costa Rica and the Prime Minister of Barbados addressed the Centenary International Labour C |
Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | |||||
The New European Interoperability Framework | ISA² | european union | The European Interoperability Framework (EIF) is part of the Communication (COM(2017)134) from the European Commission adopted on 23 March 2017. The framework gives specific guidance on how to set up interoperable digital public services. It offers public administrations 47 concrete… |
Information and communication technology, Interoperability | interoperability | | rruggia | ||||
ILO: 55 per cent of world population not covered by social security - | The Nation Newspaper (17.06.2019) Director General Guy Ryder has said 55 per cent of the world’s population is still not covered by social protection. He said global commitment to social protection is a prerequisite to securing sustainable transitions over the life course. |
Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | ||||||
Cambodia: Providing social protection to domestic workers for inequality reduction and poverty eradication | cambodia | Khmer Times (18.06.2019) In general, domestic workers, mostly women, are the most vulnerable among other workers in term of living and working conditions. They have limited freedom of movement and association, low wages, no definitive employment contracts, or face overtime, inadequate labour,… |
Ms Sophoan is a domestic worker from rural poor family who is now living in Phnom Penh. Her earnings from this work represent the main income in her family with three children. However, these earnings stopped when she forced herself to take a break from physically demanding work due to unbearable |
Difficult-to-cover groups | poverty | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | ||
[Opinión] República Dominicana: Trabajadores independientes marginados | dominican republic | (06.06.2019) La protección social de todos los dominicanos y residentes, constituye un mandato de la Ley 87-01, y un gran reto que merece un tratamiento especial de las fuerzas vivas del país, y muy particularmente, de los partidos políticos que terciarán en las próximas elecciones… |
La protección social de todos los dominicanos y residentes, constituye un mandato de la Ley 87-01, y un gran reto que merece un tratamiento especial de las fuerzas vivas del país, y muy particularmente, de los partidos políticos que terciarán en las próximas elecciones generales de mayo.
Difficult-to-cover groups | poverty | Published_SS_Monitor | | dfabbri | ||
France: Assurance-chômage - les principales mesures d'une réforme choc | france | Les Echos (19.06.2019) Le Premier ministre et la ministre du Travail ont présenté ce mardi la réforme de l'assurance-chômage sur laquelle les partenaires sociaux avaient échoué à trouver un accord. Toutes les mesures seront adoptées par un décret, attendu pour la fin de l'été. |
C'est la partie de la réforme qui concentre le tir de barrage des syndicats. Et pour cause, elle chamboule les règles les plus sensibles de l'assurance-chômage à qui le gouvernement reproche - dans certains cas - de ne pas favoriser la reprise d'un emploi durable. A partir du 1er novem |
Unemployment, Financing | managing reforms | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | ||
New practitioner’s guide to help countries in their digital identification journey | Over the past decade, an increasing number of countries around the world are introducing or upgrading national-scale digital identification systems and modernizing civil registration. For example, Morocco is introducing a new national population register and civil and social digital ID… |
Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR |… | pmassetti | ||||||
Suisse: Les prix des médicaments anticancéreux explosent | switzerland | Le Temps (13.05.2019) L’Office fédéral de la santé doit faire face à une forte hausse de demandes de l’industrie pharmaceutique pour des thérapies combinées dont le prix dépasse de plus en plus souvent les 100 000 francs par an |
Published_SS_Monitor | | pmassetti | |||||
Décision n° 2019-789 QPC du 14 juin 2019 | Conseil constitutionnel | france | Décision de Conseil constitutionnel restreignant le droit de communication des banques aux organismes de Sécurité sociale pour violation de la vie privée. Mauvaise nouvelle pour l'EEF. |
Information and communication technology, Interoperability, Data management, Error, evasion and fraud | artificial intelligence , big data, data analytics, data management, data protection, data quality, database, interoperability, social security processes |… | gfilhon | ||||
[Report] Cross-border healthcare directive had too little impact so far, EU auditors warn | Europe | EurActiv (07.06.2019) Very few patients ask for reimbursements for treatment accessed abroad and the only exchanges of patients’ health data are between two northern member states, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) found in a report released on Tuesday (4 June). |
Very few patients ask for reimbursements for treatment accessed abroad and the only exchanges of patients’ health data are between two northern member states, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) found in a report releas |
Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | ||||
[Report] Adequacy and sustainability of pension systems in the context of demographic ageing | (15.05.2019) The paper reviews several of the measures that States have taken with the intention of improving the sustainability of pension systems and evaluates their effectiveness. The paper highlights that many of the measures taken have had negative distributional impacts and… |
Pensions | Published_SS_Monitor | | pmassetti | |||||
France: Comment le gouvernement va durcir les conditions d'accès à l'indemnisation du chômage | france | Les Echos (07.06.2019) Le gouvernement présentera la réforme de l'assurance-chômage le 17 juin. Au menu : bonus-malus sur les cotisations chômage patronales pour freiner l'abus des contrats courts, dégressivité des allocations pour les hauts revenus mais aussi durcissement des conditions d'accès… |
Edouard Philippe a promis une levée de rideau au printemps. Il devrait tenir parole. Selon nos informations, le gouvernement dévoilera le contenu de la réforme de l'assurance-chôma |
Unemployment | managing reforms | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | ||
Ireland: 'It's about a culture change': New welfare payment which could benefit up to 60,000 parents announced | ireland | (24.04.2019) A new welfare payment which will benefit up to 60,000 new parents who are employed or self-employed is set to come into effect from November. |
Children | managing reforms | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | |||
France: La fraude aux prestations sociales, une somme largement surestimée | france | europe1 (06.06.2019) Alors que le chiffre de 14 millions d'euros était relayé depuis plusieurs mois, un rapport parlementaire a mis fin à la polémique autour des fraudes aux prestations sociales par des personnes nées à l'étranger. Ces fraudes "se mesurent en millions d'euros et non en milliards… |
Error, evasion and fraud | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | ||||
US: California is cracking down on the gig economy | United States | (30.05.2019) The state Assembly just passed a bill that could give Uber and Lyft drivers basic labor protections for the first time. |
digital platforms | Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR |… | pmassetti | ||||
UK: Govt urged to give new mothers £2k pension top-up | united kingdom | pensionsage (03.06.2019) The government is being urged to give new mothers a £2,000 pension top-up to address the pension gender gap. The call from Which? follows analysis by itself and the Pensions Policy Institute, which found that women who take time out of work to care for a while, are hit… |
Pensions, Financing | gender_and_inequality | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri |