Covid19 Monitor database - ALL covid19

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Guatemala: Programa de Alimentación Escolar temporal guatemala (14.04.2020) El Acuerdo Ministerial 825-2020 permite a las organizaciones de padres de familia utilizar los recursos transferidos por el Mineduc para que puedan adquirir alimentos y entregarlos a los padres de familia. Dicho aporte consiste en Q4 por estudiante para un período de 15… Ministerial Agreement 825-2020 allows parent organizations to use the resources transferred by Mineduc so that they can purchase food and deliver it to parents. This contribution consists of Q4 per student for a period of 15 days, which gives a total of Q60 per student. DIGEPSA highlighted that 2 million 482 thousand 475 students have been benefited with a second disbursement after the suspension of classes on March 16 when a state of public calamity was declared due to the coronavirus pandemic… 2020-04-14 El Ministerio de Educación ha entregado a las Organizaciones de Padre de Familia (OPF) el segundo desembolso del programa de Alimentación Escolar, el cual consiste en productos no perecederos que llenan los requerimientos nutricionales para que se puedan preparar en los hogares de las familias… Cash transfers,Food and nutrition Published Measures summary covid19, family mmarquez…
Guatemala: Bono para trabajadores en el sector informal guatemala (02.05.2020) El programa denominado Bono al Comercio Popular a cargo del Ministerio de Desarrollo  (Mides) destinado a los trabajadores de la economía informal, durante la emergencia sanitaria de COVID-19 ya realizó las primeras 2 mil 598 transferencias de Q1,000 a…   The Bonus to Popular Commerce (Bono al Comercio Popular) is a one-time cash transfer of 1,000 quetzals aimed at workers in the informal economy during the health emergency of COVID-19. The program, in charge of the Ministry of Development (Mides),  already made the first 2,598 transfers to vendors in the capital, which began to be disbursed on April 8. The program expects to reach to 200 thousand informal workers (about 1 million families). 2020-04-08 1- Bono al comercio popular ¿De qué se trata? Este programa social está destinado al sector informal, que viven del día a día y que podrá acceder a un bono único de Q1,000. Los fondos serán manejado por el Ministerio de Desarrollo y al beneficiario se le notificará a través de un mensaje de… Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19, self-employed mmarquez…
Guatemala: Segundo pago Bono Familia guatemala (06.08.2020) El Bono Familia se otorgará por tres meses: julio, agosto y septiembre (3 pagos). El Ministerio de Desarrollo (Mides) recordó que aún siguen entregando el primer pago y esperan comenzar con el segundo el 15 de agosto. Gómez indicó que las personas que aún no han… The Family Bonus for vulnereable families (with an energy consumption of less than 200kWH in February 2020) will be granted for three months: July, August and September (3 payments). The Development Ministry (Mides) recalled that they are still delivering the first payment and expect to start with the second on August 15. Gómez indicated that people who have not yet updated the data, should send the BonoPago message to 2020 to continue with the process and be benefited from the Bono Familia.… 2020-04-08 Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19, family mmarquez…
Bolivia: Seguro de invalidez y muerte de policías por COVID-19 bolivia Agencia Boliviana de Información (20.07.2020) El Gobierno, a través del 4289, destinó Bs 15.406.000 para contratar un seguro de invalidez total y permanente o muerte derivada del coronavirus COVID-19 para los miembros de la Policía Nacional.     Mediante la nueva normativa se…   The Government, through Decree 4289, allocated Bs 15,406,000 to contract insurance for total and permanent disability or death derived from the COVID-19 coronavirus for members of the National Police. Through the new regulations, the Ministry of Economy was authorized, through the General Treasury of the Nation (TGN), to carry out in the 2020 management the budgetary allocation of additional resources for the indicated amount, in favor of the Ministry of Government to contract the… 2020-08-06   La Paz, 20 jul (ABI). - El Gobierno, a través del 4289, destinó Bs 15.406.000 para contratar un seguro de invalidez total y permanente o muerte derivada del coronavirus COVID-19 para los miembros de la Policía Nacional.     Mediante la nueva normativa se autorizó al… Health insurance,Disability,Occupational accidents and diseases Published Measures summary coverage, covid19 mmarquez
Bolivia: Amplicación de vigencia del carnet de discapacidad bolivia (15.07.2020) El Decreto 4288 autoriza de manera excepcional y temporal, la ampliación de la vigencia del Carnet de Discapacidad que se encuentren vencidos para las personas con Discapacidad grave y muy grave, para el pago del bono mensual.   Decree 4288 exceptionally and temporarily authorizes the extension of the validity of the Disability Card that are expired for people with severe and very serious disability, for the payment of the monthly bonus. 2020-07-15 Disability,Service delivery Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
Estonia created Suve, a state-approved automated chatbot to provide trustworthy information during the COVID-19 situation - Work in Estonia estonia Suve is already working on the webpages of Government of Estonia, Estonia’s Health Board, Ministry of Social Affairs, Work in Estonia, International House of Estonia and Invest in Estonia – with other sites soon to follow. During the emergency situation in Estonia, Suve… 2020-08-06 Artificial intelligence,E-services Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 rruggia…
Innovation to combat the Covid-19 crisis — e-Estonia estonia Around the globe, people are searching for innovative ideas to tackle problems created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Countries are scrambling to find solutions to combat the looming economic crisis, manage pressure on the medical system all the while trying to ensure that life can continue as normally… 2020-08-06 Artificial intelligence Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Proposition Measures summary covid19 rruggia
Suve – chatbot by eeBot estonia Suve  is an automated chatbot, whose main task is to make sure that you and everyone living in or visiting Estonia get their questions answered from official sources. Suve has been integrated into several public websites. During the emergency situation related to COVID-19, she helps to provide… 2020-08-06 Artificial intelligence,E-services covid19 rruggia
Cambodia: Additional Support for Workers and to Revive Economy cambodia Asean Briefing (05.08.2020) Under the fifth stimulus package, the government has extended its financial support for private sector employees, in particular, those in the garment, textiles, and footwear industries. Introduced under the previous stimulus package, companies who want to suspend… The government has extended its financial support for private sector employees, in particular, those in the garment, textiles, and footwear industries, until September 2020. Suspended employees are entitled to the following monthly subsidies: US$15 for 7-10 days of employment suspension; US$30 for 11-20 days of employment suspension; and US$40 for 21 days to one month of employment suspension. Suspended employees from the tourism sector will be eligible to receive US$30 until… 2020-08-05 Extended support for private-sector employees Under the fifth stimulus package, the government has extended its financial support for private sector employees, in particular, those in the garment, textiles, and footwear industries. Introduced under the previous stimulus package, companies who… Unemployment,Extension of coverage,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, extending coverage, labour markets siha…
Cambodia: Govt. takes measures to cover 20% of minimum wages for workers/employees in the tourism sector as Covid-19 causes financial losses cambodia Business & Human Rights Resource Centre (03.04.2020) The government announced ... a measure to assist minimum wage workers employed in the tourism sector amid COVID-19 fears. It said in a statement the government will pay 20 percent of the workers’ minimum wages as the tourism sector deals… The government will pay 20 percent of minimum wages for the workers in the tourism sector, such as hotels, guesthouses, restaurants and travel agencies, that deals with loss of income. 2020-04-03 "Measure to offset tourism sector wages amid virus: Government", 2 April 2020 The government announced ... a measure to assist minimum wage workers employed in the tourism sector amid COVID-19 fears. It said in a statement the government will pay 20 percent of the workers’ minimum wages as… Unemployment,Cash transfers Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, labour markets, youth employment siha…
Bolivia: Decreto Supremo 4298: Incentivos tributarios para la reactivación económica y el empleo - Noticias bolivia (28.07.2020) El Decreto Supremo 4298 del 24 de julio del 2020, crea incentivos tributarios para la reactivación económica y crea también un régimen tributario promocionar la creación de nuevas empresas. Además, fomentar el consumo y producción de bienes hechos en Bolivia.… New monotax contribution regime to foster new businesses through Supreme Decree 4298 of July 24, 2020. It promotes the consumption and production of goods made in Bolivia. The new regime consolidates the payment of VAT, IUE and IT in a monotax of 5% on gross sales, and includes payments to social security. Tax credit can be accumulated for later use of the General Regime. Purchases of products made in Bolivia will allow the discharge of RC-VAT with an additional 20% Tax Credit. The… 2020-07-24 El Decreto Supremo 4298 del 24 de julio del 2020, crea incentivos tributarios para la reactivación económica y crea también un régimen tributario promocionar la creación de nuevas empresas. Además, fomentar el consumo y producción de bienes hechos en Bolivia. Consolida el pago del IVA, IUE e IT en… Contribution collection and compliance Published Measures summary covid19, self-employed mmarquez…
Bolivia: Pruebas de laboratorio necesarias para darse de baja por COVID-19 bolivia (28.07.2020) El decreto supremo Nr. 4295 establece un procedimiento excepcional para realizar los trámites de baja laborales, en primera instancia se aceptarán las pruebas de PCR y las pruebas rápidas, pero estas deben ser de instituciones o laboratorios autorizados por el… The Supreme Decree No. 4295 establishes an exceptional procedure to carry out the sickness leave procedures due to COVID-19. Now, PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) tests and the rapid tests will also be accepted, but these must come from institutions or laboratories authorized by the Departmental Health Service (Headquarters) of the different departments. The worker should then inform the human resources unit of the workplace and the sick leave will be granted for 14 days.… 2020-07-28 Bolivia Digital El ministro de Trabajo, Óscar Mercado, informó este martes que se aprobó el Decreto Supremo N.º 4295, a pedido de la presidenta Jeanine Áñez, el cual facilita los procesos de bajas y altas para trabajadores con COVID-19, dichos trámites deben ser realizados por la unidad de… Health,Cash sickness benefits Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Australia: Temporarily reducing superannuation minimum drawdown rates australia Australian Taxation Office (29.07.2020) The government is temporarily reducing superannuation minimum drawdown requirements for account-based pensions and similar products by 50% for 2019–20 and 2020–21. This measure will benefit retirees holding these products by reducing the need to sell… The government is temporarily reducing superannuation minimum drawdown requirements for account-based pensions and similar products by 50% for 2019–20 and 2020–21. This measure will benefit retirees holding these products by reducing the need to sell investment assets to fund minimum drawdown requirements. 2020-07-29 Old-age pensions,COVID-19,Financial crisis Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary adequacy, covid19, economic crisis siha…
Bolivia: Beneficiarios de Renta Dignidad pueden autorizar a familiares realizar cobro bolivia (02.08.2020) Para evitar que las personas adultas se contagien en las filas, el beneficiario podrá autorizar a un familiar para el cobro en su representación, mediante nota impresa o escrita a mano, firmada o autorizada con su huella dactilar.   To prevent older adults from becoming infected in the waiting lines, the beneficiary may authorize a family member to collect the Renta Dignidad bonus payment (13th payment in December now to be paid as of August and until Septermber 30th) on their behalf, by means of a printed or handwritten note, signed or authorized with their fingerprint. 2020-08-03 Página Siete Digital / La Paz Desde este lunes 3 de agosto inicia el pago adelantado del aguinaldo de la Renta Dignidad 2020, que beneficiará a todas las personas mayores desde los 60 años. Para el cobro, la Gestora Pública y el Servicio Nacional del Sistema de Reparto (Senasir) establecieron… Old-age pensions,Service quality,Service delivery,Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor covid19, customer_services mmarquez…
Bolivia: Extension of national quarantine until August 31st bolivia (26.06.2020) El decreto 4302 amplía el plazo de la cuarentena nacional, condicionada y dinámica dispuesto por el Parágrafo I del Artículo 2 del Decreto Supremo N° 4276, de 26 de junio de 2020, hasta el 31 de agosto de 2020. Decree 4302 extends the term of the national quarantine until August 31, 2020. 2020-06-26 Health Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
Vietnam: International health insurance required for experts entering Vietnam from August 5, 2020 vietnam Viet Nam Social Security (28.07.2020) The National Steering Committee for COVID-19 prevention and control has just issued Official Letter 3949/CV-BCD on strengthening the assurance of COVID-19 epidemic prevention for experts entering Vietnam. Accordingly, the units that invite… According to Official Letter 3949/CV-BCD, the ministries, branches and provincial and municipal People's Committees must notify the units that invite experts for business to ensure that they participate in international health insurance or agencies or organizations must make a commitment to pay their treatment expenses in case of the experts being infected with COVID-19. 2020-07-28 Viet Nam Social Security News International health insurance required for experts entering Vietnam from August 5, 2020 28/07/2020 11:00 AM The National Steering Committee for COVID-19 prevention and control has just issued Official Letter 3949/CV-BCD on strengthening the assurance of… Health insurance,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, policy reponse siha…
Australia: Changes to eligibility for some income support payments after 25 September 2020 australia Services Australia (21.07.2020) The income free area for JobSeeker Payment and Youth Allowance for job seekers will increase to $300 per fortnight. The income free area is currently $106 for JobSeeker Payment and $143 for Youth Allowance. This means you can earn more but still get the maximum… The income free area for JobSeeker Payment and Youth Allowance for job seekers will increase to $300 per fortnight. This means you can earn more but still get the maximum payment rates. From 25 September 2020, means testing will be reintroduced. This includes asset testing for all payments. 2020-07-21 Changes to eligibility for some income support payments after 25 September 2020 Income test changes The income free area for JobSeeker Payment and Youth Allowance for job seekers will increase. This means you can earn more but still get the maximum payment rates. The income free area for these… Service quality,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Covid19_deconfinement_measures, services quality siha…
Australia: Changes to the Coronavirus Supplement amount australia Services Australia (21.07.2020) The Australian Government is extending the Coronavirus Supplement until 31 December 2020. The Coronavirus Supplement of $550 per fortnight is available until 24 September 2020. Beyond this date, the Coronavirus Supplement will be available at $250 per… The Australian Government is extending the Coronavirus Supplement until 31 December 2020. The Coronavirus Supplement of $550 per fortnight is available until 24 September 2020. Beyond this date, the Coronavirus Supplement will be available at $250 per fortnight until 31 December 2020. 2020-07-21 Extension of coverage,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Covid19_deconfinement_measures, Emergency grants, extending coverage siha…
Australia: JobKeeper extension australia (21.07.2020) On 21 July, the Government announced it is extending the JobKeeper Payment until 28 March 2021 and is targeting support to those businesses and not-for-profits which continue to be significantly impacted by the Coronavirus. From 28 September 2020, eligibility for the… On 21 July, the Government announced it is extending the JobKeeper Payment until 28 March 2021 and is targeting support to those businesses and not-for-profits which continue to be significantly impacted by the Coronavirus. From 28 September 2020, eligibility for the JobKeeper Payment will be based on actual turnover in the relevant periods, the payment will be stepped down and paid at two rates. 2020-07-21 JobKeeper extension On 21 July, the Government announced it is extending the JobKeeper Payment until 28 March 2021 and is targeting support to those businesses and not-for-profits which continue to be significantly impacted by the Coronavirus. From 28 September 2020, eligibility for the JobKeeper… Unemployment,Extension of coverage Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Covid19_deconfinement_measures, Emergency grants, youth employment siha
Singapore: The Courage Fund For Lower-Income Households affected by COVID-19 singapore Ministry of Social and Family Development (31.07.2020) The Courage Fund will help lower-income households affected by COVID-19 who meet the following criteria: 1. At least one household member is a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident. 2. At least one household member contracted COVID-… The Courage Fund, one-time lump sum of up to $1,000, is paid to lower-income households affected by COVID-19. Applications should be made within 6 months from the end of the Home Quarantine Order.  2020-07-31 The Courage Fund For Lower-Income Households affected by COVID-19 Target beneficiaries and eligibility criteria The Courage Fund will help lower-income households affected by COVID-19 who meet the following criteria: 1. At least one household member is a Singapore Citizen or Permanent… Social assistance,Cash transfers,Social protection floor,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, poverty siha
Singapore: COVID-19 Support Grant singapore Ministry of Social and Family Development (31.07.2020) COVID-19 Support Grant is paid to Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents, aged 16 years and above, who are presently involuntarily unemployed due to retrenchment or contract termination, or presently on involuntary no-pay… COVID-19 Support Grant is paid to Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents, aged 16 years and above, who are involuntarily unemployed due to retrenchment or contract termination, or on involuntary no-pay leave (NPL) for at least three consecutive months, or experiencing reduced monthly salary of at least 30% for at least three consecutive months as a result of the economic impact of COVID-19. Monthly cash grant of up to $800, for 3 months for those… 2020-07-31 Target beneficiaries and eligibility criteria Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents, aged 16 years and above, who are presently involuntarily unemployed due to retrenchment or contract termination, or presently on involuntary no-pay leave (NPL) for at least three… Unemployment,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants siha
Singapore: Self-employed person income relief scheme (SIRS) singapore NTUC (31.07.2020) SIRS helps Singaporean self-employed persons (SEPs) with less means and family support tide over this period of extraordinary economic uncertainty. SEPs to receive $3,000 each in May, July and October 2020.  SIRS ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA​ Singaporean SEPs can apply for SIRS… Self-employed person income relief scheme (SIRS) helps Singaporean self-employed persons (SEPs) with less means and family support tide over this period of extraordinary economic uncertainty. SEPs to receive $3,000 each in May, July and October 2020. Singaporean SEPs who meet all of the eligibility criteria do not need to apply for SIRS. they will be notified via SMS and letter and receive their first payout from 27 May automatically. 2020-07-31 SIRS helps Singaporean self-employed persons (SEPs) with less means and family support tide over this period of extraordinary economic uncertainty. NTUC is assisting the Ministry of Manpower to manage applications and appeals of those who do not auto-qualify. SIRS ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA​… Service delivery,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, self-employed, service delivery siha
Uruguay: Autorizaciones especiales de cobro en junio para mayores de 65 años uruguay (21.05.2020) Debido a que continúa la situación de emergencia sanitaria, BPS vuelve a dar la posibilidad a quienes tengan 65 años o más y cobren sus prestaciones en redes de cobranza descentralizada o en locales de pago del BPS, que puedan autorizar a otra persona a cobrar sus…   As the health emergency situation continues, BPS gives again the possibility to those who are 65 years or older and collect their benefits in decentralized collection networks or in BPS payment locations, who may authorize another person to collect their benefits for the month of June, through a simple telephone procedure or WhatsApp. 2020-05-21 21/5/2020 Autorizaciones especiales de cobro en junio para mayores de 65 años Debido a que continúa la situación de emergencia sanitaria, BPS vuelve a dar la posibilidad a quienes tengan 65 años o más y cobren sus prestaciones en redes de cobranza descentralizada o en locales de pago del BPS, que… Old-age pensions,E-services,Service quality,Service delivery Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Uruguay: New consultation channels uruguay (24.07.2020) BPS lanza tres nuevos canales que facilitan el acceso a las consultas de Subsidio por Desempleo: web, WhatsApp y app móvil BPS Personas. Buscando facilitar el acceso a la información, con las dificultades que el contexto de emergencia sanitaria presenta, pensando en las… The Social Welfare Bank (BPS) launches three new channels that facilitate access to Unemployment Subsidy queries: web, WhatsApp and BPS People mobile app. 2020-07-24 BPS lanza tres nuevos canales que facilitan el acceso a las consultas de Subsidio por Desempleo: web, WhatsApp y app móvil BPS Personas.   Buscando facilitar el acceso a la información, con las dificultades que el contexto de emergencia sanitaria presenta, pensando en las personas y con base… E-services,Service quality Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, digital platforms mmarquez…
Uruguay: Extension of 3 more months of partial unemployment benefits uruguay (21.07.2020) Debido a que continúa la situación de emergencia sanitaria, se amplía el régimen especial de subsidio por desempleo para trabajadores que reciban una remuneración por día u hora y para trabajadores con ingresos variables o destajistas por reducción parcial de ingresos. Estas… Extension of 3 more months of the partial (special) unemployment insurance, from July 1st until September 30th. This government-subsidized measure was introduced on March 20th, 2020. The subsidy consists of a daily, average wage per day not worked for workers with a reduced number of working days from 6 to 19 per month, or a 50% in the reduction of the usual working hours. 2020-07-01 Unemployment Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
Republic of Korea: Job maintenance cost loan project korea, Republic of The Ministry of Employment and Labor (30.07.2020) The Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Korea Labor Welfare Corporation announced that they will accept the loan maintenance project for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with no financial resources due to the temporary management… Job maintenance cost loan for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with no financial resources due to the temporary management difficulties following the spread of Corona 19.  This is to reduce the burden on the employer and strengthen the employment stability of workers by lending funds to employers who have difficulty in paying leave allowances. It can be loaned on the condition of at least 1 million won to 100 million won per company per loan loan and 1.5% per year (temporary… 2020-07-30 The 100 million won limit for small and medium-sized business owners who have reported an employment maintenance plan is closed. The Ministry of Employment and Labor (Jae-Gap Lee) and the Korea Labor Welfare Corporation (Chair Soon-hee Kang) announced that they will accept the loan maintenance… Unemployment,Employment policies,COVID-19,Financial crisis Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, sustainability, youth employment siha
Republic of Korea: Newly established an Emergency livelihood fund loan program for construction workers korea, Republic of Ministry of Employment and Labor (30.03.2020) Construction workers are being hit hard by the spread of Covid-19 due to delayed contracts and construction suspensions. Zero-interest loans will be provided to construction workers from mid-April to help their livelihoods, with individual loans capped… Newly established an Emergency livelihood fund loan program for construction workers from April to August 2020-03-30 Construction workers] Newly established an Emergency livelihood fund loan program (from April to August)   ↳ 87,000 workers, will be provided with individual loans capped at KRW 2 million (zero interest) - Construction workers are being hit hard by the spread of Covid-19 due to delayed… Unemployment,Employment of young workers,Financial crisis Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, youth employment siha
Republic of Korea: Emergency livelihood aid for Workers on unpaid leave korea, Republic of Ministry of Employment and Labor (30.03.2020) ‘Special Regional Employment Support Aid' will be given to 100 thousand workers, at the rate of KRW 500 thousand a month / ‘Emergency Welfare Aid’ of an average of KRW 650 thousand a month (for a month+α) will be provided. 17 administrative regions… ‘Special Regional Employment Support Aid' will be given to 100 thousand workers, at the rate of KRW 500 thousand a month for up to two months. / ‘Emergency Welfare Aid’ of an average of KRW 650 thousand a month (for a month+α) will be provided. 2020-03-30 [Workers on unpaid leave and on leave of absence] Emergency livelihood aid   ↳‘Special Regional Employment Support Aid' will be given to 100 thousand workers, at the rate of KRW 500 thousand a month / ‘Emergency Welfare Aid’ of an average of KRW 650 thousand a month (for a month+α) will be… Unemployment,Cash transfers Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, self-employed, youth employment siha
New Caledonia: Deferral of social contributions for the self-employed New Caledonia CAFAT (30.07.2020) As a self-employed worker, the due date for payment of  your provisional contributions for the 2nd quarter of 2020 set on March 31 and the due date for payment of your provisional contributions for the 3rd quarter of 2020 set on June 30, are payable on September 30, 2020. Due date for payment of  self-employed's provisional contributions for the 2nd quarter of 2020 set on March 31 and the due date for payment of provisional contributions for the 3rd quarter of 2020 set on June 30, are payable on September 30, 2020. 2020-07-30 As a self-employed worker, the due date for payment of  your provisional contributions for the 2nd quarter of 2020 set on March 31 and the due date for payment of your provisional contributions for the 3rd quarter of 2020 set on June 30, are payable on September 30, 2020. You are… Contribution collection and compliance,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19, self-employed siha
New Caledonia: Deferral of social contributions for employers New Caledonia CAFAT (30.07.2020) The payment dates for contributions due by employers forced to reduce or suspend their activities due to the health emergency measures adopted on March 23, 2020 are as follows: The payment of social contributions for the 1st calendar quarter of 2020 (due April 30, 2020) is… The payment of social contributions due by employers for the 1st calendar quarter of 2020 (due April 30, 2020) is postponed to September 30, 2020. The payment of social contributions for the 2nd calendar quarter of 2020 (due July 31, 2020) is postponed to October 30, 2020. 2020-07-30 The payment dates for contributions due by employers forced to reduce or suspend their activities due to the health emergency measures adopted on March 23, 2020 are as follows: The payment of social contributions for the 1st calendar quarter of 2020 (due April 30, 2020) is postponed to September… Employment,Contribution collection and compliance,COVID-19,Financial crisis Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19 siha
New Caledonia: Increase in family benefits for childcare New Caledonia Government of New Caledonia (16.07.2020) The government has instituted an exceptional increase in family benefits for the salaried worker who has had no other solution, due to the closure of nurseries and schools as of March 19, 2020, than to stay at home to keep their child (ren) under 16 and… Exceptional increase in family benefits for the salaried worker who has had no other solution, due to the closure of nurseries and schools as of March 19, 2020, than to stay at home to keep their child (ren) under 16 and suffered as a result a loss of wages. 2020-07-16 The government has instituted an exceptional increase in family benefits for the salaried worker who has had no other solution, due to the closure of nurseries and schools as of March 19, 2020, than to stay at home to keep his / her child (ren) under 16 and suffered as a result a loss of wages… Family benefits,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, family siha
New Caledonia: Reinforced partial unemployment "Covid-19 allowance" New Caledonia Government of New Caledonia (16.07.2020) Covid-19 allowance has been extended for companies durably affected by the health crisis for a period of three months, from 1 st June 2020 to 31 August 2020 with the possibility of extending it for another three months. The… Covid-19 allowance has been extended for companies durably affected by the health crisis for a period of three months, from 1 st June 2020 to 31 August 2020 with the possibility of extending it for another three months. The amount is 100% of the salary for employees remunerated at the guaranteed minimum hourly wage of the sector of activity concerned, and 70% of the last gross salary within the limit of 4.5 times the minimum wage in other cases. 2020-07-16 Partial unemployment is a device that helps safeguard the employment of employees in companies going through a difficult period. The government has decided to strengthen this system to deal with the difficulties associated with the measures taken to fight against the spread of Covid-19 in New… Employment,Unemployment,Cash transfers,Shocks & extreme events,COVID-19,Financial crisis Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, self-employed, youth employment siha
Martinique: COVID-19 teleconsultations Martinique Martinique Regional Health Agency (30.03.2020) From Monday March 30, healthcare professionals will be able to carry out teleconsultations more easily with the “ Médiconsult ” tool . After the patient's call, the doctor suggests an appointment for a teleconsultation. … Teleconsultations between healthcare professionals and patients using “ Médiconsult ” tool. If only a patient has  a smartphone, a tablet or a computer equipped with a webcam, a microphone and a speaker, they can have teleconsultation with healthcare professionals. 2020-03-30 COVID-19 teleconsultations From Monday March 30, healthcare professionals will be able to carry out teleconsultations more easily with the “ Médiconsult ” tool . Equipment  required the health professional: a computer equipped with a webcam, a microphone and a… Health,Information and communication technology,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, digital inclusion, service delivery siha
Germany: Coronavirus Information by BG BAU germany The BG BAU (Berufsgenossenschaft der Bauwirtschaft/construction industry) provides various information material for protection against corona. Please find attached the links to the different materials. (Attention: Most of them only exist in German). Die BG BAU (Berufsgenossenschaft der… 2020-07-29 Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks,COVID-19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention covid19 btreichel
CPWR COVID-19 Construction Clearinghouse Americas The scientific community's understanding of how the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) spreads is evolving. This COVID-19 Clearinghouse was established as a central resource for construction employers and workers to find the latest research, guidance documents, training and other resources to help… 2020-07-29 Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks,COVID-19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention covid19 btreichel
Corona | Tools for small and medium-sized enterprises This website  of the  Special Commission on Prevention presents international examples in 5 languages for small and medium sized enterprises in almost all areas of occupational safety and health. A new topical cluster on Corona has now been set up to support small and… 2020-07-29 Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention covid19, prevention btreichel
Viet Nam: Campaign to maintain social insurance levels amidst loss of jobs vietnam (15.06.2020) In the context of a drop in the number of persons insured to the complusory social insurance system, Viet Nam Social Security took steps to address this. This resulted in an increase of the number of people buying voluntary social insurance increased as the VSS… In the context of a drop in the number of persons insured to the complusory social insurance system, Viet Nam Social Security took steps to address this. This resulted in an increase of the number of people buying voluntary social insurance increased as the VSS cooperated with the Vietnam Post Office for the first time to launch the “Universal Social Insurance” Month across the nation May 23, 2020. Two days later (May 23 and 24), 30,017 people bought voluntary social insurance and 4,734… 2020-05-23 Vietnam Social Security Promptly Supporting People, Clearing Obstacles against Businesses 1:57:32 PM | 15/6/2020 The social security sector is making efforts to ensure full benefits for holders of social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance policies and facilitating businesses… Extension of coverage,Communication Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Viet Nam: Patients with chronic diseases will receive medicine in advance for 2 months in Hanoi vietnam 26.03.2020) In order to strengthen prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic and limit the spread of the disease especially to those who are at high risk or suffering from underlying diseases, chronic diseases, Hanoi Social Security has just sent an official dispatch to facilities… For patients diagnosed with chronic diseases come for medical examination or re-examination by appointment, the health insurance facilities must provide the outpatients with medicine for at least two months. This aims to restrict people leaving their homes and avoid unnecessary contact thus reducing the probability of infection with Covid-19. 2020-03-19 In the COVID-19 fight, Hanoi Social Security requires provision of HI medicine for outpatients for at least two months 26/03/2020 06:35 PM   In order to strengthen prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic and limit the spread of the disease especially to those who are at high risk or… Health,Health insurance Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Viet Nam: Financing of job training and retraining to avoid job losses vietnam (29.03.2020) Due to the epidemic, if the employers were subject to change its production or business structure or technology, they will be assisted in funding for training and retraining to improve occupational skills and qualifications to maintain employment for workers when fully… Due to the epidemic, if the employers were subject to change its production or business structure or technology, they will be assisted in funding for training and retraining to improve occupational skills and qualifications to maintain employment for workers when fully satisfying the regulated conditions with a maximum support level of 01 million dong  for one person per month. The specific support level is calculated by the month and the actual training time of each job or each course,… 2020-03-01 The COVID-19 epidemic has been directly and indirectly affecting negative impacts on production and business activities of industries and fields, which results in job cuts of employees. Hence, the unemployment insurance policy has now been considered a "life buoy", partly helping stabilize lives of… Employment policies Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Bono Cuidar y Cuidarse: monto, requisitos y cómo conseguirlo - venezuela (20.07.2020) La entrega del nuevo bono "Cuidar y Cuidarse" comenzó el pasado de julio y se entregara de manera directa y gradual. El bono es una entrega de 900.000 bolívares y corresponde a más de dos salarios mínimos. Este bono es el decimosegundo bono de protección social que se… Delivery of the new "Cuidar y Cuidarse" (Taking care of others and of one self) bonus began last July and will be delivered directly and gradually. The bonus is a delivery of 900,000 bolivars and corresponds to more than two minimum wages. This bonus is the twelfth social protection bonus given to the population during the quarantine. 2020-07-14 La pandemia del coronavirus ha provocado una gran crisis económica en toda Venezuela. Muchos trabajadores y familias no tienen apenas ingresos para hacer frente a los gastos que está generando la enfermedad y, por eso, el presidente Nicolás Maduro ha creado el Bono Cuidar y Cuidarse. … Social assistance,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
Venuezuela: Bono Padre Bolívar venezuela (26.07.2020) Un nuevo bono ha salido a la luz en Venezuela, el bono "Padre Bolívar" en honor a Simón Bolívar. Este bono comenzó a entregarse el pasado 24 de julio y estará vigente hasta el 31 de julio. El monto es de 1.000.000 bolívares. The new bond "Padre Bolívar" began to be issued last July 24 and will be valid until July 31. The amount is 1,000,000 bolívares. 2020-07-24 Un nuevo bono ha salido a la luz en Venezuela, el Bono Padre Bolívar en honor a Simón Bolívar. Este bono comenzó a entregarse el pasado 24 de julio y estará vigente hasta el 31 de julio. El presidente Nicolás Maduro sigue sacando bonos durante la pandemia del coronavirus, donde la… Social assistance,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
Réunion: Regional safeguard fund Réunion Réunion Region (18.05.2020) This fund is part of a principle of subsidiarity, in addition to the other mechanisms operated by the State and the local authorities, and must allow “last resort” intervention. It is therefore mobilized if: • the applicant does not have access to a bank loan or to other… The fund targets the applicant does not have access to a bank loan or to other support tools offered by the State, the Region (rebound loan) or other communities, including entrepreneurs, micro-entrepreneurs and small businesses, up to 10 employees, unable to obtain a bank loan; associations and groups of associative employers with a workforce of between 1 and 20 employees,  and whose activity is related to certain fields: culture, sport, tourism, etc. 2020-05-18 Fund objective This fund is part of a principle of subsidiarity, in addition to the other mechanisms operated by the State and the local authorities, and must allow “last resort” intervention. It is therefore mobilized if: • the applicant does not have access to a bank loan or to other support… Shocks & extreme events,COVID-19,Financial crisis Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, economic crisis, self-employed, sustainability, youth employment siha…
Réunion: Regional rebound fund Réunion Réunion region (02.07.2020)With the objective of strengthening the cash flow of SMEs affected by the crisis, in the amount of € 30K to € 300K, this aid takes the form of a zero-interest loan and is open to SMEs potentially created for more than a year (with at least 1 balance sheet) This fund… With the objective of strengthening the cash flow of SMEs affected by the crisis, in the amount of € 30K to € 300K, this aid takes the form of a zero-interest loan and is open to SMEs potentially created for more than a year (with at least 1 balance sheet) This fund allows SMEs to have facilities and the possibility of seeing coming with:  2 years deferred repayment, 0% interest rate, and  No administration fees. 2020-07-02 With the objective of strengthening the cash flow of SMEs affected by the crisis, in the amount of € 30K to € 300K, this aid takes the form of a zero-interest loan and is open to SMEs potentially created for more than a year (with at least 1 balance sheet) This fund allows SMEs to have facilities… COVID-19,Financial crisis Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, labour markets, sustainability siha…
Réunion: The digital check: Strengthened to support meeting companies Réunion Réunion region (13.04.2020) To support small Reunion Island companies in the implementation of teleworking and encourage their digital transition, the Region has decided to strengthen its “Digital Check” so that it responds more effectively to current needs. Thus, the procedures are simplified and… To support small Reunion Island companies in the implementation of teleworking and encourage their digital transition, the Region has decided to strengthen its “Digital Check” so that it responds more effectively to current needs. Thus, the procedures are simplified and the subsidy rate goes from 50% to 80% (the subsidy ceiling going from € 2,000 to € 3,200). 2020-04-13 To support small Reunion Island companies in the implementation of teleworking and encourage their digital transition, the Region has decided to strengthen its “Digital Check” so that it responds more effectively to current needs. Thus, the procedures are simplified and the subsidy rate… Workplace health promotion,Information and communication technology,Technological transition Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, labour markets, managing reforms siha…
Réunion: Regional solidarity fund Réunion Réunion region (13.04.2020) Regional solidarity fund, the amount of which varies from 1000 to 2500 €, benefits Reunion VSEs, micro-entrepreneurs and independent professions included. It is open to companies with less than 10 employees whose turnover is less than € 500,000 and which, during the… s, micro-entrepreneurs and independent professions included. It is open to companies with less than 10 employees whose turnover is less than € 500,000 and which, during the confinement period , have been forced to close or have suffered a loss of turnover of up to minus 20%. 2020-04-13 REGIONAL SOLIDARITY FUND This aid, the amount of which varies from 1000 to 2500 €, benefits Reunion VSEs, micro-entrepreneurs and independent professions included. It is open to companies with less than 10 employees whose turnover is less than € 500,000 and which, during the confinement… Employment,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, self-employed, youth employment siha…
Guadeloupe: Regional Internship: Youth in Business Guadeloupe REGIONAL COUNCIL OF GUADELOUPE (16.07.2020) The Guadeloupe Region informs students and high school students who have not been able to complete their internship application file online within the framework of the "Regional Internship: Youth in Company" device due to the health situation that they… The internship application by students and high school students who have not been able to complete their internship application file online due to the health situation is extended. 2020-07-16 The Guadeloupe Region informs students and high school students who have not been able to complete their internship application file online within the framework of the "Regional Internship: Youth in Company" device due to the health situation that they are exceptionally invited. to send the… Employment,Employment of young workers,Human resource management Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, human resources, youth employment siha…
Guadeloupe: COVID-19 region: TPE regional emergency fund Guadeloupe REGIONAL COUNCIL OF GUADELOUPE (22.04.2020) This system takes the form of a refundable advance, without guarantee and at zero rate for an amount between 3,000 and 15,000 € per company, corresponding to 12.5% ​​of the turnover achieved in 2018, and for newly created companies , 12.5% ​​of the… TPE regional emergency fund takes the form of a refundable advance, without guarantee and at zero rate for an amount between 3,000 and 15,000 € per company, corresponding to 12.5% ​​of the turnover achieved in 2018. This aid applies to companies with a maximum annual turnover of € 180,000. 2020-04-22 Faced with the Coronavirus Covid-19 epidemic, which poses a serious threat to the Guadeloupe economy, the regional community is in total solidarity with companies and their employees. It is mobilized to anticipate the economic consequences of Covid-19 and to implement effective and concrete… Employment,Shocks & extreme events,Financial crisis Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, labour markets siha…
A New Generation of Government-to-Person Payments Is Emerging – G2P Network A new generation of government-to-person (G2P) payment systems is emerging in Africa, Asia and the Pacific. As described in CGAP’s new publication, “The Future of G2P Payments: Expanding Customer Choice,” modern approaches of transferring cash assistance can reduce costs for governments,… 2020-07-26 Service delivery,Social assistance covid19, epayment rruggia…
SPACE - Options for rapid delivery (payment) of cash transfers for COVID-19 responses and beyond | This note describes the main strategies used by, and available to, countries to deliver cash support in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective of the note is to inform both ongoing responses to COVID-19 and medium to long term investments in delivery mechanisms that could be used to… 2020-07-26 Business process,Service delivery,Social assistance covid19, epayment rruggia…
SPACE Informal Workers and Social Protection | The Informal Workers and Social Protection background note outlines the options for providing social protection to informal workers, with a particular focus on the implications for COVID-19 response and urban settings. In order to do so, it provides information on the impacts of COVID-19… 2020-07-26 Business process,Extension of coverage,Difficult-to-cover groups,Social assistance covid19, self-employed rruggia…