Viet Nam: Financing of job training and retraining to avoid job losses

Submitted by mmarquez on
Body (29.03.2020) Due to the epidemic, if the employers were subject to change its production or business structure or technology, they will be assisted in funding for training and retraining to improve occupational skills and qualifications to maintain employment for workers when fully satisfying the regulated conditions with a maximum support level of 01 million dong  for one person per month. The specific support level is calculated by the month and the actual training time of each job or each course, which cannot exceed 6 months.

measures summary

Due to the epidemic, if the employers were subject to change its production or business structure or technology, they will be assisted in funding for training and retraining to improve occupational skills and qualifications to maintain employment for workers when fully satisfying the regulated conditions with a maximum support level of 01 million dong  for one person per month. The specific support level is calculated by the month and the actual training time of each job or each course, which cannot exceed 6 months.

Measure date
Regions / Country
Global challenges
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Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing)

The COVID-19 epidemic has been directly and indirectly affecting negative impacts on production and business activities of industries and fields, which results in job cuts of employees. Hence, the unemployment insurance policy has now been considered a "life buoy", partly helping stabilize lives of the employees and their families.

In Quarter I of 2020, Vietnam Social Security has paid unemployment insurance allowance for 378,178 people with the estimated amount of VND 2,119 billion; The number of people who received assistance in vocational training fees is estimated at 8,160, an increase of about 10.1% over the same period in 2019 (7,409 people) with an estimated payment of VND 18 billion. These figures have shown the important role of the unemployment insurance policy, partly ensuring the lives of unemployed workers and their families and contributing to the socio-economic stability of the country. At the same time, it affirms the respectable policy of the Party and State in ensuring social security of the country.

According to the Law on Employment, during unemployment period, workers will be entitled to these benefits, including:

- Monthly unemployment allowance when fully satisfying regulated conditions with an allowance equal to 60% of the average monthly salary on which unemployment insurance premiums are based for 06 consecutive months before taking leave (There is a maximum level of benefit control), the duration of benefits depends on the time of participation in unemployment insurance, which cannot exceed 12 months.

- To receive free job consultation and introduction;

- To receive support in vocational training fees when fully meeting the regulated conditions with the maximum rate of VND 1 million for one person per month. The specific support level is calculated by the month and the actual training time of each job or each course, which cannot exceed 6 months.

Due to the epidemic, if the employers were subject to change its production or business structure or technology, they will be assisted in funding for training and retraining to improve occupational skills and qualifications to maintain employment for workers when fully satisfying the regulated conditions with a maximum support level of 01 million dong  for one person per month. The specific support level is calculated by the month and the actual training time of each job or each course, which cannot exceed 6 months.

In particular, in case the unemployed workers, who are on hold to receive unemployment benefits, must apply medical isolation or are infected with COVID-19 and cannot come to receive unemployment benefits by the deadline (This only applies to cases that do not come to receive the allowance but it is not later than 3 months from the expiry date stated in the decision), Vietnam Social Security is proposing to the competent authority to allow additional delay in receiving unemployment allowance equal to the duration of quarantine or treatment due to COVID-19 infection to ensure workers' rights.

Previously, implementing the Prime Minister's Directive No. 11/CT-TTg of March 4, 2020 on urgent tasks and solutions to settle difficulties for production and business and ensure social security in response to the COVID-19 epidemic, the social security industry urgently and drastically deployed various solutions in the field of medical examination and treatment with health insurance; supporting people and enterprises in electronic health declaration and contributions to social and health insurance; assisting businesses and units to reduce the burden of suspending social insurance contributions to the retirement and survivorship allowance fund for businesses affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, etc.