Covid19 Monitor database - ALL covid19

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SPACE Understanding the Economic Impacts of COVID-19 in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Who, Where, How, and When? | It is essential to understand ‘Who’ will be affected, ‘Where’, ‘How’ and ‘When’ to better understand the ‘What’ of the social protection response to COVID-19. Social protection is recognised as an essential mechanism to reach those who are in urgent need because of the COVID-19 crisis, and efforts… 2020-07-26 Social assistance,Social policies & programmes,Inequalities covid19 rruggia…
Gender and Inclusion in social protection responses during COVID-19 | This document provides key considerations and examples of how gender and social inclusion (GESI) can be integrated into potential COVID-19 response options/strategies via existing social protection and / or humanitarian programmes (or a hybrid approach, leveraging social protection delivery systems… 2020-07-26 Inequalities covid19, family_gender_society, gender_and_inequality rruggia…
Social Protection Approaches to COVID-19 - Publications | Social Protection Approaches to COVID-19 - Expert Advice Helpline, SPACE Stakeholder Profile Publications Social Protection Approaches to COVID-19 - Expert Advice Helpline, SPACE 2020-07-26 Social assistance covid19 rruggia
SPACE Useful COVID-19 and Social Protection Materials | 2020 . Publisher:  Social Protection Approaches to COVID-19 - Expert Advice Helpline, SPACE This is a living document tracking relevant COVID-19 and Social Protection materials.    2020-07-26 Social assistance covid19 rruggia…
Building back better after COVID-19: How social protection can help countries prepare for the impacts of climate change (14.07.2020) While the world is still in the midst of dealing with the health and socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) shock, one key lesson is already emerging: Social protection is proving its potential as an emergency instrument to protect affected households… 2020-07-24 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor climate change, covid19 pmassetti…
Grenada: Covid-19 Economic Support Secretariat deadline for payroll stimulus programme grenada NOW Grenada (21.07.2020) The Ministry of Finance through the Covid-19 Economic Support Secretariat (CESS) announces the deadline for receipt of applications to the Income and first time Payroll Stimulus Programme as of Wednesday, 22 July 2020 at 4 pm. This cut off for receipt of applications… The Ministry of Finance through the Covid-19 Economic Support Secretariat (CESS) announces the deadline for receipt of applications to the Income and first time Payroll Stimulus Programme as of Wednesday, 22 July 2020 at 4 pm. This cut off for receipt of applications relates to the following categories:Hotels, Restaurants/ Bars and Small Travel Agents, Tourist Vendors, Market Vendors, Bus Owners, Taxi Owners, Hair Dressers, Barbers, And other tourist… 2020-07-21 The Ministry of Finance through the Covid-19 Economic Support Secretariat (CESS) announces the deadline for receipt of applications to the Income and first time Payroll Stimulus Programme as of Wednesday, 22 July 2020 at 4 pm. This cut off for receipt of applications relates to the following… Employment,Shocks & extreme events Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, self-employed, youth employment siha…
Democratic Republic of Congo: Democratic Republic of Congo to provide free water and electricity amidst coronavirus Congo, Democratic Republic of the smart warter magazine (07.04.2020) For the next two months, The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is to supply water and electricity free of charge to its citizens, local authorities have said. According to the Anadolu Agency, the water supply business Regie de Distribution d’Eau (REGIDESO)… For the next two months, The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is to supply water and electricity free of charge to its citizens. 2020-04-07 For the next two months, The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is to supply water and electricity free of charge to its citizens, local authorities have said. The Democratic Republic of Congo registered its first death from coronavirus on March 22. According to the Anadolu Agency, the water… Housing,Shocks & extreme events,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Universal Social Protection siha…
Costa Rica: Payment of the third month of the Protect Bond begins costa rica Ministry of Labor and Social Security (10.07.2020) This Thursday, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and the Mixed Institute of Social Aid, IMAS, began with the payment of the third month for the beneficiaries of the Protect Bond. The Protect Bond was launched on April 9 as a… the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and the Mixed Institute of Social Aid, IMAS, began with the payment of the third month for the beneficiaries of the Protect Bond. The Protect Bond was launched on April 9 as a response to provide assistance to people affected by labor because of COVID-19. 2020-07-10 This Thursday, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and the Mixed Institute of Social Aid, IMAS, began with the payment of the third month for the beneficiaries of the Protect Bond. This payment is given after the completion of the deposits of the second months for a total of 523,957… Cash transfers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants siha
Costa Rica: Employers may request extension of the term of contract suspensions costa rica Minister of Labor and Social Security (15.06.2020) The Minister of Labor and Social Security signed a directive that allows employers to request an extension of the measure to suspend their employment contracts due to the pandemic by COVID-19. The MTSS-DMT-CIR-5-2020 directive allows employers… The Minister of Labor and Social Security signed a directive that allows employers to request an extension of the measure to suspend their employment contracts due to the pandemic by COVID-19. The directive allows employers to request the extension of the initial period of three months for up to an additional equal period, as long as the impact on the economic turn of companies is maintained. 2020-06-15 The Minister of Labor and Social Security, Geannina Dinarte Romero, this week signed a directive that allows employers to request an extension of the measure to suspend their employment contracts due to the pandemic by COVID-19. The MTSS-DMT-CIR-5-2020 directive allows employers to… Employment,COVID-19,Financial crisis Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, labour markets, youth employment siha
United States: Government commits to buying millions of vaccine doses United States The New York TImes (22.07.2020) The  US government committed to purchase 100 million doses of a not-yet-finished vaccine. The private sector buys most vaccines in the United States, not the government.“We’re trying to make sure access for all Americans is equal,” said L.J. Tan, chief… 2020-07-23 The Trump administration’s commitment on Wednesday to purchase 100 million doses of a not-yet-finished vaccine is unusual in two ways. The private sector buys most vaccines in the United States, not the government. The drug industry has lobbied to keep things that way; private payers… Health,Financing Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19, universal health care mmarquez…
COVID-19 and a primer on shock-responsive social protection systems UN/DESA Policy Brief #82 (14.07.2020) All social protection systems are designed to respond to shocks since, in addition to addressing chronic conditions, they are meant to address acute events that negatively impact individuals and households. However, some systems respond better than others… 2020-07-23 Shocks & extreme events Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti…
Temporary Basic Income Could Help Curb Virus, U.N. Says Time (23.07.2020) Temporary basic income payments could stem the spread of the coronavirus pandemic by allowing the world’s poorest people to stay at home, according to a new report from the United Nations Development Programme. 2020-07-23 Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19, universal-basic-income pmassetti
Covid-19 lockdowns, income distribution, and food security: An analysis for South Africa south africa The distancing measures deployed by South Africa impose large reductions in wage income particularly for low-skilled workers. Initial lockdown policies will jeopardize the food security of low-income households dependent on labor income. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic illustrate the value… 2020-07-23 Cash transfers,Food and nutrition Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti
ISSA Transportation Section: Information on Covid-19 protective measures in transportation in six languages The International Section on Prevention in Transportation, together with its member BG Verkehr, has produced five fact sheets on Covid-19 protective measures for various transportation sectors in six languages. The fact sheets on infection prevention in road haulage, waste disposal, postal… 2020-07-23 Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks,COVID-19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention covid19, prevention btreichel
Barbados: Deferral of employers' contributions for 3 months barbados (21.03.2020) For those employers who are prepared to retain three-quarters of their workforce even if some are on short-week, they can defer the employers’ contribution for three months in the first instance with a preparation to extend for another three months if the… Employers that retain three-quarters of their workforce even if some are on short-week, can defer the employers’ contribution for three months in the first instance with a preparation to extend for another three months if the crisis goes beyond. 2020-03-21 Given the mass lay-offs that are expected as Barbados' tourism and services sector slowly suspends, Prime Minister Mia Mottley announced that Government has launched the $20-million Household Survival Programme.  Speaking in the House of Assembly during the Appropriations 2020, Mottley… Contribution collection and compliance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19 mmarquez…
Bahamas: Coverage extension of government-funded unemployment benefit (GovUEBex) bahamas (21.07.2020) The National Insurance Board, after consultation with the Ministry of Finance, is pleased to advise that the Government Unemployment Extension Programme will be extended to persons whose last day at work was Friday 13 March, 2020. Our previous pre-enrolled… The Government Unemployment Extension Programme will be extended to persons whose last day at work was Friday 13 March, 2020. The pre-enrolled persons included only those persons who were laid off after the lockdown as at 23rd March, 2020. Some 28,800 persons were pre-enrolled in the programme, and with this expansion NIB estimates that another 5,000 persons will now become eligible – bringing the total eligible enrollment to just over 33,800 persons. 2020-07-23 Unemployment,Extension of coverage Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary coverage, covid19 mmarquez…
Bahamas: Extension of government-funded unemployment benefit (GovUEBex) bahamas (16.07.2020) The National Insurance Board (NIB) will launch a new online portal for eligible individuals to register for the Government-Funded Unemployment Benefit Extension Programme (GovUEBex). Individuals who were unemployed due to the COVID-19 shutdown between March 23 –… On Monday, July 20, 2020 The National Insurance Board (NIB) will launch a new online portal for eligible individuals to register for the Government-Funded Unemployment Benefit Extension Programme (GovUEBex). NIB has assessed the records of thousands of contributors and self-employed persons, and will pre-enroll individuals that meet the eligibility requirements for the extension programme. The new portal dynamically pulls information from the NIB database to simplify the process of… 2020-07-20 IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 16, 2020 NIB WILL LAUNCH NEW ONLINE PORTAL GOVERNMENT-FUNDED UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT EXTENSION (GovUEBex) PROGRAMME ON JULY 20, 2020 On Monday, July 20, 2020 The National Insurance Board (NIB) will launch a new online portal for eligible individuals to register for the… Unemployment,Interoperability,E-services,Data management Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, customer_services, data management, database mmarquez…
India: Epidemic Diseases (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020 Receives Presidential Assent - Coronavirus (COVID-19) - India india In wake of the COVID-19 crisis and nationwide lockdown, India has been grappling with unprecedented challenges that range from maintaining law and order, access to medical facilities, food, social security to availability of medical facilities. The newest hurdle to have joined this bandwagon has… 2020-07-22 Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks,COVID-19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention covid19 btreichel…
Neues BGHW-Unterweisungsmodul „Corona-Spezial“ — BGHW-Website germany „Corona-Spezial“ nennt sich ein neues Lern- und Unterweisungsmodul der BGHW. Die Beschäftigten lernen, wie sie sich richtig verhalten, um eine mögliche Ansteckung mit dem Coronavirus zu vermeiden. Das Modul ist Teil des Online-Lernprogramms (WBT) „Sicher arbeiten – Gesundheit schützen“ der BGHW. „… 2020-07-22 Occupational accidents and diseases,Prevention of occupational risks Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention covid19 btreichel…
Viet Nam: Persons under mandatory quarantine at healthcare centers not charged vietnam (13.03.2020) People (both Vietnamese and foreigners) are not charged all related fees when they undergo mandatory quarantine at healthcare centers, border gates and other isolation facilities. They will also be transported to isolation wards for free and receive free drinking… People (both Vietnamese and foreigners) are not charged all related fees when they undergo mandatory quarantine at healthcare centers, border gates and other isolation facilities. They will also be transported to isolation wards for free and receive free drinking water, towels, face masks, hand sanitizers, mouthwash and other daily necessities, according to the Finance Ministry’s Circular 32/2012. 2020-03-13 People infected with the new coronavirus in Vietnam have been covered by the health insurance fund, while quarantined cases are being given free-of-charge essential items for their daily activities in isolation wards. Nguyen Nam Lien, head of the Health Ministry’s Planning-Finance Department,… Health Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Viet Nam: Free treatment to persons infected with COVID-19 vietnam (07.04.2020) Earlier, on February 6, 2020, Ministry of Health issued Document No 505/BYT-BH on the payment of medical expenses for treatmentof pneumonia caused by the new strain of coronavirus. According to Circular No 32/2012/TT-BTC of December 29, 2012 issued by Ministry of Finance,… People infected, suspected of being infected with the virus and high-risk people will have medical expenses fully covered. 2020-02-06 Ensuring benefits of health insurance card holders when medical facilities are on lockdown 07/04/2020 09:05 AM   To best maintain medical examinations and treatment for holders of health insurance cards, Viet Nam Social Security has issued document no. 1072/BHXH-CSYT on ensuring benefits of… Health Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Viet Nam: Online payment service in social insurance and health insurance vietnam (09.04.2020) Starting from April 8, 2020, individuals and organizations with accounts registered at the Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) may contribute to health insurance and social insurance on the e-Banking application platform. The result of the coordination… Starting from April 8, 2020, individuals and organizations with accounts registered at the Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) may contribute to health insurance and social insurance on the e-Banking application platform. The result of the coordination between Vietnam Social Security and BIDV aims to facilitate people, employees and employers in transactions with social security authorities, especially when the COVID-19 epidemic is maintaining complicated and social distancing… 2020-04-08 Vietnam Social Security and BIDV: Deploying online payment service in social insurance and health insurance 09/04/2020 09:05 AM   Starting from April 8, 2020, individuals and organizations with accounts registered at the Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) may contribute… Interoperability,E-services,Contribution collection and compliance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, data management, database mmarquez…
The Viet Nam Social Security has implemented policies to support enterprises that are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic vietnam The Viet Nam Social Security has implemented policies to support enterprises that are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, The Viet Nam Social Security has implemented policies to support enterprises that are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The agency has assisted the affected individuals and enterprises by allowing them to temporarily suspend social insurance payments to the retirement and survivorship fund.  2020-04-01 Contribution collection and compliance Published Measures summary covid19 pmassetti…
Belize: Legal changes to Social Security Act Regulations for sickness benefit during a pandemic belize Social Security Board (21.07.2020) Effective March 28, 2020 the qualifying condition that a person must be employed upon becoming ill has been suspended. This means persons who, as of March 1, 2020, became unemployed, suspended, placed on leave without pay or ceased self-employed may still qualify… Effective March 28, 2020 the qualifying condition for sickness benefit that a person must be employed upon becoming ill has been suspended. This means persons who, as of March 1, 2020, became unemployed, suspended, placed on leave without pay or ceased self-employed may still qualify for sickness benefit provided that the qualifying conditions are met. 2020-07-21 Health,Service quality Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, services quality siha…
Vietnam Social Security makes flexible adjustments to insurance policies vietnam The Vietnam Social Security (VSS) has been flexible in implementing social security and health insurance policies in order to ensure public benefits and reduce the impact of COVID-19 impacts on employees. Amid the spread of the   new coronavirus, the sector has applied IT in payments, electronic transactions and reform of administrative procedures. The VSS has ordered local social security agencies to receive and address administrative procedures through electronic transactions… 2020-04-02 Health,E-services Published Measures summary covid19 pmassetti…
Belize: Two month extension for contribution payments belize Social Security Board (21.07.2020) Effectively immediately, SSB has extended the deadline for all contribution payments for the months of March and April 2020. Employers are required to submit their monthly Contribution statement for these months via our online portal. Self-employed persons can… The deadline for all contribution payments for the months of March and April 2020 has been extended.  Employers and self-employed persons can opt to make monthly instalments not exceeding six months with no penalties. The first payment for March and April is due by 31 July 2020. 2020-07-21 Contribution collection and compliance,Service quality Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19, services quality siha…
Belize: Temporary suspension of deadline to submit claims belize Social Security Board (21.07.2020) Effective immediately, Social Security Board (SSB) has suspended the required deadline to submit all benefit claims until further notice. This means that customers are free to submit their claims for processing at a later time but not exceeding six months. Temporary suspension of deadline to submit claims. Customers are free to submit their claims for processing at a later time but not exceeding six months. 2020-07-21 Service quality,Shocks & extreme events Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, customer_services, services quality siha…
Viet Nam: Cash payment of social security benefits at home for April and May vietnam (09.04.2020) Cash payment of social security benefits (pensions and social insurance allowances) at home for those beneficiaries who receive benefits in cash usually. Payments will be made in this manner for April and May, and hese will be delivered by the post service. Cash payment of social security benefits (pensions and social insurance allowances) at home for those beneficiaries who receive benefits in cash usually. Payments will be made in this manner for April and May, and hese will be delivered by the post service. 2020-04-09 Cash payment of social security regimes at home starts from April 2020 09/04/2020 09:05 AM   The Ministry of Information and Communications has just issued Official Letter No. 1114/BTTTT-BC in which states that during the disease outbreak, starting from April 2020 Vietnam Post Corporation… Service quality,Service delivery,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Viet Nam: Social Security to proactively build management plans with other ministries vietnam (17.04.2020) Vietnam Social Security cooperates with the concerned ministries and branches to promptly issue documents guiding the settlement of social insurance regimes for employees who must follow isolation measures to prevent COVID-19; guiding on the COVID-19 epidemic prevention… 2020-04-17 Vietnam Social Security: To proactively build management plans in line with practical requirements 17/04/2020 02:05 PM   On the morning of April 16, Vietnam Social Security held a meeting to capture the situation of task implementation and give comments and instructions in the context of… Interoperability,Service quality,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 mmarquez…
Viet Nam: Welfare package to social security beneficiaries and people with meritorious services vietnam (28.04.2020) People with meritorious services  (nearly 78,000 in Hanoi city) and social protection beneficiaries (nearly 185,000 in Hanoi city) were among the first groups identified to receive a welfare package by April 30. The benefit amount is 500,000 VND for one person pero… People with meritorious services  (nearly 78,000 in Hanoi city) and social protection beneficiaries (nearly 185,000 in Hanoi city) were among the first groups identified to receive a welfare package by April 30. The benefit amount is 500,000 VND for one person pero month for a period of 3 months. 2020-04-28 Viet Nam Social Security News People with meritorious services and social protection beneficiaries to receive the welfare package by April 30 28/04/2020 02:05 PM   Mr. Nguyen Hong Dan, Deputy Director of Hanoi Department of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs, claimed that until… Cash transfers,COVID-19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Viet Nam: Online social security services on the National Public Service Portal vietnam (25.05.2020) Since May 12 (2020), the National Public Service Portal (launched in December 2019) has provided six additional public services to support people and businesses during the COVID-19 epidemic, namely: supporting workers to postpone labor contracts and take leave… Since May 12 (2020), the National Public Service Portal (launched in December 2019) has provided six additional public services to support people and businesses during the COVID-19 epidemic, namely: supporting workers to postpone labor contracts and take leave without salary; supporting employers to borrow capital to pay workers' discontinued wages; declaring extension of corporate tax payment; declaring extension of personal tax payment; temporarily closing the retirement fund;… 2020-05-12 High and effective frequency of procedures for social insurance and health insurance on the National Public Service Portal 20/05/2020 05:05 PM   Opened since December 9, 2019, the National Public Service Portal has achieved positive results, which demonstrates the Government's goal of… E-services,Service quality Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary, Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR covid19, digital platforms, service delivery mmarquez…
Viet Nam: Provinces and cities requested to confirm list of unemployed workers vietnam (15.05.2020) Viet Nam Social Security has ordered its units in provinces and cities nationwide to check and confirm the list of employees who have been temporarily suspended from the performance of labour contracts or taken unpaid leave, as well as employees who lost their jobs due to… In an effort to prevent abuse and fraud in the temporary suspension of social security contributions to the retirement and death funds,  Viet Nam Social Security has requested province and city authorities to check the list of unemployed persons submitted byt the various enterprises.  2020-05-15 Viet Nam Social Security takes measures to prevent enterprises from abusing policies 15/05/2020 05:00 PM   Viet Nam Social Security has ordered its units in provinces and cities nationwide to check and confirm the list of employees who have been temporarily suspended from the performance of… Service quality,Error, evasion and fraud Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, data management mmarquez…
Viet Nam: Online services and hotline to support social security claims vietnam (25.05.2020) The Government Office has asked Viet Nam Social Security and localities’ People’s Committees to direct their subsidiaries to help workers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic to complete administrative procedures and access online public services. Viet Nam Social Security’s… Implementation of online services to faciliate the processing of social security claims, including services to support workers who lost their jobs due to COVID-19. A hotline is available to provide assistance in the preparation of the necessary documents. 2020-05-25 Viet Nam Social Security prioritises processing assistance dossiers for people impacted by COVID-19 25/05/2020 09:05 AM   Viet Nam Social Security prioritises processing assistance dossiers for people impacted by COVID-19   The Government Office has asked Viet Nam Social Security and… E-services,Service quality,Service delivery Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Japan: Health Center Real-time information-sharing System on COVID-19 (HER-SYS) japan Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (17.07.2020) The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare introduces a new coronavirus infected person information grasp and management system (HER-SYS) as an urgent response in order to reduce the work burden of public health centers and to speed up… Information on covid-19 infected patients (symptoms, places they have been) can be registered electronically in the centralised system and shared between related parties such as patients, doctors, health authorities, the government and local governments. 2020-05-29 Health,Information and communication technology,ICT governance,Service quality Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, digital platforms, egovernment siha
How much a basic income grant will cost South Africa south africa (16.07.2020) Minister of Social Development Lindiwe Zulu says that South Africa will introduce a universal basic income grant as part of a range of packages to help the country’s unemployed – but this plan is still a couple of years away from becoming a reality, analysts say. 2020-07-20 Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti…
Sudan: How 'nafeer' help Sudan out of its coronavirus crisis | Coronavirus pandemic sudan Al Jazeera (09.06.2020) The government started distributing food packages to vulnerable communities. The government started distributing food packages to vulnerable communities. 2020-06-09 Learning from the experiences of other countries further along in the pandemic's trajectory, Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok's government swiftly closed airports and ports and set up quarantine centres for those coming from affected countries. It also started distributing food packages to vulnerable… Health,Food and nutrition,Shocks & extreme events Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, poverty siha…
Sudan: Managing COVID-19 Pandemic During a Time of Transition sudan Arab Reform Initiative (29.05.2020) The government gave all governmental employees aged 55 and above as well as pregnant and nursing women paid leave until further notice. The government gave all governmental employees aged 55 and above as well as pregnant and nursing women paid leave until further notice. 2020-03-31 The government also used the police to enforce a partial curfew from 8pm to 6am, starting on 24 March in Khartoum state. On 31 March, the government extended the curfew time by two hours (to start from 6pm to 6am) and gave all governmental employees aged 55 and above as well as pregnant and nursing… Employment,Human resource management,Shocks & extreme events Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, human resources siha…
Yemen: Holistic Health Mobilization and Volunteering to Face the Corona Virus yemen The Ministry of Public Health and Population (21.03.2020) The Ministry of Public Health and Population announces the state of comprehensive health mobilization for doctors, health personnel, technicians, and preventive quarantine experts, in preparation for facing the Corona virus. The… The Ministry of Public Health and Population announces the state of comprehensive health mobilization for doctors, health personnel, technicians, and preventive quarantine experts, in preparation for facing the Corona virus. The opportunity to volunteer for colleges and health institutes has been opened as a proactive measure to respond to any emergency or outbreak of the Corona virus. 2020-03-21 health mobilization for doctors, health personnel, technicians, and preventive quarantine experts, in preparation for facing the Corona virus. The opportunity to volunteer for colleges and health institutes has been opened as a proactive measure to respond to any emergency or outbreak of the… Health,Human resource management,Shocks & extreme events Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, human resources siha
COVID-19 and social protection in Europe and Central Asia Europe WHO/Europe, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) (16.07.2020) Government across the European Region and Central Asia have introduced a variety of policy responses to mitigate the consequences of the containment measures on well-being and the… 2020-07-17 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti
Slovakia: Extension of unemployment benefit slovakia Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family (17.07.2020) The unemployment benefit period is extended to those insured persons whose 6-month unemployment benefit period would have expired during the crisis situation related to the spread of COVID-19, ie since the declaration of the emergency on 12… The unemployment benefit period is extended to those insured persons whose 6-month unemployment benefit period would have expired during the crisis situation related to the spread of COVID-19. An order of the Government of the Slovak Republic of 3 July 2020 set the latest date for the expiry of the support period, which was extended, namely 31 August 2020. 2020-07-17 The unemployment benefit period is extended to those insured persons whose 6-month unemployment benefit period would have expired during the crisis situation related to the spread of COVID-19, ie since the declaration of the emergency on 12 March 2020. If the 6-month unemployment benefit period… Unemployment,Service delivery,Shocks & extreme events Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, service delivery siha…
Slovakia: Extension of parental allowance slovakia Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family (17.07.2020) In times of crisis, we are extending parental allowance to parents who lost their entitlement to it in March 2020 and later, have no job to return to, and have no other income. We will pay him until the end of the emergency. The… Parental allowance paid to parents who lost their entitlement to it in March 2020 and later, have no job to return to, and have no other income is extended until the end of the emergency with the same amount as it was provided. 2020-07-17 In times of crisis, we are extending parental allowance to parents who lost their entitlement to it in March 2020 and later, have no job to return to, and have no other income. We will pay him until the end of the emergency. When am I entitled to an extension of the parental… Family benefits,Service delivery Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, family, service delivery siha…
Slovakia: Pandemic nursing benefits slovakia Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family (17.07.2020) Parents are entitled to pandemic nursing who, during a crisis situation (from 12 March 2020 until its end) related to the spread of Covid-19: treat a sick child up to the age of 16, provide personal and full-time care for a child under… Parents are entitled to pandemic nursing who, during a crisis situation: treat a sick child up to the age of 16, provide personal and full-time care for a child under 11 years of age, or 18 years of age with a long-term unfavorable health condition. Other sickness insured persons are also entitled to pandemic nursing care if they provide care for a descendant (child, grandson, great-grandson) or ancestor (parent, grandparent), sibling, spouse, or parent of the… 2020-07-17 Who is entitled to pandemic nursing homes (pandemic OČR)? Parents (including surrogate parents and adoptive parents) are entitled to pandemic nursing homes who, during a crisis situation (from 12 March 2020 until its end) related to the spread of Covid-19: treat a sick… Health,Family benefits Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, family siha…
Slovakia: Pandemic sickness benefit slovakia Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family (16.07.2020) If you are an employee and you have been confirmed temporary incapacity for work due to ordered quarantine or isolation, you contact the attending physician (by phone or e-mail), who will confirm your temporary incapacity for work due to… If you are an employee and you have been confirmed temporary incapacity for work due to ordered quarantine or isolation, the Social Insurance Agency will pay a benefit of 55% of the daily assessment base(approx. 70% of net salary) from the first day of temporary incapacity for work. (The same procedure is applied by SZČO and voluntarily insured persons) 2020-07-16 Compared to the normal sickness benefit paid during temporary incapacity for work (PN-ka), the sickness benefits to which a claim arises during a crisis situation (from 12 March 2020 until its end) related to the spread of Covid-19 : in the case of ordered quarantine and… Health,Cash sickness benefits,Service quality Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, self-employed, youth employment siha…
Information on COVID-19 protective measures in transportation in six languages International Social Security Association (ISSA) (16.07.2020) The Section on Prevention in Transportation of the International Social Security Association (ISSA), together with its member BG Verkehr, has produced five fact sheets on COVID-19 protective measures for various transportation sectors in… 2020-07-16 Prevention of occupational risks covid19 pmassetti…
Sauvegarder l’emploi durant la crise : les différentes réponses au sein de l’OCDE (15.07.2020) Les programmes de maintien dans l'emploi ont été l'un des principaux outils politiques utilisés dans de nombreux pays de l'OCDE pour contenir les retombées sociales et sur l'emploi de la crise du Covid-19. Leur usage était sans précédent : en mai 2020, les… 2020-07-16 Employment Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti…
Protecting South Asia’s poor and vulnerable against COVID-19 Asia (02.07.2020) As South Asian countries intensify the fight against COVID-19, it is imperative that social protection programs, including cash transfers, food vouchers, unemployment benefits, pensions, wage subsidies, be at the forefront of the relief and recovery efforts. … 2020-07-16 Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti…
Slovakia: Waiver of the payment of social insurance premiums slovakia Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family (16.07.2020) Waiving the payment of social insurance premiums for April 2020 applies to employers and compulsorily insured self-employed persons (SZČO) who in April 2020 had at least one closed operation for at least 15 calendar days. This… Waiving the payment of social insurance premiums for April 2020 applies to employers and compulsorily insured self-employed persons (SZČO) who in April 2020 had at least one closed operation for at least 15 calendar days. This applies to employers only in the part of the premium paid by the employer. The waiver of the premium, which is deducted from the employee by the employer and he is also obliged to pay it, the waiver of the obligation to pay the premium does not apply. 2020-07-16 In order to mitigate the economic impact on premium payers due to the crisis situation in connection with COVID-19, an amendment to the Social Insurance Act was approved by the National Council of the Slovak Republic on 22 April 2020, waiving the payment of social insurance premiums, including… Contribution collection and compliance,Shocks & extreme events Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19, self-employed, youth employment siha…
Slovakia: Deferment of payment of social insurance premiums slovakia Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family (16.07.2020) In order to mitigate the economic impact on premium payers during the COVID-19 crisis, an amendment to the Social Insurance Act was adopted, introducing a deferral of social insurance premiums, including compulsory contributions to old-… The premium for March 2020, which would otherwise be due in April 2020, should be due by 31 December 2020. Under the same conditions as for March, the premium maturity for May 2020 and June 2020 is postponed to 31 December 2020. If the employer or the compulsorily insured SZČO pays this premium in the new due date on time and in the correct amount, the Social Insurance Agency will not prescribe a penalty to them. 2020-07-16 Deferment of payment of social insurance premiums and compulsory contributions to old - age pension savings In order to mitigate the economic impact on premium payers during the COVID-19 crisis, an amendment to the Social Insurance Act was adopted, introducing a deferral of social insurance… Contribution collection and compliance,Shocks & extreme events Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19 siha…
Slovakia: The first aid for employees, entrepreneurs and self-employed persons slovakia Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family (14.04.2020) The Government of the Slovak Republic approved the first aid to employees, entrepreneurs and self-employed persons in reducing the negative impacts resulting from the current emergency measures on 31 March 2020 and its amendment on 14 April… The first aid to employees, entrepreneurs and self-employed persons in reducing the negative impacts resulting from the current emergency measures. The aid amount is 80% of employee's average earnings, in the maximum amount of EUR 1,100 for an employee. From 180 euro to 540 euro depending on decrease in sales for self-employed persons. 2020-04-14 The Government of the Slovak Republic approved the first aid to employees, entrepreneurs and self-employed persons in reducing the negative impacts resulting from the current emergency measures on 31 March 2020 and its amendment on 14 April. The Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family… Employment,Cash transfers,Shocks & extreme events Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, self-employed, youth employment siha…
Macau: GOVERNMENT DISBURSES MOP 15,000 SUBSIDY FOR RESIDENTS Macau, China TDM(17.06.2020) The government started issuing the 15,000 patacas anti-epidemic assistance subsidy to qualified employees and freelancers via automatic bank transfer method. The beneficiaries who did not register to the bank automatic transfer to receive assistance… The government started issuing the 15,000 patacas anti-epidemic assistance subsidy to qualified employees and freelancers via automatic bank transfer method. 2020-06-17 The government started issuing the 15,000 patacas subsidy to qualified employees and freelancers via automatic bank transfer method. Many residents headed to the bank to check whether the payment was already transferred to their accounts. Qualified employees and… Employment,Cash transfers,Shocks & extreme events Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, self-employed, youth employment siha