Covid19 Monitor database - ALL covid19

created Title Regions / Country Abstract for publishing measures summary Measure date Description (long-not for publishing) Topics Status Tags URL
Greece: Posting of payment notices for the month of May 2020 - Deadline until July 3 for 25% discount greece e-EFKA (23.06.2020) Due to the special conditions due to the pandemic of COVID-19, self-employed can use the benefit of the 25% discount for current May contributions.  The main condition for the discount - which is optional for any professional - is the timely payment of May… Self-employed can use the benefit of the 25% discount for May contributions.  2020-06-23 The e-EFKA website announced the May 2020 insurance contribution notices for 1,213,257 self-employed, self-employed and farmers. Due to the special conditions prevailing in our country due to the pandemic of COVID-19, self-employed and self-employed can use the benefit of the 25% discount for… Contribution collection and compliance,Shocks & extreme events Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19, self-employed siha…
Greece: The payment of the April 2020 contribution reduced by 25% or payment in four monthly instalments greece e-EFKA (03.06.2020) Due to the special conditions due to the pandemic of COVID-19, self-employed have to choose between three (3) alternatives as follows: a. The payment of the contribution corresponding to their insurance category b. The payment of the April 2020 contribution… The self-employed may choose to pay April 2020 contribution reduced by 25% if they have paid or will repay by 10/6 , or to pay the contribution in four monthly instalments without surcharges with payment of the 1st instalment until 31/10/2020. 2020-06-03 Posting of payment notices for the month of April 2020 Deadline until June 10 for 25% discount The notices of the insurance contributions of April 2020 for 1,213,257 self-employed, self-employed and farmers were posted on the e-EFKA website. Due to the special conditions prevailing in our… Contribution collection and compliance,Shocks & extreme events Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19, self-employed siha
WHO | Strengthening the Health Systems Response to COVID-19 - Technical guidance #6, 21 May 2020 Africa, Asia, Americas, Europe This technical guidance identifies 10 policy objectives for decision-makers, policy-makers and national or regional health authorities as they strive to prevent and manage the COVID-19 pandemic in long-term care settings. While those tasked with making decisions for long-term care systems are… 2020-07-07 Health,Long-term care Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19, policy reponse mmarquez…
You’ve Got Money: Mobile Payments Help People During the Pandemic IMF Blog (22.07.2020) The practical challenge of quickly getting financial support in the hands of people who lost jobs amid the COVID-19 economic crisis has baffled advanced and developing economies alike. Economic lockdowns, physical distancing measures, patchy social protection systems and,… 2020-07-06 E-services,Service delivery,Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR covid19 pmassetti…
Options for rapid delivery (payment) of cash transfers for COVID-19 responses and beyond (July 2020) This note describes the main strategies used by, and available to, countries to deliver cash support in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective of the note is to inform both ongoing responses to COVID-19 and medium to long term investments in delivery… 2020-07-06 Service delivery,Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19, epayment pmassetti…
Oman: Payment of utilities' bills oman (15.04.2020) Payment of utilities' bills (such as electricity, water and wastewater) are postponed until after June 2020. Payment of utilities' bills (such as electricity, water and wastewater) are postponed until after June 2020. 2020-04-15 Housing Published Measures summary covid19, family cambrosio…
Cambodia: Suspending employment contracts cambodia (07.05.2020) Companies in the tourism and garment sectors who want to suspend employment contracts must first submit an application to the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training (MLVT). The suspended employees can receive monthly allowances from the government. The maximum… Companies in the tourism and garment sectors who want to suspend employment contracts must first submit an application to the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training (MLVT). The suspended employees can receive monthly allowances from the government. The maximum period for suspension is two months but this can be extended further depending on the circumstances. 2020-05-07 Employment,Cash transfers Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, labour markets cambrosio…
Cambodia: More Incentives, Obligations Announced for Businesses in Cambodia in Tourism, Garment Industries cambodia (07.05.2020) Suspension of monthly contributions to NSSF for enterprises in the garment and tourism sectors. Suspension of monthly contributions to NSSF for enterprises in the garment and tourism sectors. 2020-05-07 Contribution collection and compliance Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19 cambrosio…
Ephemeral universalism in the social protection response to the COVID-19 lockdown in the Philippines | philippines, the  (26.07.2020) Since March 2020, the Philippines has implemented one of the world’s strictest and longest lockdowns in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused severe disruptions in peoples’ livelihoods. The government’s emergency social protection response, the ‘Social… 2020-07-03 Service delivery,Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti…
COVID-19 and South Asia: National Strategies and Subregional Cooperation for Accelerating Inclusive, Sustainable and Resilient Recovery Asia United Nations ESCAP (25.06.2020) South Asia, a subregion with nearly a quarter of world’s population but over a third of world’s people living in extreme poverty and hunger, has been impacted severely given the vast proportion of population living at the margins, fragmented coverage of social… 2020-07-03 Social policies & programmes Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19, policy reponse, poverty pmassetti…
Switzerland: Short-time work allowance: Extension of the period to 18 months switzerland The Federal Council (01.07.2020) On July 1, 2020, the Federal Council extended the maximum period for receiving short-time work compensation from twelve to eighteen months. There is also a grace period of one day. This amendment to the ordinance will come into force on September 1, 2020… The maximum period for receiving short-time work compensation is extended from twelve to eighteen months. There is also a grace period of one day. This amendment to the ordinance will come into force on September 1, 2020 and will apply until December 31, 2021. 2020-07-01 Coronavirus: Short-time work allowance: Extension of the reference period to 18 months Bern, July 1, 2020 - On July 1, 2020, the Federal Council extended the maximum period for receiving short-time work compensation from twelve to eighteen months. There is also a grace period of one day.… Unemployment,Cash transfers,Shocks & extreme events Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, youth employment siha…
Protecting workers in the workplace: ILO warns of COVID-19 migrant ‘crisis within a crisis’ (24.07.2020) Policies need to be put in place to protect stranded migrant workers and to ensure the reintegration of those who return to their home countries, says the International Labour Organization. 2020-07-02 Migration Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti…
Guatemala: Subsidio al consumo de energía eléctrica guatemala (27.04.2020) Subsidio al consumo de energía eléctrica durante 3 meses (mayo, junio y julio), se cubrirán alrededor de 2 millones 839 mil usuarios que consumen menos de 300 kWh. (Q630 millones). Será aplicado en seis distribuidoras de energía (incluyendo tres empresas eléctricas… Electricity consumption subsidy for 3 months (May, June and July), about 2 million 839 will be covered thousand users who consume less than 300 kWh. (Q630 million). 2020-04-27 Family benefits,Housing Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, family mmarquez…
Japan: Japan Pension Service to give opportunities to students with cancelled job offers or laid off japan (26.06.2020) Japan Pension Service (JPS) is planning to give job opportunities to students who had their job offers cancelled or lost their part-time job due to COVID-19. JPS is planning to hire about 100 such students temporarily (from the end of June to the end of next March)… Japan Pension Service (JPS) is planning to give job opportunities to students who had their job offers cancelled or lost their part-time job due to COVID-19. JPS is planning to hire about 100 such students temporarily (from the end of June to the end of next March) and the students are supposed to do data entry and document checking in the specialized centers. 2020-06-26 Engaged in specific fields related to public pensions at the Institute, targeting university students who are in financial difficulties due to cancellation of job offer or loss of part-time job due to the effect of new coronavirus infection. We are looking for people to do this. Employment of young workers Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, youth employment mmarquez
Lithuania: What Help can the Low-Income Residents Expect from the State?:Child benefits lithuania Ministry of Social Security and Labour (11.06.2020) Child benefit is a universal benefit paid to each child. Its size in 2020 is 60 euros. An additional benefit of 40 euros may be paid for children with disabilities and children from low-income or large families. Until now, when… Until now, when estimating family income for higher child benefit, the amount received during the last 12 months has been taken into account. However, since the financial situation of some families deteriorated rapidly during the quarantine period, it has been decided that until the 1st of July the income received from the 1st of April will be assessed, and from July the income of the previous 3 months will be assessed and the child benefit will be granted for three months. Such… 2020-06-11 Child benefit is a universal benefit paid to each child. Its size in 2020 is 60 euros. An additional benefit of 40 euros may be paid for children with disabilities and children from low-income or large families. A low-income family is considered to be one in which the average monthly income per… Family benefits,Service quality,Cash transfers Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary adequacy, covid19, Emergency grants, services quality siha…
Lithuania: What Help can the Low-Income Residents Expect from the State?: Social assistance lithuania Ministry of Social Security and Labour (11.06.2020) Due to the coronavirus pandemic and the economic difficulties it has caused, the support granted in municipalities has been increased and the conditions for granting it have been facilitated, but most of the changes will be permanent. … The support granted in municipalities has been increased and the conditions for granting it have been facilitated, but most of the changes will be permanent. From the 1st of June the benefit is available if the average monthly income per person does not exceed 137.5 euros. The applicant's property will not be valued for 6 months after the cancellation of emergency situation and quarantine. 2020-06-11 Anyone can experience financial hardship throughout life: it can be caused by a pandemic, economic crisis, sudden loss of job, family crises, lack of social skills, or other misfortunes.  There are several types of assistance to the residents in Lithuania which can be combined: support in… Social assistance,Cash transfers Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, poverty siha…
Japan: Gathering Medical Information System on COVID-19 (G-MIS) japan Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (08.04.2020) The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has established an information and communication infrastructure centre (tentative name) in cooperation with the Cabinet Secretariat's IT Office. The system enables collecting information on… The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has established an information and communication infrastructure centre in cooperation with the Cabinet Secretariat's IT Office. The system enables collecting information on hospital operation status, the situation of hospital beds and medical staff, the number of available medical equipment and medical materials from medical institutions nationwide. The system will be used to inform the public about wide range of hospital… 2020-04-08 The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has established an information and communication infrastructure center (tentative name) in cooperation with the Cabinet Secretariat's IT Office, and has been able to establish hospital operation status, hospital beds and medical staff from medical… Health,Risk management,Information and communication technology,Service quality Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, database, services quality siha
How mobile money is helping those in need through the pandemic World Economic Forum (25.06.2020) Money transfers are effective ways to protect those in financial difficulties due to COVID-19. In sub-Saharan Africa, over 80% of measures announced since the beginning of the pandemic are in the form of transfers. The pandemic has led many countries to strengthen… 2020-06-30 E-services,Service delivery,Error, evasion and fraud Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
Taiwan: First "Public Health Specialists Act" in Asia passed in Taiwan Taiwan, China Taiwan Today (18.05.2020) The Public Health Specialists Act, which provides for a national certification for public health professionals, passed the Legislature May 15 in Taipei City. This is the first time such a law has been enacted in Asia. According to the act, if a person who is a… The Public Health Specialists Act, which provides for a national certification for public health professionals, passed the Legislature May 15 in Taipei City. This is the first time such a law has been enacted in Asia. 2020-05-18 (Google translate) The "Public Hygienist Law," which stipulates the national qualification "Public Hygienist" who is a public health expert, was passed and passed at the Legislative Assembly (= Diet session) on the 15th. This is the first time in Asia to enact such a law.   The “Public… Health,Health promotion,Safety and health at work,Social policies & programmes Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, policy reponse, universal health care siha…
Malta: The rest of the centers are opened malta SERVIZZ.GOV (26.06.2020) From next week, the rest of the regional centers will be opened, so will have a total of 22 centers open throughout Malta. continues to offer assistance on government services through its various means, including Freephone 153, the one-… From next week, the rest of the regional centers will be opened, so will have a total of 22 centers open throughout Malta. 2020-06-26 From next week, the rest of the regional centers will be opened, so will have a total of 22 centers open throughout Malta. The centers that will be opened are Paola, Zebbug, Valletta, Msida, Victoria, Birkirkara, Sliema, Luqa, St. John and Lija. They will join the other 12 centers… Service quality,Service delivery Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Covid19_deconfinement_measures, customer_services siha…
Malta: A voucher of € 100 per person aged 16 and over malta THE OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER (08.06.2020) A voucher of € 100 per person aged 16 and over that can be used in a licensed accommodation, restaurant or business that has closed. A voucher of € 100 per person aged 16 and over that can be used in a licensed accommodation, restaurant or business that has closed. 2020-06-08 The Prime Minister, for his part, announced the following measures: A voucher of € 100 per person aged 16 and over that can be used in a licensed accommodation, restaurant or business that has closed. Employment,Cash transfers,Shocks & extreme events Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, Universal Social Protection siha…
Malta: The Covid Wage Supplement will remain unchanged until September malta THE OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER (08.06.2020) The Covid Wage Supplement will remain unchanged until September, where the benefit rate of € 800 for full-time and € 500 for part-timers in areas involved with tourist accommodation, travel agencies will be maintained. travel, language schools,… The Covid Wage Supplement will remain unchanged until September, where the benefit rate of € 800 for full-time and € 500 for part-timers in areas involved with tourist accommodation, travel agencies will be maintained. travel, language schools, organization of events and air transport. 2020-06-08 The Prime Minister, for his part, announced the following measures: The Covid Wage Supplement will remain unchanged until September, where the benefit rate of € 800 for full-time and € 500 for part-timers in areas involved with tourist accommodation, travel agencies will be maintained. travel,… Employment,Cash transfers Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, labour markets, youth employment siha…
Malta: Parental benefit and Additional Unemployment Benefit will end on 3 July malta THE MINISTRY OF THE FAMILY, CHILDREN'S RIGHTS AND SOCIAL  SOLIDARITY(04.06.2020)The temporary payment of the Parental Benefit and the Additional Unemployment Benefit for the time being will continue to be made weekly, but will be stopped with effect from Friday, 3 July 2020, which payment will… The temporary payment of the Parental Benefit and the Additional Unemployment Benefit for the time being will continue to be made weekly, but will be stopped with effect from Friday, 3 July 2020. 2020-06-04 The Department of Social Security and the Division for Financial Aid and Compliance within the Ministry for the Family, Children's Rights and Social Solidarity make reference to the payment of temporary benefits in connection with Covid-19 .   In the light of the latest developments, the… Family benefits,Unemployment,Cash transfers Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, family, youth employment siha…
Argentina: ANSES reabrió más de 150 delegaciones en todo el país argentina ANSES (12.06.2020) Con un sistema de turnos programados y garantizando el protocolo sanitario, la ANSES reabrió al público más de 150 Unidades de Atención Integral (UDAI) y oficinas en todo el país. La ANSES irá, progresivamente, realizando la reapertura de sus oficinas teniendo en cuenta la…   With a system of scheduled shifts and guaranteeing the health protocol, ANSES reopened more than 150 Comprehensive Care Units (UDAI in Spanish) and offices throughout the country to the public. The ANSES will progressively carry out the reopening of its offices taking into account the health situation of each province and locality, in a coordinated work with governors and mayors. 2020-06-12 Con un sistema de turnos programados y garantizando el protocolo sanitario, la ANSES reabrió al público más de 150 Unidades de Atención Integral (UDAI) y oficinas en todo el país. El organismo se contacta con las personas que tenían trámites pendientes y les reasignan sus… Health,Human resource management,Service quality,Service delivery Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Covid19_deconfinement_measures, human resources, service delivery mmarquez…
Bermuda: Re-opening the economy – Phase 4 bermuda Governmen of Bermuda (25.06.2020) Bermuda will end the State of Emergency on June 30th. This will imply a relaxation of social distancing measures which include gatherings up to a maximum of 50 persons (with the possibility to request largers ones to the Minister of National Security); recreational… Bermuda will end the State of Emergency on June 30th. This will imply a relaxation of social distancing measures which include gatherings up to a maximum of 50 persons (with the possibility to request largers ones to the Minister of National Security); recreational scuba will be allowed and masks will continue to be worn indoors (and outdoors in case social distancing cannot be maintained). Resumption of commercial flights is yet to be implemented. 2020-06-30 Health Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Covid19_deconfinement_measures mmarquez
Bermuda: Lump-Sum Withdrawals for Occupational Pension Plans for members younger than the retirement age bermuda (01.06.2020) For members from certain occupational pension plans that are younger than age 65 (the normal retirement age) and who are not yet retired may request one-time withdrawals of up to B$12,000 (US$12,000) from their account balances. The deadline for requests is June … For members from certain occupational pension plans that are younger than age 65 (the normal retirement age) and who are not yet retired may request one-time withdrawals of up to B$12,000 (US$12,000) from their account balances. The deadline for requests is June 30, 2021, and pension plan administrators must process the withdrawals within 20 business days after approving a request. This measure is part of an economic relief package for persons affected by the COVID-19. 2020-06-01 Bermuda Introduces Lump-Sum Withdrawal Options for Certain Occupational Pension Plans On June 1, Bermuda's government implemented two amendments to the National Pension Scheme (Occupational Pensions) Act 1998 that allow members of defined contribution occupational pension plans to… Old-age pensions Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez
Costa Rica: Se fomenta el teletrabajo para asegurar continuidad de servicios costa rica (09.03.2020) Se insta a las instancias ministeriales y de la administración pública descentralizada a adoptar la modalidad de teletrabjo temporalmente, y a coordinar los equipos para asegurarse que los trabajadores cuenten con las condiciones necesarias para seguir con sus tareas. Se… Ministries and decentralized public administration are urged to adopt the teleworking modality temporarily, and to coordinate teams to ensure that workers have the necessary conditions to continue with their tasks. The private sector is also urged to adopt the same measures. 2020-03-09 Employment,Human resource management Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, human resources mmarquez…
Costa Rica: Reglamento de la suspensión temporal de trabajo por COVID-19 costa rica (20.03.2020) El Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social (MTSS) considera como razón válida de la suspensión de contratos de trabajo por consecuencia de la emergecia presentada por el COVID-19. The Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MTSS) considers the suspension of employment contracts as a valid reason for the emergency presented by COVID-19. 2020-03-20 Unemployment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 mmarquez…
Costa Rica: Reducción de jornada laboral costa rica (23.03.2020) El decreto legislativo No. 9832 establece que la persona empleadora podrá modificar unilateralmente los contratos de trabajo para reducir hasta en un cincuenta por ciento (50%) el número de horas de la jornada ordinaria de trabajo pactada entre las partes, siempre que exista… Legislative Decree No. 9832 establishes that the employer may unilaterally modify the employment contracts to reduce by up to fifty percent (50%) the number of hours of the ordinary working day agreed between the parties, provided that there is an effect of the event causing the declaration of national emergency under the terms established in Article 1 of this law and that the respective authorization procedure is initiated before the Labor Inspectorate of the Ministry of Labor and Social… 2020-03-23 Employment,Human resource management Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, human resources mmarquez
More than US$1 billion in coronavirus relief payments sent to dead Americans: report United States (25.06.2020) Nearly 1.1 million coronavirus relief payments totaling some US$1.4 billion went to dead people, a government watchdog reported Thursday. Legal and political issues hang over the misdirected taxpayer funds, the latest example of errors in massive aid being dispensed… 2020-06-29 Error, evasion and fraud Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
Japan: COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Application (COCOA) japan Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (26.06.2020) The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has developed a new coronavirus contact confirmation application (COCOA)  to help prevent the spread of new coronavirus infections. This application uses the smartphone's proximity… The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has developed a new coronavirus contact confirmation application (COCOA)  to help prevent the spread of new coronavirus infections. This application uses Bluetooth, with the consent of the user himself, to ensure privacy so that they do not know each other. The user will receive the notification that they have come into contact with a person who is positive for the new coronavirus infection. 2020-06-26 The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has developed a new coronavirus contact confirmation application (COCOA)  to help prevent the spread of new coronavirus infections. This application uses the smartphone's proximity communication function (Bluetooth), with the consent of the user… Health promotion,E-services,Technological transition Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, data analytics, digital inclusion siha
Morocco: The Ministry of Health is launching the mobile application "Wiqaytna" for notification of exposure to this virus morocco The Ministry of Health (01.06.2020) The Ministry of Health is launching the mobile application for notification of exposure to this virus, called "Wiqaytna" available from June 1, 2020 for download on Google Play, App store, and on . "Wiqaytna", based on… The Ministry of Health is launching the mobile application for notification of exposure to this virus, called "Wiqaytna". "Wiqaytna" notifies its users in the event of prolonged physical proximity with another user who is positive for Coronavirus in the last 21 days after contact. 2020-06-01 As part of efforts to fight the spread of the new Coronavirus responsible for the disease "COVID-19" in Morocco, the Ministry of Health is launching the mobile application for notification of exposure to this virus, called "Wiqaytna" . This mobile solution is launched as part of a… Health,Information and communication technology Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, digital inclusion siha
Morocco: The Ministry of Health is launching its digital community platform for health professionals morocco The Ministry of Health (30.03.2020) The Ministry of Health is launching its digital community platform for health professionals from both the public and private sectors "Sante connect": This new application, available on Android and IOS, aims to create a new dynamic of strictly channeled… The Ministry of Health is launching its digital community platform for health professionals from both the public and private sectors "Sante connect": This new application, available on Android and IOS, aims to create a new dynamic of strictly channeled communication with health professionals, with a view to allowing them real-time access to news and medical training. 2020-03-30 As part of strengthening its internal digital communication strategy, the Ministry of Health is launching an interactive "Health Connect" computer application dedicated to health professionals. This new application, available on Android and IOS, aims to create a new dynamic of strictly channeled… Health,Information and communication technology,Communication,Service quality Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary communication, community, covid19, services quality siha
India: Demand for speedy passage of Social Security Bill gains steam india livemint (26.06.2020) The development comes against the backdrop of the migrant issue and labour rights coming in the spotlight in the last three months. Bihar, which goes to polls later this year, was the first to demand passage of the Bill 2020-06-26 Migration,Social policies & programmes Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
Switzerland: SwissCovid tracing app launched switzerland swissinfo (25.06.2020) A contact tracing app is now available in Switzerland for newer smartphones to help tackle Covid-19. If a person tests positive for coronavirus, everyone with whom that person was in contact in previous days – within two metres and for more than 15 minutes –… A contact tracing app is now available in Switzerland for newer smartphones to help tackle Covid-19. If a person tests positive for coronavirus, everyone with whom that person was in contact in previous days – within two metres and for more than 15 minutes – is alerted via the app to isolate themselves and get tested. 2020-06-25 A contact tracing app is now available in Switzerland for newer smartphones to help tackle Covid-19. If a person tests positive for coronavirus, everyone with whom that person was in contact in previous days – within two metres and for more than 15 minutes – is alerted via the app to… Health,Information and communication technology,E-services,Technological transition Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, digital inclusion, services quality siha…
Iceland: Application for closing grants iceland Skatturinn - skattar og gjöld (12.06.2020) An application for a grant has been opened in accordance with Act no. 38/2020 . The operators that were made to cease their activities according to the Minister of Health's announcement of restrictions on… Closing grant adopted in the Parliament  Act no. 38/2020  on financial support for smaller operators due to the pandemic. The government will provide these individuals and legal entities engaged in business or self-employment activities with grants to make up part of the revenue decline and help them meet the fixed costs incurred in their operations. 800 thousand ISK per employee A maximum of ISK 2.4 million per company 2020-06-12 Application for closing grants 06/12/2020 An application for a grant has been opened in accordance with Act no. 38/2020 . The operators that were made to cease their activities according to the Minister of Health's announcement of restrictions on epidemics… Employment,Cash transfers Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, self-employed, youth employment siha
Iceland: An internet chat with nurses will be available every day from 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. iceland Ministry of Health (28.05.2020) The health authority aims to ensure that citizens have access to counseling and guidance on the health system through an online chat on every day of the week from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. The Minister of Health has accepted the… The health authority aims to ensure that citizens have access to counseling and guidance on the health system through an online chat on every day of the week from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. In March 2020, users had a high number of 16,000 interactions with nurses through the Internet chat, and 93% of users expressed satisfaction with the service. 2020-05-28 (Google translate) The health care area of ​​the capital area aims to ensure that citizens have access to counseling and guidance on the health system through an online chat on every day of the week from 10am. eight in the morning to ten in the evening. The… Health,Information and communication technology,Communication Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary communication, covid19, customer_services siha…
US: Trump administration sent $1.4bn in stimulus checks to dead people United States The Guardian (25.06.2020) US Government Accountability Office said almost 1.1 million dead people received payments of about $1,200 each 2020-06-26 Error, evasion and fraud Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Proposition_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
Iceland: Notification to Employers of Changes in Partial Benefit / Decreased Percentage iceland Labor (28.04.2020) The option for full time workers to move to part-time with government support will be extended to 31 August, from its original finish date on 1 June. The livelihoods of tens of thousands of employees have been protected since this support measure took effect, but the… The government extends through June its program of covering up to 75 percent of the pay of employees whose job ratio has been reduced. After the end of June, the government will cover up to 50 percent of their salary through August. 2020-04-28 (Google translate) As of July 1 to August 31 will be s workers rate having dropped by  20 percentage s Aglientu level  at least and employee must keep at least 50% employment to be eligible for partial benefits. The Directorate of Labor therefore pays a… Unemployment,Cash transfers Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, youth employment siha…
Taiwan: Deferred payment of labor, insurance premiums and labor pension Taiwan, China Labor Insurance Bureau of the Ministry of Labor (11.03.2020) From April 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020, the insured (withdrawn) unit and professional workers meet one of the conditions may apply to the Bureau for deferred payment of labor, insurance premiums and labor pension. The… The insurance premium and labor retirement pension of 6 months of labor from February 2020 to July 2020 from the expiration date of the grace (limitation) period may be postponed for half a year. No late fees will be levied during this period. 2020-03-11 1. The insured (withdrawn) unit and professional workers meet one of the following conditions. From April 1, 109 to September 30, 109, you may apply to the Bureau for deferred payment of labor, insurance premiums and labor pension. : (1) Those who have been notified of the reduction of work breaks… Contribution collection and compliance,Shocks & extreme events Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19, economic crisis siha
Iceland: Payments in Quarantine iceland The Directorate of Labor (27.04.2020) The Directorate of Labor handles the implementation of the Act on Temporary Payments for Persons Affected with Quarantine. The Act applies to payments to employers who have paid employees who are quarantined salaries during the period from February 1… The Act on Temporary Payments for Persons Affected with Quarantine applies to payments to employers who have paid employees who are quarantined salaries during the period from February 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020. Employees who have quarantined but have not been paid by their employer can also apply for payments under the Act. In addition, self-employed persons can apply for the payments. 2020-04-27 (Google translate) Payments in quarantine The Directorate of Labor handles the implementation of the Act on Temporary Payments for Persons Affected with Quarantine. The purpose of the Act is to support employers who pay employees who are paid quarantine wages when other rights, such as sick… Employment,Cash transfers Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, self-employed, youth employment siha
Taiwan: Labor subsidy for self-employed workers or workers without a certain employer Taiwan, China Labor Insurance Bureau of the Ministry of Labor (20.04.2020) The subsidy is paid to self-employed workers with nationality of the Republic of China or workers without a certain employer whose income is affected due to the impact of the epidemic in order to maintain their living needs. Each… The subsidy is paid to self-employed workers with nationality of the Republic of China or workers without a certain employer whose income is affected due to the impact of the epidemic in order to maintain their living needs. Each person will receive a subsidy of 10,000 yuan per month, which will be paid for three months at a time, totaling 30,000 yuan. 2020-04-20 Labor subsidy for self-employed workers or without certain employer 1. Subsidy target: To assist working vulnerable workers whose income is affected due to the impact of the epidemic to provide their living subsidies to maintain their living needs. The subsidy targets are self-employed workers… Cash transfers,Shocks & extreme events Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, self-employed siha
Kuwait: Implementing the decision to postpone the payment of contribution kuwait Social Insurance Institution (19.04.2020) The General Organization for Social Insurance announced that it has implemented the decision to postpone some of the amounts due according to the Social Insurance Law for a period of six months from 1 April 2020. The amounts of the deferred… Social Insurance Institution (19.04.2020) The General Organization for Social Insurance announced that it has implemented the decision to postpone some of the amounts due according to the Social Insurance Law for a period of six months from 1 April 2020. The amounts of the deferred contributions will be paid on 24 months starting from October 2020. 2020-04-19 Implement the decision to postpone some of the amounts due according to the Social Security Law, and deposit the deducted amounts in the accounts of the beneficiaries today      Kuwait April 19, 2020 --- The General Organization for Social Insurance announced that it has implemented… Old-age pensions,Contribution collection and compliance,Shocks & extreme events Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19 siha…
Cuba: Protección para los autónomos y asistencia social cuba (03.06.2020) La Ministra de Trabajo y Seguridad Social puntualizó que, como ha informado el Ministerio de Finanzas y Precios (MFP), los trabajadores autónomos se acogen a varios beneficios entre los que sobresalen la prórroga del registro de contribuyentes, el aplazamiento del pago… The Covid-19 related measures most used by self-employed workers include the extension of taxpayer registration, deferral of taxes and social security contributions and the suspension of social security payments for hired workers. They are also eligible for social assistance. 2020-06-03 Contribution collection and compliance,Social assistance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary contribution collection, covid19, self-employed mmarquez…
Cuba: Se mantienen las medidas de protección laboral y salarial frente al Covid-19 cuba (03.06.2020) Las medidas de protección laboral y salarial implementadas ante la situación epidemiológica provocada por la COVID-19 en el país se mantendrán, informó Marta Elena Feitó Cabrera, ministra de Trabajo y Seguridad Social, al intervenir este martes en el espacio televisivo de… All 36 measures related to job and salary protection are still in place. The salary replacement rate remains at 60% as of the second month, and teleworking practices are encouraged to stay, with currently 627,855 workers (22%) under this modality. Additionally, 40 thousand out of 142, 510 laid-off workers, have been realocated to other roles (10%) or changed type of work (19%). 2020-06-03 Las medidas de protección laboral y salarial implementadas ante la situación epidemiológica provocada por la COVID-19 en el país se mantendrán, informó Marta Elena Feitó Cabrera, ministra de Trabajo y Seguridad Social, al intervenir este martes en el espacio televisivo de la Mesa Redonda. Destacó… Unemployment,Human resource management Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, human resources mmarquez…
Cuba: Teams of doctors and nurses are sent to the hardest hit regions in Europe Europe (06.05.2020) Now, as the world grapples with another era-shaping catastrophe, Cuban doctors and nurses are on the ground once again, only this time in a less common location: Europe. Today, an estimated 28,000 Cuban medical professionals ply their trade overseas, primarily in the… 2020-06-24 Health,Human resource management Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19, human resources mmarquez…
Antigua and Barbuda: Reopening of physical offices to the public antigua (19.05.2020) The Antigua & Barbuda Social Security Board wishes to advise the general public that its Registration Unit is opened. Registration is by appointment only. Our registration forms for employees, employers and self-employed persons can be accessed via our website. Re-opening of offices to the public by appointment only. 2020-05-19 The Antigua & Barbuda Social Security Board wishes to advise the general public that its Registration Unit is opened. Registration is by appointment only. Our registration forms for employees, employers and self-employed persons can be accessed via our website. Persons are reminded to pay keen… Service delivery Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, customer_services mmarquez
Israel: Temporary extension of period of eligibility for benefits recipients israel National Insurance Institute of Israel (23.06.2020) National Insurance Institute have automatically extended the eligibility period of benefits recipients temporarily: The eligible recipients includes recipients of long-term care benefits, recipients of disability pension, disabled child… The eligibility period of benefits recipients has automatically extended temporarily: The eligible recipients includes recipients of long-term care benefits, recipients of disability pension, disabled child benefit and attendance benefits, recipients of a work disability pension, and recipients of hostile actions casualty benefit. Extended duration differs depending on the types of benefits. 2020-06-23 Temporary extension of period of eligibility for benefits recipients We have automatically extended the eligibility period of benefits recipients temporarily: Recipients of long-term care benefits – who were granted a temporary eligibility until the end of March, their entitlement to the… Disability,Service delivery,Long-term care,Shocks & extreme events Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants, service delivery siha…
Colombia: Desempleados continúan con acceso a salud colombia (05.06.2020) La expedición del Decreto 800 de 2020 tiene por objetivo garantizar el flujo de recursos a las EPS y otros aseguradores, así como a hospitales e IPS privadas pero, también garantiza el aseguramiento para aquellas personas que en el marco de la Emergencia Sanitaria… With Decree 800 of 2020 guarantess health insurance coverage to persons who lost their jobs due to Covid-19 crisis and, consequently, the capacity to continue with their social security contributions to the health system. Certain qualifying conditions apply, such as having contributed with a base salary (up to one legal minimum monthly salary) and not be part of the subsidized regime (according to the SISBEN). Self employed persons are eligible. The emergency coverage is temporary up to a… 2020-06-04 Health,Cash sickness benefits,Unemployment Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary coverage, covid19, self-employed mmarquez
Social Protection Response to the COVID-19 Crisis: Options for Developing Countries Economics for Inclusive Prosperity (April 2020) We provide an overview of the policies that could form a comprehensive social protection strategy in developing countries, with examples of specific policies adopted around the developing world in recent days. Our core argument is that middle-income… 2020-06-22 Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti…