Morocco: The Ministry of Health is launching the mobile application "Wiqaytna" for notification of exposure to this virus

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The Ministry of Health (01.06.2020) The Ministry of Health is launching the mobile application for notification of exposure to this virus, called "Wiqaytna" available from June 1, 2020 for download on Google Play, App store, and on .

"Wiqaytna", based on Bluetooth technology and whose use is voluntary, notifies its users in the event of prolonged physical proximity with another user who is positive for Coronavirus in the last 21 days after contact. Following this notification, the teams of the Ministry of Health carry out an assessment of the risk of exposure, and come into contact with the notified case if necessary.

measures summary

The Ministry of Health is launching the mobile application for notification of exposure to this virus, called "Wiqaytna". "Wiqaytna" notifies its users in the event of prolonged physical proximity with another user who is positive for Coronavirus in the last 21 days after contact.

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Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing)

As part of efforts to fight the spread of the new Coronavirus responsible for the disease "COVID-19" in Morocco, the Ministry of Health is launching the mobile application for notification of exposure to this virus, called "Wiqaytna" .

This mobile solution is launched as part of a national awareness campaign, under the theme "Stay alert, protect each other" , the objective of which is to encourage citizens to continue to adopt prevention measures to limit the spread. of this virus, namely frequent washing of hands with water and soap or a hydro-alcoholic solution, wearing a mask and physical distancing , and to which is added the use ofthe “Wiqaytna” application, available from June 1, 2020 for download on Google Play, App store, and on .

The application is part of the strengthening of the existing device for handling contact cases, set up by the Ministry of Health which has demonstrated its effectiveness, and which remains the basic device.

"Wiqaytna", based on Bluetooth technology and whose use is voluntary, notifies its users in the event of prolonged physical proximity with another user who is positive for Coronavirus in the last 21 days after contact. Following this notification, the teams of the Ministry of Health carry out an assessment of the risk of exposure, and come into contact with the notified case if necessary.

It should be noted that this application is produced jointly by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Interior in collaboration with the Digital Development Agency (ADD), the National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (ANRT), and with the gracious, voluntary contribution of Moroccan companies expert in their fields. It is authorized by the National Commission for the Control of the Protection of Personal Data (CNDP) and available in open source.

In this sense, the Ministry of Health encourages citizens to include the four prevention measures in their daily habits, and calls on all associative actors, the private sector, the media and all citizens to contribute massively to this awareness campaign.