Que contient la directive européenne sur les travailleurs détachés?

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Le Monde (24.08.2017) En déplacement en Europe centrale, Emmanuel Macron a critiqué le mécanisme, accusé de favoriser le « dumping social .
« Une trahison de l’esprit européen » : c’est en ces termes forts qu’Emmanuel Macron a critiqué mercredi l’application actuelle de la directive sur le travail détaché en Europe, qu’il accuse de favoriser le « dumping social », c’est-à-dire de détourner le droit et d’instaurer une concurrence déloyale entre les salariés des différents pays.

Regions / Country
european union


Canada: Injury and wellness: what are employers spending on prevention?

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Plant (23.08.2017) The Institute for Work and Health is conducting a comprehensive study that aims to find benchmarks across sectors. What workplace injuries and illnesses cost in Ontario is evident, but what do Ontario employers spend on prevention? That’s a question the Institute for Work and Health (IWH) is attempting to answer with a pilot study that’s underway.

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases


Launch of the Global Commission on the Future of Work

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ilo.org (21.08.2017) This event launched the Global Commission on the Future of Work, a body of 20 experts who will come together to tackle the fundamental question of how a rapidly transforming world of work should be organized so that it responds to the values of social justice. During the event, the names of the Commission members  were announced by the Commission's co-chairpeople: President of Mauritius Ameenah Gurib-Fakim and Prime Minister of Sweden Stefan Löfven

Employment policies
Employment of young workers
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Document Type

Disrupting the trust business

Submitted by lasalle on

economist.com (06.06.2017) The trust business is little noticed but huge. Startups deploying blockchain technology threaten to disrupt it, and much else besides

Technological transition
Error, evasion and fraud
Old_Global Challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Business processes
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

For robots to work with people, they must understand people

Submitted by lasalle on

economist.com (17.07.2017) Direct interaction between robots and humans at work is changing the face—or rather the arms—of manufacturing. Such interaction also means that roboticists need to design effective team mates as well as efficient workers. Cobots operate in a realm where human thoughts, human modes of communication and human safety are paramount. Rethink Robotics, a firm in Boston, had this in mind when it developed Sawyer, a one-armed cobot, and his two-armed colleague, Baxter (both pictured above). These robots are not the isolated moving arms of an assembly-line ’bot.

Occupational accidents and diseases
Information and communication technology
Technological transition
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Business processes
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

International Taxation in the Digital Economy: Challenge Accepted?

Submitted by massetti on

austaxpolicy.com (14.08.2017)  The digitalization of the economy is considered as a key driver of innovation, economic growth, and societal change. At the same time, it poses a major challenge to the international tax system.

Contribution collection and compliance
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type