Anti-Social Registries: how a database excludes many from social protection

Submitted by monitor on (10.09.2017) A craze sweeping the social protection world for Social Registries is systematically depriving some of the world’s poorest not only of social protection but also of access to vital services. So argues our latest publication, ‘Anti-Social Registries: How have they become so popular?

Information and communication technology


In Somalia, resilience can be strengthened through social protection

Submitted by monitor on (23.08.2017) There is no denying that the country has suffered major losses due to climatic shocks as well as the civil war that had a huge impact on its social, economic and financial well-being.

Regions / Country
Shocks & extreme events


Estonian minister: The digital economy needs more social Europe

Submitted by monitor on (31.08.2017) There needs to be an EU-wide solution to precarious app economy jobs, said Estonian Labour and Health Minister Jevgeni Ossinovski.

Regions / Country
european union
Employment policies
Social policies & programmes
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Economic impact
Labour market

$2m fund to tackle traffic fatalities at work

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Straits Times (02.09.2017) A $2 million government fund has been set up to pay for research into technologies that can help reduce the number of wic accidents were the top cause of workplace fatalities between 2013 and last year, claiming 82 lives. More than half, or 57 per cent, of the accidents happened in worksites while the rest occurred on public roads.

Occupational accidents and diseases


Australian Company reveals new solution for Global Worker Risk

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Markets Insider (04.09.2017) Australian risk advisory firm, Manage Damage presented their innovative approach to reducing costs of worker insurance to global business today in Singapore at the 2017 World Congress on Safety & Health at Work. The Congress is jointly organised by the International Labour Organisation(ILO) and International Social Security Association (ISSA), bodies of the United Nations.

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases


France: Robotisation : 8 employeurs sur 10 prévoient une perte globale d’emplois

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Express (01.09.2017) Près d’un employeur sur deux pensent que l’impact de la robotisation et la numérisation se manifestera déjà d’ici trois à cinq ans, indique une enquête effectuée par le groupe de services RH ACERTA auprès de 469 CEO et membres de la direction.

Regions / Country
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

Framework for improving workplace health, safety in Singapore

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Malay Mail Online (04.09.2'017) Forty-five organisations signed a new accord yesterday to commit to a common framework to sharpen the capabilities of occupational health and safety professionals and practitioners, so they can better guide and lead the creation and sustainability of healthier and safer workplaces.

Occupational accidents and diseases


France: RSI - le plan du gouvernement pour remplacer le régime social des 4,6 millions d’indépendants

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Le Monde (05.09.2017) Très contesté, le RSI disparaîtra le 1er janvier 2018. Les indépendants seront adossés au régime général de la Sécurité sociale à l’issue d’une transition de deux ans.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage

Futuro del trabajo: las perspectivas hasta 2030

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Mercado (25.08.2017) ¿Cómo creen los trabajadores que evolucionará su espacio laboral en los próximos diez años? ¿Y cómo entienden que esto afectará sus perspectivas de empleo?

Employment of young workers
Information and communication technology
Technological transition
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market