[Report] The role of the European Structural and Investment Funds in Financing Health System in Lithuania

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sciencedirect (July 2017) The EU structural and investment funds accounted for a quarter of the annual public expenditure on health in Lithuania in 2007–2013. Much of funding was for aimed to improve efficiency; treatment of injuries, cancers and CVDs, mostly through upgrades of provider infrastructure.

Regions / Country


France, La Réunion: L’assurance chômage étendue pour les salariés et les indépendants

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L'info (11.08.2017) C'est une promesse de campagne d’Emmanuel Macron, le président de la République souhaite étendre l’assurance chômage aux salariés et aux independants qui démissionnent une fois tous les cinq ans. Le gouvernement examine en ce moment cette réforme. À La Réunion, les avis divergent.

Regions / Country

Maroc: Assurance maladie - La généralisation de la couverture médicale prévue pour 2020

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La Vie Eco (15.08.2017) Avec l’AMO et le Ramed, environ 70% de la population marocaine dispose déjà d’une couverture médicale. Les travailleurs indépendants attendent toujours leur intégration au régime.

Regions / Country
Health insurance
Extension of coverage

Recent social protection developments concerning long-term care (Austria) and old-age pensions (Serbia and Slovenia)

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Europa (14.08.2017) Three new Flash Reports prepared by the European Social policy Network (ESPN) are now available and provide information on recent social protection developments concerning long-term care (Austria) and old-age pensions (Serbia and Slovenia):

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions

Recent social protection and social inclusion developments in Austria, Belgium, Iceland, Norway and Spain

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Europa (09.08.2017) Six new Flash Reports prepared by the European Social policy Network (ESPN) are now available and provide information on recent social protection and social inclusion developments in the field of employment (Belgium, Iceland and Spain), access to social security benefits (Norway), access to minimum income (Austria) and housing (Iceland):

Regions / Country
european union

Reverence for Robots: Japanese Workers Treasure Automation

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AP (16.08.2017) The debate over machines snatching jobs from people is muted in Japan, where birth rates have been sinking for decades, raising fears of a labor shortage.

Regions / Country
Information and communication technology
Technological transition
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Large-scale automation
Document Type

América Latina y el Caribe: Cómo hacer que los jóvenes de la región alcancen mejores empleos?

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El Nuevo Diario (14.08.2017) Esta informalidad e inestabilidad son una combinación nociva para las aspiraciones de los jóvenes. Entonces ¿cómo promovemos empleos de calidad y trayectorias laborales exitosas?

Regions / Country
latin america
Employment of young workers