ILO Director-General: BRICS countries play a key role in tackling global world of work challenges

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ILO (27.07.2017) The weight and experience of BRICS countries is essential to addressing the major challenges faced by the global economy, said ILO Director-General, Guy Ryder, in his opening address at the 3rd BRICS Labour and Employment Ministers’ meeting in Chongqing.


[Report] Migrant access to social protection under Bilateral Labour Agreements: A review of 120 countries and nine bilateral arrangements

Submitted by monitor on (2017) This working paper: (i) examines migrants access to social protection under Bilateral Labour Agreements (BLAs) with a view to providing policy makers with guidelines for extending social protection to migrants and designing better migration policies; (ii) presents the results of a mapping of bilateral and multilateral social security agreements in 120 countries; (iii) reviews legislation with respect of the provisions granting equality of treatment between nationals and non-nationals; (iv) provides a more in-depth legal analysis of migrant workers’ access to soc

International agreements
Old_Global Challenges
Document Type

Así es la edad de jubilación en otros países latinoamericanos y europeos

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El Mundo (12.07.2017) El Banco Mundial (BM) recomendó incluir en la propuesta de reforma previsional, elaborada por la Iniciativa Ciudadana para las Pensiones (ICP), un ajuste en la edad de jubilación, es decir, elevar la edad actual de retiro, que en el caso de los hombres es de 60 años y de 55 para las mujeres

Regions / Country
latin america


Ireland: Strong support for mandatory pension scheme

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Independent (27.07.2017) A large majority of PAYE taxpayers are in favour of a new automatic pension scheme being introduced for those who have no occupational pension.The survey from tax specialists found that 84pc of people would be in favour of an auto-enrolment type scheme.

Regions / Country

Numérique : 85% des "métiers du futur" n'existeraient pas encore

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La Tribune (18.07.2017) L'Institut pour le futur et Dell ont publié, vendredi, un rapport qui met en lumière les profondes modifications que le passage à l'intelligence numérique cognitive va opérer sur l'économie du futur et sur le monde travail.

Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market

[Report] WHO/Europe: Measuring Efficiency in Health Care

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WHO (July 2017) Eurohealth Observer - Identify the causes of inefficiencies in health systems, The challenges of using cross-national comparisons of efficiency to inform health policy; Eurohealth International – Big data for public health: Does the data promise a better quality of life?, The SELFIE Framework for Integrated Care for Multi-Morbidity, Time to focus on benefits beyond the health sector: the example of health literacy, New draft EU Directive submits the regulation of health professions to a proportionality test; Eurohealth Systems and Policies - New measures to increase the heal

