Social Services for Digital Citizens: Opportunities for Latin America and the Caribbean

Submitted by ruggia on

iadb (2018) Disruption is the new norm and the digital transformation can spur innovation growth across many activities. Emerging technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) can help governments reduce costs while improving services. Not every emerging technology will alter the social landscape, but some truly do have the potential to disrupt the status quo and change the way people live.

Regions / Country
latin america
Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Societal Impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

Economía digital en América Latina y el Caribe: Situación actual y recomendaciones

Submitted by ruggia on

En Latinoamérica, la productividad ha sido identificada en numerosos estudios como una de las principales barreras hacia el desarrollo. La economía digital, y en concreto el ecosistema de nuevas aplicaciones y servicios digitales, puede propiciar un impacto transversal sobre los distintos sectores económicos, con importantes mejoras productivas de eficiencia y de acceso sobre los servicios ofrecidos.

Regions / Country
latin america
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Economic impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

France: L’exécutif plaide pour une protection sociale des travailleurs « ubérisés »

Submitted by fabbri on

Le Monde (09.05.2018) La protection sociale des travailleurs « ubérisés » va-t-elle s’améliorer ? Tel est, en tout cas, l’objectif affiché par le gouvernement et par plusieurs députés de la majorité qui veulent ajouter des mesures allant dans ce sens dans le projet de loi « avenir professionnel », examiné à ­l’Assemblée nationale à partir de la fin mai.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

China launches national association to speed up integration of AI with healthcare | OpenGovAsia

Submitted by massetti on (08.05.2018) The newly launched Chinese Intelligent Medicine Association will provide a platform for research, exchange and cooperation in intelligent medicine.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Medical care
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Societal Impact
Document Type

Inequality and the Digital Economy | SpringerLink

Submitted by massetti on

This chapter examines the impacts of the digital economy on employment, the drivers of change, and the options to alleviate the emerging problems. The digital economy was supposed to replace and enhance industrial jobs, but it has also accelerated the outmigration of blue-collar and service jobs, with only inadequate replacements. The impact on different income classes and generational levels has been unequal. Midpay jobs decreased while low- and high-skilled jobs rose.

Digital Economy Topical Cluster
External impact
Document Type

Exposure to carcinogens at work in EU’s crosshairs

Submitted by fabbri on

EurActiv (03.05.2018) The EU Agency for Safety and Health at Work has launched a joint campaign with the European Commission and the Bulgarian EU Presidency aimed at raising awareness of dangerous substances at work while sounding the alarm about the surging costs related to cancer

Regions / Country
european union
Prevention of occupational risks


Document Type

Longevity and the limits of the welfare state in Europe

Submitted by fabbri on

EurActiv (04.05.2018)  In November 2017, the EU proclaimed the European Pillar of Social Rights. However, there are still many shortcomings within the current welfare state and unless policies reflect values then plummeting fertility rates or fading solidarity between young and old will persist, writes Anna Záborská.

Regions / Country
european union
Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Document Type

Report recognises efforts to ensure adequate pensions in the EU, but more needs to be done

Submitted by fabbri on

Europa (30.04.2018) The 2018 Pensions Adequacy Report analyses how current and future pensions help prevent old-age poverty and maintain the income of men and women for the duration of their retirement. It underlines that Member States pay more and more attention to sustainable, adequate pensions in their reforms, but further measures will be needed in the future.

Regions / Country
european union


Document Type

Suisse: La baisse record du chômage étonne les experts

Submitted by fabbri on

Le Temps (08.05.2018) Le taux de chômage a reculé à 2,7%, le niveau de 2012. En Suisse romande, la baisse a été supérieure à la moyenne  Le taux de chômage continue de décliner en Suisse. Profitant d’une conjoncture favorable, il s’est inscrit à 2,7% en avril, en baisse de 0,2 point par rapport au mois précédent, selon les chiffres publiés mardi par le Secrétariat d’Etat à l’économie (Seco).

Regions / Country
Document Type

Estonia: New health minister doesn't support incentive-based or private health care

Submitted by fabbri on

ERR (04.05.2018) Minister of Health and Labour Riina Sikkut (SDE), sworn in earlier this week, does not support changing Estonia's health care system away from the current solidarity-based model. Sikkut rejects the idea of a new model based on punishing people for unhealthy lifestyle choices as well as the state getting private companies to run its insurance funds.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Health promotion
Document Type