In Guangdong, China, An Integrated System Delivers Better Social Insurance Services

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New technologies make access to services easier and more convenient. Guangdong provides a model in China’s efforts to develop a national integrated social security information system

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Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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UAE's Low-income Migrant Workers Have Little Access to Social Protection beyond Health Insurance, Finds Study

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ZAWYA (16.04.2018)  Research investigates key concerns, insurance awareness levels and remittance habits of low-income migrant workers in the country

Regions / Country
United Arab Emirates
Global challenges
Difficult-to-cover groups
Document Type

ADB study: government action needed to ensure Asia’s workforce benefit from new technologies |

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OpenGovAsia (12.04.2018) To ensure that everyone can benefit from new technologies, policymakers will need to pursue education reforms that promote lifelong learning, maintain labour market flexibility, strengthen social protection systems, and reduce income inequality, The Asian Development Bank (ADB) issued its latest report yesterday on the impact of technological advances on labour markets in Asia.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

24 pays européens signent un pacte pour développer l’intelligence artificielle

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EurActiv (12.04.2018) Vingt-quatre pays de l’UE se sont engagés à se regrouper pour adopter une « approche européenne » vis-à-vis de l’intelligence artificielle, afin de concurrencer les géants technologiques américains et asiatiques. Les ministres ont signé une déclaration le 10 avril dans laquelle ils déclarent qu’ils envisageront de financer la recherche publique dans le domaine de l’intelligence artificielle, sans toutefois promettre un montant spécifique d’investissements.

Regions / Country
european union
Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Economic impact
New risks
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

[Rapport] France: Donner un sens à l'intelligence artificielle : pour une stratégie nationale et européenne

Submitted by massetti on (Mars 2018) Le rapport aborde successivement différentes facettes de l'IA : politique économique, recherche, emploi, éthique, cohésion sociale. Cinq annexes insistent par ailleurs sur des domaines d'intérêt particulier : éducation, santé, agriculture, transport, défense et sécurité.

Regions / Country
european union
Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
External impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

Argentina: Destacan la eficacia de la Asignación Universal por Hijo

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lacapital. (31.03.2018) En la sede central de la Ansés, su director ejecutivo, Emilio Basavilbaso, presentó el libro "Análisis y propuestas de mejoras para ampliar la Asignación Universal por Hijo" (AUH), junto con el representante del Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (Unicef, por sus siglas en inglés) en la Argentina, Roberto Benes, y la secretaria ejecutiva del Consejo Nacional de Coordinación de Políticas Sociales (Cncps), Gabriela Agosto.

Regions / Country
Family benefits


Document Type

France: Minimum vieillesse, allocations familiales, énergie… ce qui change au 1er avril

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Le Monde (31.03.2018) Hausse du minimum vieillesse, de la prime à la naissance et des allocations aux familles monoparentales ou nombreuses et modestes, baisse de l’allocation aux parents de jeunes enfants… Voici les principaux changements à compter du 1er avril 

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Zimbabwe: ‘Let’s strive to curb work-related injuries’

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The Herald (12.04.2018) Government has encouraged stakeholders to ensure that occupational safety and health management systems are ingrained within the industries to promote hazardous free working environment

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases
Prevention of occupational risks


Document Type

[Report] ILO: Social protection for indigenous peoples: an essential component of national development strategies

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ILO SocPro (April 2018) Men, women and children from indigenous peoples are estimated
to represent 4.5 per cent of the world’s population (World Bank, 2011).1 They constitute more than 5,000 different groups with distinct cultures, forms of social organization, livelihood strategies, practices, notions of poverty and wellbeing, values, and beliefs profoundly embedded in their collective relationship with the lands and territories that they occupy or use, which is at the heart of their distinct identities. The vast majority, approximately two-thirds of the global indigenous

Global challenges
Difficult-to-cover groups


Document Type