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Перечень поручений по итогам совещания о санитарно-эпидемиологической обстановке Russian Federation

The amount of Child Care Allowance (CCA) for children under 18 months depends on whether or not the child is firstborn and on mother’s wage prior to maternity/childcare leave. Non-working mothers (or mothers pursuing studies) are entitled to the minimum amount of CCA. On May11, 2020, the minimum…

Family benefits covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Québec government announces new training program for long-term care support workers canada

To make up for the scarcity of resources in the field of care for the elderly and the vulnerable, the Government of Québec is unveiling the new accelerated program support for assistance care in health facilities. Nearly 10,000 long-term care facility attendant positions are available.

Health, Long-term care, Employment of young workers, Employment covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Lesotho: Factory Workers Receive Salary Subsidies lesotho

Prime Minster Thomas Thabane subsequently last month announced that the government would pay each of the 45 000 factory workers M800 per month from April to June 2020. Factory workers on Tuesday began receiving the M800 salary subsidy from the government to cushion them from the loss of their…

Employment covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Oman responds to COVID-19 with economic stimulus package to bolster the private sector oman

Payment of utilities’ bills (electricity, water and wastewater) will be postponed until after June 2020, and utility providers are being asked to offer the possibility of paying amounts owed through a series of installments.

Housing covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Bolsonaro sanciona com vetos lei que amplia auxílio emergencial ... - Veja mais em brazil

Mothers under the age of 18 will have now access to the emergency assistance of R$ 600 granted to informal workers. As these mothers did not receive the first installment, if they have the approved benefit, they will receive both installments at once.

Cash transfers covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Oman responds to COVID-19 with economic stimulus package to bolster the private sector oman

The employment contracts of Omani nationals cannot be terminated, however it is permitted for companies operating in the industries which have been demonstrably affected by Covid-19 outbreak, to grant their Omani nationals full paid leave during the lockdown. Furthermore, after employees have…

Employment, Unemployment covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Bonus baby sitter da 1.200 euro: l’Inps conferma la platea italy

The mid-March Italy care decree introduced a 600-euro bonus that can be used to pay for the babysitter, as an alternative to the extraordinary 15-day parental leave available during the closing period of schools and kindergartens for the coronavirus emergency. The relaunch law decree, which…

Family benefits covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Puerto Rico Governor Announces $787 million Relief Package Amid Covid-19 Outbreak Puerto Rico, United States

A 90-day moratorium on mortgages, auto loans, personal loans, business loans, and credit cards has been established, including for credit union customers, all of whom must be request the deferment from their financial institution because it is not automatic.

Housing covid19, housing Published Measures summary… socpro
Puerto Rico Governor Announces $787 million Relief Package Amid Covid-19 Outbreak Puerto Rico, United States

No cuts to electric or water services

Housing covid19, housing Published Measures summary… socpro
Puerto Rico Governor Announces $787 million Relief Package Amid Covid-19 Outbreak Puerto Rico, United States

10% withholding for self-employed workers suspended for 3 months

Contribution collection and compliance contribution collection, self-employed Published Measures summary… socpro
Coronavirus: Luxembourg introduces extraordinary leave for family reasons in response to Coronavirus luxembourg

Article 1 of the Grand Ducal Regulation is supplemented by a leave (in addition to the existing one for progressive cancer and pathologies resulting in a two-week acute hospitalization) available in situations in which a parent can no longer go to work because he/she has to keep his/ her…

Family benefits, Health, Parental leave, Children covid19, family Published Measures summary… socpro
Puerto Rico Gov’t Begins Accepting Applications from Small Businesses for Covid-19 Puerto Rico, United States

$1,500 for small and midsize business that had to halt operations due to executive order OE-2020-23. In Puerto Rico, there are 43,000 SMEs that may request this aid.

Cash transfers covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Übersicht zum COVID-19-Massnahmenpaket des Landes Liechtenstein für die Wirtschaft liechtenstein

Individual and micro enterprises that had to close their businesses or are indirectly affected by the Corona Pandemic will receive support of max CHF 4,000 per month. In the case of assisting spouses or co-managing directors, the contribution can be increased by 50 percent for a further person…

Cash transfers covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Puerto Rico Governor Announces $787 million Relief Package Amid Covid-19 Outbreak Puerto Rico, United States

Income tax payment is postponed until July 15.

Contribution collection and compliance contribution collection Published Measures summary… socpro
Temporary COVID-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme ireland

The Temporary COVID-19 Wage Subsidy is a scheme which allow employers to pay their employees during the current pandemic. It provides a subsidy up to 85% depending on employees’ previous average net weekly pay. The employer is expected to make their best efforts to maintain as close to 100% of…

Employment covid19, labour markets Published Measures summary socpro
Gobierno hará los primeros pagos del bono solidario esta semana utilizando la cédula panama

The beneficiaries of the 80 dollar-voucher from the Panama Solidarity program will be able to use their identity cards as debit cards to purchase food and medicine in at least 300 establishments belonging to 13 supermarket chains and pharmacies. The known 'Solidarity Card' will allow…

Food and nutrition, Family benefits covid19, poverty, family Published Measures summary… socpro
Andorra Publishes New Law on Exceptional and Urgent Measures in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic Andorra

The tax relief measures provided in Law 5/2020 include the following:

- Taxpayers that are unable to pay their tax debts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic may request the deferral or splitting of the tax debt, without guarantees or late payment interest, even if the tax debt…

Contribution collection and compliance contribution collection, covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Distribution of COVID-19 relief funds begins korea, Republic of

The government started handing out cash to citizens Monday in order to cushion the economic blow of the novel coronavirus pandemic. The government plans to provide 1 million won to households with four or more members, 800,000 won to three-person households, 600,000 won to two-person households…

Cash transfers, Financing, Family benefits covid19, family Published Measures summary socpro
Convenio con hospitales privados ¡Todos juntos contra el COVID-19! mexico

Government of Mexico reached an agreement with the private medical sector to strengthen the capacity of care and medical institutions for citizens. The National Association of Private Hospitals and the Mexican Hospital Consortium will make half of the beds available to the federal government 146…

Health, Medical care covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Governo cria dois novos apoios únicos para trabalhadores e famílias que perderam rendimentos portugal

The government is creating a stabilisation supplement for workers who have lost income during the last three months because of the economic halt to the covid-19 pandemic. The support will be paid in one lump sum to deal with the workers' loss of income.

Unemployment, Cash transfers, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Covid-19-Taggeld liechtenstein

If employees are prevented from working for a longer and unpredictable period due to the official orders and home office is not possible, the employer will be compensated for continued wages with the COVID-19 daily allowance. The COVID 19 daily allowance is paid from the third day of the…

Employment, Health covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Governo cria dois novos apoios únicos para trabalhadores e famílias que perderam rendimentos portugal

Government creates extra child benefit for families who have lost income during the last three months due to the economic halt due to the covid-19 pandemic. The support will be paid in one lump sum and is included in the Economic and Social Stabilisation Programme (PEES).

Family benefits, Children, Social assistance, Unemployment covid19, poverty, family Published Measures summary… socpro
Measures Taken in Liechtenstein in Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic liechtenstein

As part of a larger economic stimuls package, the government of Liechtenstein has allocated 50 million Swiss Francs (US$ 51.8 million) for the financing of short-time work through unemployment insurance to prevent an increase in unemployment.

Unemployment, Financing covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Con otro DNU, el Gobierno prorroga hasta fin de año la doble indemnización argentina

The Government will extend for 180 days the validity of the double compensation for dismissals without cause attributable to the worker. The decision will be made through a Decree of Necessity and Urgency extending the DNU 24/2019, of December 13 of last year, and which expired this Wednesday,…

Unemployment, Employment covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Government approves details of Restart Grant for Small Businesses ireland

The government today agreed details of the new €250 million Restart Grant, which will give direct grant aid to micro and small businesses to help them with the costs associated with reopening and reemploying workers following COVID-19 closures. The Grant will be available to businesses with a…

Cash transfers, Financing covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro