oecd (29.10.2024) With population ageing, the demand for helping older people with daily activities – so-called long-term care – is set to increase across OECD countries by more than one-third by 2050. Older people with long-term care needs are more likely to be women, 80-years-old and above, live…
AméricaEconomía (14.10.2024) The President of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum, established in her 59th commitment to promote a reform to the Federal Labor Law (LFT) to provide social security to workers through a digital platform, so the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS) began meetings with…
worldbank.org (16.10.2024) This paper identifies key challenges in health care and long-term care as populations age and provides examples of how countries are responding to them. The paper focuses on developing countries that are aging fast, where anticipation and action are especially important.…
Special Issue: Exploring unemployment insurance for the self-employed and platform workers - European Journal of Social Security - Volume 26, Number 2, Jun 01, 2024
consilium.europa.eu (14.10.2024) The Council has adopted new rules that aim to improve working conditions for the more than 28 million people working in digital labour platforms across the EU.
The platform work directive will make the use of algorithms in human resources management more…
ilo.org (02.10.2024) Invalidity and survivors’ benefits have recently been extended to migrant workers in Malaysia effective 1 July 2024. The ILO’s Simon Brimblecombe explains why this is an important step forward that will benefit workers, employers, and Malaysia alike.
the.ink (10.10.2024) With a transformative announcement on paying for long-term care for older Americans, Harris aims to make the care economy a reality
brookings.edu (20.09.2024) Almost one in five Americans over age 65 are unable to manage basic activities of daily life—bathing, dressing, eating, toileting—without assistance. Among those over age 85, the proportion is closer to half. Friends and family members can and do help out, but even so,…
worldbank.org (07.10.2024) Internal migration. characterized by the movement of people within national borders, is a significant and growing phenomenon, with an estimated 763 million internal migrants globally as of 2013, and 71.1 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) by the end of 2022.…
nber-org (2023) The developed world is in the midst of an enormous demographic transition, with life expectancy increasing and fertility falling, leading to a rapid aging of the population. This trend has critical implications for long term care around the world. This paper serves as the…
wtwco.com (30.08.2024) In an effort to address dramatically low birth rates, Singapore proposes new employer-paid leave to support working parents that would be rolled out in two phases starting in 2025.
researchgate.net (September 2024) The social protection of platform workers is considered one of the most precarious features and political challenges of this new form of employment. Still, there have only been a few empirical investigations on this issue to date. This article presents an…
wtwco.com (29.07.2024) Government-paid maternity leave in Tunisia triples, along with a boost to paternity leave, as a new family leave law takes effect to enhance leave entitlements for working parents.
wtwco.com (24.09.2024) With fertility rates among the lowest in the world, South Korea looks to jumpstart more births by boosting paid parental leave benefits and childcare entitlements.
reuters (24.09.2024) China's move to raise retirement ages is a starting point to plug gaping pension deficits and bolster a shrinking workforce but more pain lies ahead as the economy slows, making further reforms urgent, say economists and demographers.
Aging populations are a global phenomenon,…
ipe.com 817.09.2024) Pension funds should report annually about the progress they make in meeting their CO2 reduction targets. They must also provide more insight into their sustainable investments, Dutch pension regulator DNB announced on its website.
ullekhnp.com (20.09.2024) The latest announcement from the Union labour ministry is that it has asked technology-based platforms and aggregators to get all gig workers engaged by them to register on the e-Shram portal, a centralised database of informal workers, where they can avail of health…
We live in a rapidly aging world, in which people who are age 60 and older outnumber children under the age of five. This book reveals large and growing gaps in care for older adults in countries at all income levels and shows how to leverage reforms for improving health outcomes for older adults…
IZA - Institute of Labor Economics (August 2024) The distribution of parental leave uptake and childcare activities continues to conform to traditional gender roles. In 2002, with the goal of increasing gender equality, Sweden added a second "daddy month," i.e., an additional month of pay-related…
oecd (13.09.2024) Les dépenses sociales publiques ont triplé en 60 ans, atteignant 21 % du PIB en 2022, mais avec des variations significatives entre les pays de l'OCDE. Cette hausse à long terme est liée au développement des États-providence, au vieillissement de la population et à une succession…
worldbank.org (12.09,2024) Providing care for older parents or parents-in-law significantly reduces the probability of employment and annual earnings, particularly among women and intensive caregivers, which remains the most prevalent form of long-term care (LTC) for older adults. Addressing the…
ilo.org (01.04.2024) This brief presents the role of universal social protection in securing access to long-term care (LTC). Effective LTC financing strategies include dedicated schemes, top-up pension benefits, expansion of disability benefits, and integration within social health protection…
Xinhua (13.09.2024) Chinese lawmakers on Friday voted to adopt a decision on gradually raising the statutory retirement age in the country, marking the first adjustment in the arrangement since 1950s.
According to the decision adopted at the 11th session of the Standing Committee of the 14th…
International Labour Organization (12.09.2024) Governments must do more to utilize universal social protection to adapt to and mitigate the impact of climate change and achieve a just transition, according to a new ILO report.
The Straits Times (11.09.2024) Cabbies, private-hire drivers and freelance delivery workers who rely on online matching platforms for income will get better labour protection from Jan 1, 2025, after Parliament passed a landmark Bill on Sept 10 designating them as a distinct legal category in…