Higher public expectations

Conference: Cyber security in Estonia - Ms Liisa Past

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Information and communication technology
Technological transition
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New portal from Australian government provides one-stop access to digital mental health services

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OpenGovAsia (08.11.2017) Evidence shows that for many people, digital interventions can be as effective as face-to-face services.

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[blog] Towards a predictive society

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Sitra (September 2017)Towards a predictive society Public administration in Finland is undergoing major systemic change. How can one of the most efficient administrative entities in the world aim to make the everyday lives of people and companies easier through co-operation? Solutions for this will be sought through ecosystem forums – together.

Regions / Country
Service quality
Social policies & programmes
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Societal Impact
Document Type

Vers un décollage des systèmes d’information santé et de l’e-santé en Afrique de l’Ouest

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theconversation.com (23.11.2017) L’objet de cet article est de faire le point sur le décollage – encore balbutiant mais déjà notable – des systèmes d’information orientés santé (SIS) – parfois nommés e-santé – qui se déploient en Afrique de l’Ouest. Il sera donc question des SIS, de leurs caractéristiques, de leurs diversités et de leur contextualisation. 

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Data management
Technological transition
Extension of coverage
Service quality
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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Re-inventing service delivery through one-stop shops : proceedings from an international workshop - 3 to 5 May, 2017, Singapore-Johor Bahru, Malaysia (English) | The World Bank

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On 3 to 5 May 2017, an international workshop re-inventing public service delivery took place in Singapore and Johor Bahru, Malaysia focusing on delivering services through one-stop shops (OSS). The workshop focused on citizen centric OSS, presenting examples from a wide range of contexts, including Albania, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Moldova, and Vietnam, to illustrate the diverse experiences and models. The objective of this workshop was to strengthen government capacity for the design and implementation of OSS for public services.

Information and communication technology
Service quality
Old_Global Challenges
Document Type

Digital Technologies for Government Innovation

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Accenture 2015 - Governments need to drive digital at depth to rebuild public accountability and boost their mission productivity. But that means instigating digital change, not just reacting to it. By becoming digital disruptors themselves, not just adding digital services but digitalizing to transform their operations, governments can seize the initiative from the nimble new entrants invading their traditional turf and greatly enhance their own competitiveness.

Information and communication technology
Technological transition
Service quality
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Business processes
Service delivery
Document Type

What do people want from their social services agencies? Guess what: the answer depends on which country you ask… | LinkedIn

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People in virtually every country in the world now come into contact with digital technology and experiences every day. And research shows consistently that their expectations and attitudes towards digital vary widely. When you ask citizens in different countries how comfortable they feel about sharing data online, data privacy, or the risk of their data being misused, you consistently find their responses differ sharply.

Service quality
Old_Global Challenges

Philippines' government to introduce biometrics-based national ID system

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BiometricUpdate (27.07.2017) The Philippines’ government will soon roll out a national identification (ID) system following President Duterte’s approval of the project intended to enhance the delivery of government services, according to a report by Manila Bulletin.

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philippines, the
Information and communication technology
Service quality
Old_Global Challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Document Type

[Report] India: Social Protection : State of Aadhaar

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stateofaadhaar.in (2017) The Government of India aims to provide a comprehensive set of safety nets to India’s poor, including food subsidies, employment guarantees, and targeted cash transfers. Financial leakages and service delivery issues, however, reduce its effectiveness. The government aims to use Aadhaar’s authentication and fund transfer capabilities to address these problems.

Regions / Country
Information and communication technology
Service quality
Social assistance
Old_Global Challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Internal impact
Service delivery
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags