Labour market
Labour market
- Transnational worker
- Young employment
- Self-employed
- Fragmentation
- Formalization / Des-formalization
Labour issues in the digital economy
Publication | Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
Kazakh Labour and Social Protection Ministry to focus on self-employed workforce, digitisation (15.02.2018) The Kazakh Ministry of Labour and Social Protection will focus on formalising the self-employed workforce and continue digital transformation in the field in 2018, according to newly-appointed Minister Madina Abylkassymova.
Suisse: Les androïdes payeront-ils leurs cotisations sociales?
Le Temps (13.02.2018) Le salariat s’effiloche et c’est tout notre système social qui devra être revu pour protéger les travailleurs vulnérables de la «gig economy». A l’ère du travail indépendant et des robots collaboratifs, il faudra trouver le moyen d’asseoir une solidarité 4.0
[Opinión] La tecnología y el trabajo
La Prensa (21.02.2018) En mayo 2017, el McKinsey Global Institute se sumó al creciente número de organizaciones que se pronuncian con respecto al impacto de la tecnología sobre el futuro del trabajo.
What the future of work will mean for jobs, skills, and wages: Jobs lost, jobs gained
McKinsey (Nov 2017) In an era marked by rapid advances in automation and artificial intelligence, new research assesses the jobs lost and jobs gained under different scenarios through 2030.
8 New Jobs That Didn’t Exist Before the Digital Economy
The world today is immensely different than the world of ten years ago. Ten years ago, the internet was abuzz with talk of “Web 2.0,” people were most concerned about setting their top-eight friends on Myspace and the world was just being introduced to the first iPhone. Since then, the internet and all things digital have continued their rapid growth. That’s no surprise there, as you’re most likely reading this article from a mobile device. This new age of widespread interconnectivity and the accompanying business growth spurred by it is now being referred to as the digital economy.
Artificial intelligence: Implications for China | McKinsey & Company
The country is becoming a hub for global AI development. Five priorities can help China harness AI for productivity growth and prepare for the societal shifts it may unleash.
Artificial intelligence, or the idea that computer systems can perform functions typically associated with the human mind, has gone from futuristic speculation to present-day reality. A new discussion paper from the McKinsey Global Institute, originally presented at the 2017 China Development Forum, explores AI’s potential to fuel China’s productivity growth—and to disrupt the nation’s workforce.
Schweizer fordern eine Strafsteuer für Roboter
20 Minuten (15.02.2018) Die meisten Stimmbürger finden: Ersetzen Roboter Arbeitnehmer, sollen Unternehmen eine Steuer zahlen. Economiesuisse warnt davor. S elf-Scanning-Kassen, selbstfahrende Autos, elektronische Patientendossiers: Die Digitalisierung ist auf dem Vormarsch. Nun zeigt eine gewichtete Umfrage von Vimentis, dass 51 Prozent der Stimmbevölkerung diese Entwicklung als Chance wahrnehmen. 32 Prozent empfinden die Digitalisierung als Gefahr. Angst davor haben vor allem Frauen, SVP-Wähler und Menschen mit einem tieferen Einkommen und Bildungsstand.
Luxembourg: L’État lance une nouvelle plateforme informatique
Paperjam News (08.02.2018) Le ministre de la Sécurité sociale, Romain Schneider, et le ministre du Travail, de l’Emploi et de l’Économie sociale et solidaire, Nicolas Schmit, ont annoncé le 6 février 2018 le lancement d’une nouvelle plateforme informatique, la «Luxembourg Microdata Platform on Labour and Social Protection».