big data

big data

  • Managing Big Data.
  • Big Data Quality.
  • Analytics on Big Data.
  • Prevention based on Big Data.

Skills and employment: Big data offers new way to monitor changes in the demand and supply for skills

Submitted by pmassetti on (32.08.2022) A new study by the International Labour Organization finds that, with the right tools, data from online jobs platforms can provide important information about current and future demand and supply of skills in the labour market



Document Type

Uncertainty in big data analytics: survey, opportunities, and challenges | Journal of Big Data | Full Text

Submitted by rruggia on

Big data analytics has gained wide attention from both academia and industry as the demand for understanding trends in massive datasets increases. Recent developments in sensor networks, cyber-physical systems, and the ubiquity of the Internet of Things (IoT) have increased the collection of data (including health care, social media, smart cities, agriculture, finance, education, and more) to an enormous scale. However, the data collected from sensors, social media, financial records, etc. is inherently uncertain due to noise, incompleteness, and inconsistency.

Data analytics
Data management
Document Type

Harnessing the Potential of Big Data in Post-Pandemic Southeast Asia

Submitted by pmassetti on

 Asian Development Bank  (March 2021) Digitalization has gained more prominence amid COVID-19 and has highlighted the value of big data for public sector management. The brief explains the potential benefits of big data for public services such as health, social protection, and education and how this can contribute to the post-pandemic recovery. It also assesses the key enablers and policy actions needed to realize big data benefits in the region. 

Regions / Country
Information and communication technology
Data analytics
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Big Data
Document Type

Décision n° 2019-789 QPC du 14 juin 2019 | Conseil constitutionnel

Submitted by gfilhon on

Décision de Conseil constitutionnel restreignant le droit de communication des banques aux organismes de Sécurité sociale pour violation de la vie privée. Mauvaise nouvelle pour l'EEF. 

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Data management
Error, evasion and fraud
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Societal Impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

Exponential Disruption in the Digital Economy

Submitted by ruggia on

This paper addresses five disruptive technologies that are driving massive economic transformation and that will be critical areas for public policy formulation and implementation in the region in the years ahead: cloud computing, blockchain, big data, artificial intelligence and the internet of things.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Large-scale automation
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

Non, les salariés français ne travaillent pas moins que leurs voisins

Submitted by gfilhon on

De l'usage des statistiques pour justifier la politique d'emploi que l'on souhaite développer. 

Global challenges
Employment policies
Employment of young workers
Document Type

Big data et protection sociale : au-delà de la lutte contre la fraude, des opportunités à saisir pour améliorer l’accès aux droits

Submitted by pmassetti on  - Regards 2017/2 (N° 52)  En 2016, les Caisses d’allocations familiales (CAF) ont détecté près de 43 000 fraudes, soit 8 % de plus que l’année précédente, pour un montant de 275 millions d’euros. La Caisse nationale (CNAF) a expliqué cette hausse par l’accroissement de l’efficacité des dispositifs de contrôle et non par l’augmentation de la fraude elle-même. Ces résultats, ajoutés à ceux des années précédentes sont notamment liés au développement du data mining, un procédé qui repose sur le big data.

Regions / Country
Error, evasion and fraud


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Big Data
Document Type

The limits of using 'Big Data' for development - an economist writes

Submitted by massetti on

 Development Pathways (08.02.2018) Get your inner nerd out! The World Bank has launched a competition to help them better predict a households’ poverty status based on easy-to-collect information and machine learning algorithms. 

Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Extension of coverage
Social assistance


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Big Data
Document Type

France: L'intelligence artificielle dans la santé ouvre le champ des possibles

Submitted by fabbri on

Les Echos (03.03.2018) La masse de données manipulées par le secteur médical offre d'innombrables perspectives d'exploitation pour améliorer la prise en charge individuelle des patients.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Information and communication technology


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Big Data
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

8 New Jobs That Didn’t Exist Before the Digital Economy

Submitted by -zhu on

The world today is immensely different than the world of ten years ago. Ten years ago, the internet was abuzz with talk of “Web 2.0,” people were most concerned about setting their top-eight friends on Myspace and the world was just being introduced to the first iPhone. Since then, the internet and all things digital have continued their rapid growth. That’s no surprise there, as you’re most likely reading this article from a mobile device. This new age of widespread interconnectivity and the accompanying business growth spurred by it is now being referred to as the digital economy.

Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market